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I angst here.

Entries in this blog

Self portrait

So for my art appreciation class final we have to do a self portrait. Of anything we want, not just ourselves. So I decided to draw Naive. I've spent 9 years of my life playing on her, made so many friends on Runescape, gotten to know this great community, everything.   I have near zero experience with drawing except for the occasional Kirby, so apologies if it looks weird :D     I would've included the TokHaar-Kal and my Greater Harmony aura, but I fear that'd just crowd it and just make it mo



Bank Pic + Menagerie + Stats

Uploaded with ImageShack.us General Tab is for stuff that doesn't really fit in with the others, Tab 2 is for summoning and summoning related things, Tab 3 is herblore and farming, Tab 4 is runes, teleports, and runecrafting things, Tab 5 is ranged stuff, Tab 6 is shiny gold things and other currencies/shiny things, Tab 7 is food and some farm stuff that just didn't feel right with the farming tab, Tab 8 is the dumping ground for armor, slayer gear, skill outfits, that sort of thing, and Tab 9 i



Days 1 and 2 of being in Peru

Hi hi y'all, I've managed to get my uncle to let me use his computer, so here I am!   Peru's been more or less lovely since I got here. The flight was 6 hours long (7 if you include the hour delay in take off) and during the flight I watched Fame, which just further convinced me that school is ftl. After teh movie I just plumb fell asleep until we landed.   Once landing, we (my mom and I) had to wait at the baggage claim thingy to get our luggage (and some clothes in 4 giant bags that we'd promi



And now for something... Completely different.

For those of y'all that have read my blog entries before, commented even, thank you for the harsh reality. I wrote most of those when I was in a severely horrid mood, and looking back, damn I am a whiner.   ANYWAYS. This entry, surprise surprise, isn't a pathetic cry for attention from a saddened boy. No. I'm here to say that I'm doing something with my life.   Today, in 10 hours, I board a flight to Peru. Why am I going? I'm going to stay there for two months teaching young children how to spea



Love doesn't [bleep]ing exist

She dumped me. Dumped me for another guy she's been seeing for 9 months. Pah. I probably deserve it, haven't talked to her for a month, didn't send her her Christmas present. He's in the Marine Corp. She's gonna go into the service too. She's been lying to me for the past few months. She never loved me. All I was was an amusement for her to break. Well it [bleep]ing worked.   Love doesn't exist. There's no such thing. I'm thoroughly disgusted that I ever thought it existed. I'm a stupid, hopeles



Sadness, with self loathing as a garnish

I broke my truck's back window yesterday on accident. Was trying to get my brother's attention, he was driving like an idiot while I was in the bed since we were hauling stuff and the back seat was full and my mom was in the passenger's seat, and I hit the window too hard. Now it'll cost $275 to replace it. I don't have a job. Mom and Dad don't want to pay for it. Guess I'll just have to drive with a broken window. Feh.   I missed my best friend's 99 Agility party. I promised her I'd go, and the



Mood: Crappy

Fair warning, you probably won't give a damn about anything I'm about to type, so it's your fault if you're dissatisfied afterward.   So you're probably expecting me to post something relevant to the season, such as a Happy New Year or some cheerful [bleep] like that? Well... Fine, Happy New Year. But enough of that. I just need to get some things off my chest, else I'm gonna explode from bottling it all up.   2009 has been a crazy, most depressing year. I don't even remember much of the first 3



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