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Low key blog (+ a song that isn't mine)




So I've had a crazy week at work, studying outside and mentally preparing myself for my Tae Kwon Do grading.

At work things have been weird, I got very angry on thursday when my boss who notoriously spends too much time getting distracted and is continually complaining about not having enough time to do her work, started looking for something I knew someone else was looking for and was going to sort out. I even mentioned this and made it clear that thats what was happening, and still she wasted 20 minutes afterwards. The rest of the things that I've been doing have been relatively low importance, but one product that I've developed I tested last weekend seems to be working incredibly well.

My studying is hopefully about to pay off this week as I've got my exam and I'll finally get to have a lot of guilt free free time. Time this weekend that was spent playing Dark Souls. I got to the end of the game with one character, but still need to beat the final boss, I'm really just going through the end of the game stuff, like collecting embers and making sure that I can advance well on NG+.

My TaeKwonDo grading went well, I passed and got my next belt, which is great, but I got nervous when it was actually time to be tested. It went well so now I know where I'm going with it.

So, this weekend, I've been writing a lot of music and looking at chord voicing. This Haunted Shores song really pushed me to look into complex chords. Yes I know periphery recorded this song as scarlet, but this as far as I'm aware is the original.




At home things seem a little hostile so I'm still stepping gingerly around, hoping that everything gets resolved soon. So I've been nice and helping out, with the garden mostly cutting down trees and cutting the grass.

Peace -x-


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