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Things that annoy the HELL out of you.

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^That was fun as hell to mess around with, though.


I submitted this old picture to it:

[hide=NSFW Due to Sheer Beauty]8934_100832243273413_100000399144630_22018_4054287_n.jpg[/hide]

The only difference between Hitler and the man next door who comes home and beats his kids every day is circumstance. The intent is the same-- to harm others.

[hide=Tifers say the darndest things]

I told her there was a secret method to doing it - and there is - but my once nimble and agile fingers were unable to perform because I was under the influence.

I would laugh, not hate. I'm a male. :(

Since when was Ireland an island...? :wall:

I actually have a hobby of licking public toilet seats.

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I just read the comments of a Yahoo! news article about Kim Kardashian being covered in flour. Holy crap those commenters are just as bad as, if not worse than, Kardashian. I don't know about you guys, but I respect the hell out of anyone being able to make a lot money by doing very little work. If you can make a profit at your own wedding then you've got to be doing something right.

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When mouse either double clicks or doesn't click at all. I guess I can't expect more than that from a $20 mouse, after 1.5 years of usage, everything has to wear out eventually.

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"Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come."

"An imperfect man can do great deeds, and a great man imperfect ones.

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When you're told something and it goes out in one ear and out the other. Remember: Local variables, global variables, scripts, codes and debugging. What was I supposed to do with that again?



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People that form conversation clusters in the middle of the hall. I've actually started making classification systems for them.


Stupidity in individual clusters is measured by the number of people compared to how far from the wall they jut out. For example, if there's 10 people in a cluster, and they stand against the wall and jut 2 feet into the hall, that's somewhat reasonable, as they're at least making an attempt to maximize space. If there's 5 people that jut 8 feet into the hall, it's like they're making an effort to congest the halls as much as possible.


Density is measured by stupidity of clusters compared to number in a hive, or hall. Usually in a short-medium hive, there's about 6 or 7 small clusters. The very longest one contains only about 3 or 4 clusters, but they have very high stupidity. While they have far more people than any other cluster, they still make no effort to compress and stick to the sides. In some cases, this even leads to clusters on either side of the hive that meet in the middle, effectively blocking off main routes, and usually require you to put together a team to break through them.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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People that form conversation clusters in the middle of the hall. I've actually started making classification systems for them.


Stupidity in individual clusters is measured by the number of people compared to how far from the wall they jut out. For example, if there's 10 people in a cluster, and they stand against the wall and jut 2 feet into the hall, that's somewhat reasonable, as they're at least making an attempt to maximize space. If there's 5 people that jut 8 feet into the hall, it's like they're making an effort to congest the halls as much as possible.


Density is measured by stupidity of clusters compared to number in a hive, or hall. Usually in a short-medium hive, there's about 6 or 7 small clusters. The very longest one contains only about 3 or 4 clusters, but they have very high stupidity. While they have far more people than any other cluster, they still make no effort to compress and stick to the sides. In some cases, this even leads to clusters on either side of the hive that meet in the middle, effectively blocking off main routes, and usually require you to put together a team to break through them.

This reminds me of a Dilbert strip where I think its Alice creates a new measurement of intelligence based on how long someone will keep talking to you while your trying to work.


My favorite are people that form into human chains on the sidewalk (often you only need two, maybe three people), and walk super slow. To get around them, you have to wait for there to be lots of clear space in front of them, and then walk super fast and dart around them. As a bonus, sometimes you get someone on the outside who likes to gesticulate by flailing around like their being attacked by a bee hive, often at random with next to no warning.

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My favorite are people that form into human chains on the sidewalk (often you only need two, maybe three people), and walk super slow. To get around them, you have to wait for there to be lots of clear space in front of them, and then walk super fast and dart around them. As a bonus, sometimes you get someone on the outside who likes to gesticulate by flailing around like their being attacked by a bee hive, often at random with next to no warning.


Oh my God.... This sooo much. I am a really fast walker compared to most people. <_<

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Oh my God.... This sooo much. I am a really fast walker compared to most people. <_<



Also, I started an art class this semester. It's almost entirely about charcoal art, and we mostly use vine charcoal. You go through sticks very fast, and without fail it will end up being a piece that is just big enough to hold, but incredibly difficult to use. This annoyance also applies to soap and the fact that a bar will always turn into a piece that is just big enough to mock you.


Or maybe I just hate wasting the pieces that normal people would throw away :-k

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From growing up I've always called groups of people talking slap bang in the middle of the road or corridor 'Mother's Meetings' - regardless of gender. They annoy me too.


Some of the worst groups I've come across though are gaggles of secondary school kids coming back from school. The last few days I've been walking at that time and sometimes there's like 10-12 of them taking up the entire path as they walk. Not to mention some are little shits who'll say something <_<


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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My favorite are people that form into human chains on the sidewalk (often you only need two, maybe three people), and walk super slow. To get around them, you have to wait for there to be lots of clear space in front of them, and then walk super fast and dart around them. As a bonus, sometimes you get someone on the outside who likes to gesticulate by flailing around like their being attacked by a bee hive, often at random with next to no warning.


Oh my God.... This sooo much. I am a really fast walker compared to most people. <_<


Might as well throw a 'This' too since it applies to me as well. I'm a fast (or efficient) walker, but it irritates me people feel the need to take their time chatting and forming sizable cluster balls (too bad I cannot describe it without another four-letter word) that cause some good amount of traffic. It was always fun being able to navigate through those balls and cause it to fall apart or at least prevent them from forming.


I guess that is how dim-witted people gather, which would be a nice subject to write about.

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From growing up I've always called groups of people talking slap bang in the middle of the road or corridor 'Mother's Meetings' - regardless of gender. They annoy me too.


Some of the worst groups I've come across though are gaggles of secondary school kids coming back from school. The last few days I've been walking at that time and sometimes there's like 10-12 of them taking up the entire path as they walk. Not to mention some are little shits who'll say something <_<


We're not all little shits. <_<


It's just like with everything else, a minority make the majority look bad...

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From growing up I've always called groups of people talking slap bang in the middle of the road or corridor 'Mother's Meetings' - regardless of gender. They annoy me too.


Some of the worst groups I've come across though are gaggles of secondary school kids coming back from school. The last few days I've been walking at that time and sometimes there's like 10-12 of them taking up the entire path as they walk. Not to mention some are little shits who'll say something <_<


We're not all little shits. <_<


It's just like with everything else, a minority make the majority look bad...


She did say some, implying that a small number of the group do it. Nice person or jerk, it's annoying to the rest of us when a mass blocks up a bath by forming in an inconvenient pattern.

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From growing up I've always called groups of people talking slap bang in the middle of the road or corridor 'Mother's Meetings' - regardless of gender. They annoy me too.


Some of the worst groups I've come across though are gaggles of secondary school kids coming back from school. The last few days I've been walking at that time and sometimes there's like 10-12 of them taking up the entire path as they walk. Not to mention some are little shits who'll say something <_<


We're not all little shits. <_<


It's just like with everything else, a minority make the majority look bad...


She did say some, implying that a small number of the group do it. Nice person or jerk, it's annoying to the rest of us when a mass blocks up a bath by forming in an inconvenient pattern.


This is the point when I try to be as big of a duche as I can by plowing through the mob and intentionally try to stomp on people's feet.

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From growing up I've always called groups of people talking slap bang in the middle of the road or corridor 'Mother's Meetings' - regardless of gender. They annoy me too.


Some of the worst groups I've come across though are gaggles of secondary school kids coming back from school. The last few days I've been walking at that time and sometimes there's like 10-12 of them taking up the entire path as they walk. Not to mention some are little shits who'll say something <_<


We're not all little shits. <_<


It's just like with everything else, a minority make the majority look bad...


She did say some, implying that a small number of the group do it. Nice person or jerk, it's annoying to the rest of us when a mass blocks up a bath by forming in an inconvenient pattern.


This is the point when I try to be as big of a duche as I can by plowing through the mob and intentionally try to stomp on people's feet.


I basically did this right away midway in Sophomore year in High School because the way the piling was hit its worst and nobody would listen. I am an efficient runner and anyone who piles up like that with their friends isn't my problem, so why should I waste even more time conversing with them (unless they are friends, then I will kindly ask to go through) in the first place? There was even a Cracked article briefly mentioning this behavior and an ideally hilarious punishment for it.

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This reminds me of my last School now, where sometimes the hallway would get super clogged, especially around the lockers. It was not unheard of for groups of 4 to 8 people to get impatient and form a single file line, and literally plow through everyone. It was also normal to capture at least one surprised person and use them as the battering ram, since the first person they hit often gets stuck and can't move to the side.

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This reminds me of my last School now, where sometimes the hallway would get super clogged, especially around the lockers. It was not unheard of for groups of 4 to 8 people to get impatient and form a single file line, and literally plow through everyone. It was also normal to capture at least one surprised person and use them as the battering ram, since the first person they hit often gets stuck and can't move to the side.


When you meant by plowing through them, would it be accurate to imagine someone running straight through and push them aside? Not talking about a sprint, but enough to cause some fights from it or the kind where you aggressively push them with your hands to move on. I had the luxury to leap around them 95% of the time and was able to outrun the idiots I pushed aside because they were too extroverted and absorbed in their own conversations to notice or bother.


EDIT: Found the Cracked article that was (partially) about this behavior. It's #6 on the list and I think the cruel punishment fits.


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I rather enjoy turning my music up to as high-a-volume-as-possible and then walking about an inch behind the furthest back of the group of secondary school kids. Either they get completely freaked out and start shuffling around or pushing those ahead of them, or they turn around to say something but stop as I silently walk straight into/around/over/under/quantum-tunnel-through them. On a side note, I find the fact that I walk to the pace of the music I listen to both hilarious and annoying-as-Hell; for example if a fast paced solo arrives just as I get stuck at a set of traffic lights, I will *have* to pace in figure eights, making anyone around me think I'm a loon - maybe they're onto something.


Other than that, I think the most annoying thing is the misuse of words such as "then" and "than", (I find most Americans and Scandinavians - mostly the latter - use "then" for everything, without even considering that "than" might be more appropriate) Of and have also cause issues. The only pair of words I can't complain about is affect/effect as I haven't the foggiest how they're used correctly half the time - something I was never seemingly taught, just expected to know. One finds oneself having to try to avoid a situation where one has to use either of the words at all.


Also, very quickly: people standing outside things you want to enter and not making it clear whether they're using it or just standing there for the sake of the gentle breeze playing with their hair at that particular location. Prime examples being banks, counters in shops and the Corporeal Beast's room. [note: no gentle breezes are to be expected two whole caverns into a large mid-wilderness cave system]


In general, I'm an angry person. Avoid me at all reasonable-but-not-bank-breaking costs.



Capes: Dungeoneering, Dungeoneering (t), Defence (t), Attack (t),

Constitution (t), Quest, Soulwars (both), Fire, Tokhaar Kal


Massive thanks to [)en[)en for my signature picture.

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