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Guide to efficient dungeoneering C2 fishing/skilling. {wip}


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Spreadsheet: https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?authkey=COPcmZAL&formkey=dGZNTE93a3pVUUtZUjY1cERkRlRMMlE6MA&theme=0AX42CRMsmRFbUy03NTAzM2Q4My03ODU1LTQ2NzItODI2YS1kZmU5YzdiMzZjOGQ&ifq

(read about it later on in the guide, it will be a helpful tool both for you and us for improving this method further)


This guide is a direct result of the recent dungeoneering tweaks update, whereby the speed of most skilling aspects in daemonheim was increased dramatically, and the frequency of resources appearing in lower complexity dungeons was increased threefold. I dont take credit for developing these methods as i first heard about the possibility of training fishing(then, the only skill better than it is in normal rs) in dungeons a few months ago from grimy, and first tried is some weeks ago, arriving at a conclusion that it was a welcome alternative to otherwise mundane c1s, though not more efficient. The recent update, however, is what makes this thing really great.


[spoiler=Will Golvellius forgive us? (Intro into the methods)]

As most of you will know(im hoping for an unanimous nodding here) skilling in daemonheim is usually frowned upon. Only rarely is skilling useful in large dungeons(ores for ragers, logs for staves, no-loss mastyx hunt to make armor for hexers), and more often than not, it wastes valuable time that could go into clearing gds, so most of the intelligent dungeoneers have taken this knowledge and written it into a bible of sorts, to the point of seeing one fishing or making armor in a dungeon is an instant sign of a bad dungeoneer. But low and behold, jagex does have eyes and ears, and maybe something in-between those aswell, so they decide that yes, skilling in dungeons is rubbish and definitely needs an upgrade. So here we are, some 10 months into the ´new´ skill, and as you would have guessed, this update changes nothing in terms of how intelligent people approach their large dungeons. So, what use are these new skilling changes to us then? Well find out.



Before the changes fishing spots were relatively rare to be seen on low complexity dungeons(averaging under 2 spots per floor), but nowadays there are about three times more of them around. Not only did jagex make the spots more common, they sped up the fishing process too, which was already very fast to begin with(used to be 3 ticks minimum, now 2 ticks, normal fishing in rs is 5 ticks, 3 ticks if you eat/alch/drop after getting an item). The changes add up to what is undoubtedly the propose of this guide and will be a helpful tool for skillers and dungeoneers across the game.



Woodcutting, too, has gone from being practically useless to being an useful addition to fishing in c2s. The reason Im not mentioning doing woodcutting alone is that firstly, you really need a Promethium hatchet bound for this to be effective(so you have to be 100+ dg with a plate bind for it to work, just destroy plate for 2 sets of c2s) and because woodcutting it isnt quite as fast as fishing(with 5 logs average per tree the xp pet spot is somewhat lower, but youll definitely see around 1.5 times less spots). I have yet to test pure woodcutting dungeons, so the jury is somewhat out on this as of yet.



Although I dont recommend this, primarily because firemaking is a very fast skill in normal rs(up to over 400k xp an hour), it can be worth it assuming you quickswitch to gatherer when woodcutting logs. This too, obviously, must be done in addition to woodcutting and fishing to be worth it.



Not really worth it, but if you are one of those people looking to exhaust every resource in a dungeon(ahem our OG sweeper) and use mousekeys for dropping, it can be done effectively.


C3 mining

Again, not really recommended as there arent as many fishing spots in c3 dungeons, but it can be a welcome addition to the dungeons assuming you have a pickaxe bind(lol). DO NOT smelt the ore and make it into armor, thats still dreadfully slow. Mining is slower than both fishing and woodcutting as there are less spots and the max is 5 ore per rock(fishing is ~15 fish per spot, woodcutting 6 logs from tree).


C4 farming

Apparently, as I found out, basically all resource is c4 dungeons is replaced by picking plants, so if you are looking to gain continuous but slow farming xp(for example, while waiting for your herbs/trees to grow), c4 dungeons are the way to go. Im not quite sure how this stacks up against the vinesweeper minigame(only continuous farming method I know, other than effigies, perhaps) but this can be done to gain around 23-27k farming xp an hour.


Overall, the skills I would recommend doing are fishing, and if you have 90-98 woodcutting and 100+ dungeoneering, woodcutting. The other skills would be largely comparable to the training rates youd get in normal rs, and arent thus very meaningful.



[spoiler=Work your tail off! (Intro to some of the basic knowledge of c1s)]

Complexity 1 floors are popularly done by intelligent dungeoneers to tick of low floors quickly but while most people do them in a 5:1 team, its unlikely youll find anyone who will want to complete the floors for you while you are fishing, thus you need to be good(or great) at soloing c1s. The affect of this will be shown later on in the guide, but its undeniable that being good at completing the floor without fishing is a strong base to being able to complete a floor with fishing, thus, if you are already great at dungeoneering, I would expect some corrections for this segment, but I hope this will provide helpful intro for those who dont normally do c1s.


Basic tips:


Kill as little as possible, as much as you need to.

Turmoil(piety) every monster.

Use correct combat style for every monster(yes, I do expect you to know the weaknesses of dungeoneering monsters)

Keep busy.

Memorize key doors.

If there are many doors you can open, open them all and do them in this order: dewk, key door with key(kdwk), gdwk(but dont waste too much time choosing).

Dont die(unless you have cosmics, if you have cosmics bound the tip is: Die!).

Do not loot starting table.

Do not skill(oh, wait, thats not right).


[spoiler='[b]Boss tips:[/b]']

Gluttonous Behemoth- melee best style, one of the fastest bosses

Asthea frostweb- melee best style, range when you get frozen or she protects melee, do not drop bow and arrows for first 6 frozen floors

Icy bones- melee best style

Luminecent icefiend- melee best style, DO NOT RUN AROUND(it slows the boss down), soul split flick magic prayer if you are under 75 lp or have around 3 food ready

Plane-freezer- melee best style, attack from positions from which he can only push you around 5 spots back, range to death if he flees near death(use range if he is at a bad position, he will come closer to you when ranging)

Bloodchiller- melee best style, can try crush

Horde- can skip as its not the shortest boss. Use crush, dont bother with any protection prayers(youll likely run out of prayer with them) and kill magers first, rangers second and melee third, as they all have different hp levels but similarly no defense

Hobgoblin geomancer- melee best style, range when you are binded, wear range armor if you need to. There shouldnt be a need to use magic prayer(if you do he will heal somewhat)

Bulwak beast- Mage if you have csb, get picaxe from the room and melee if you dont. This is a slow boss and may be skipped(if you have cosmics you should try to suicide this boss and get back asap)

Unholy cursebearer- melee best style, very fast boss

Rammernaut- DONT PRAY MELEE, use magic if you have csb, otherwise its a wash between melee and wave spells

Stomp- this boss should be skipped. Only do it if you care more for finishing your c1s quick(takes around 2 minutes, may be a little more worthwhile if you have cosmics)

Riffsplitter- melee with katagon rapier(and obviously dont drop it). Melee with slash and crush is largely ineffective and can get you killed

Lexius- melee best style, try to soulsplit flash magic prayer for some of the damage as you might die otherwise(due to deflect from melee damage)

Sagittare- melee best style, do not get caught in the arrow rain attacks. Due to the changes, its not much easier to follow him around the maze

Night gazer- light two of the beacons and attack. If he starts to spiral, move one square diagonally. This is also one of the fastest bosses

Shadow-forger- Melee best style and soul split, if you dont [rooster] up his glowing attack its one of the faster bosses

Ballak- melee best style with soul split(mage pray will be taken off), lure every time he summons poison, should be a fast boss





The best binds for c1s are somewhat different from what youd want for large dungeons, but as its unlikely youll make a living off doing c1s, these suggestions shouldnt influence your binds too much. As said earlier, if you want to woodcut or mine its best to have a hatchet or a pickaxe bound, but thats only really possible with 100+ dungeoneering.


Armor bind(s):


Hood, platebody doesnt give you a significant advantage(if any at all) so it would be best to use your 3rd bind on something else. If you dont have a hood then itd be useful to destroy your platebody bind(assuming you can get one back easily) and bind something more fun.


Weapon binds:


Primal rapier+ 2h> Primal rapier> Primal battleaxe> Primal/prom 2h

Primal rapier is hands down best weapon for c1s because a) its fastest and everything there is low defense and b) most of the bosses you will face will be stab weak(and when I say most I really mean that, its ridiculous how weak some of them are to stab).

Having two weapon binds might sound crazy, but really, as there is no need for defense, having the whole melee triangle covered is the way to go. Battleaxe is preferable over 2h because its faster and you turmoil everything anyway.

To be honest, I dont see the usefulness of a celestial catalytic staff for c1s as an emp cat staff(that you could get at start) does basically just as much damage, and it just wouldnt be worth it.


A hexhunter bow isnt too good to have on c1s either because it limits your ammo bind(arrows are definitely bad to have as an ammo bind for c1s) and because the mage levels of all of the monsters are too low to make a difference. The argument is more or less moot; as no one would destroy a hex for c1s nor complain about its uselessness there.


Ammo bind:


Cosmics > Celestial surgebox

Having cosmics basically assumes you have laws bound for normal dungeons, as you can switch between them very fast. With cosmics bound, you can gatestone key doors at base(if there are any) or drop a gatestone at the first key door you see for which you dont have the key. Cosmic runes speed up dungeons by approximately 15 seconds per dungeon, so are definitely worth having. Another upside of cosmics is that when you get to a boss, always have a new gatestone in your inventory. Should you die(or perhaps even suicide), you can teleport right back to where you were in less than two seconds, which is VERY useful. The downside of cosmics is that youll be worse for some bosses(rammernaut, bulwak if you do it), will have to melee forgotten warriors(shouldnt be too much of a problem as the max youll see would be around t6) and that you cant use logout trick(will be discussed in next chapter).




Though there isnt a large consensus on this, it atleast seems so that people with maxed combat stats will be able to kill all the monsters/bosses faster and will thus have an advantage over people with lower combat levels. I cant say how much this affects your floor times but it really shouldnt be a large difference, but, if you want the best experience rates, maxing out combat seems to be one requirement for that.



[spoiler=Golvellius would be so proud (Skilling in low complexity dungeons)]

Now we get to the heavy lifting, and what this guide is really about. While being fast at c1s is important, it doesnt really compare to the amount of time(and thus xp, money) you can lose by being rubbish at this. There are a few competing methods as to what is the consensus best way to approach this, and they all involve different things people prefer about it, but the skinny of them all is basically the same- your goal is to get to a skilling spot, get a resource and get rid of it AS FAST AS POSSIBLE. The largest differences in xp per hour for fishing are the almost always a cause of being slow at this, or just not knowledgeable enough, so pay close attention.


Starting out:


When you start a dungeon, the first thing you do is check to see if there is a key on the ground, if there is, pick it up, if there isnt proceed to the next step.

After that, you trade the smuggler and sell him 50 arrows(it can be most anything, but I prefer arrows) and buy 250 feathers(never heard of anyone getting more fish than that), a fishing rod and an antipoison depending on which type of floor you are doing(so its not needed for frozen dungeons). After this, equip the melee plate, legs and arrows and proceed as you would with the dungeon otherwise, with one exception: ALWAYS drop something. As you get a relatively full inventory at start and you really only need a couple of those items, its best to just start dropping stuff(obviously not while standing still) from the getgo and always make sure you have something to drop while you are doing gds or running around the dungeon(well, obviously not when you are already expecting a boss but otherwise its always important to work on having the inventory as empty as possible.




The basis of good fishing is firstly getting to the fishing spots as effectively as possible(and not have any monsters attacking you while you do that) and to have the inventory as empty as possible when you get there. Often times its impossible to not get attacked while fishing, but in 90% of the cases, its not a problem as the monsters arent very strong and youll likely have enough space in the inventory to take all the fish without dropping. Some problems could arise when either you have a dangerous monster on you(something like a level 90 shade) or when you much less inventory slots then the amount of fish you are expecting. In those cases you have to decide whether youll need to use protection prayers or even kill the aggressive monsters(if it can be done fast) so you could use the logout trick(discussed a bit later) to get rid of fish.




Woodcutting is in every way similar to fishing but it has some subtle differences. Firstly, as you can only get 6 logs per tree, it requires much less dropping, and secondly, as the spots arent that well brought out, youll have to pay close attention to all the walls you see.




Dropping is a major factor to how fast you can fish and thus how much experience you can gain. All the dropping methods are good for a different style of gameplay, although some may be slower than others. The basis of them all, though, is the same- they all rely on the same simple fact that you cant drop fish lossless while fishing, so youll have to take some sort of a compromise. Because there are frequently more than desirable amounts of fishing spots(in the perspective of dropping) in some rooms, youll have to compromise into the fact that dropping will take its time no matter what method you use.


Dropping while fishing:


This is one of the methods that is used in normal rs fishing aswell. The point of this is that if you drop a fish and click on the fishing spot again in the same game tick as you get the fish, you seem to have a higher likelyhood of getting another fish. This works perfectly for fishing speeds 3 tiers or higher, but for fishing in daemonheim, at 2 ticks per fish, its impossible to do this without messing up a lot of the times. The great thing about the method is that it can be done at any point, thus serves as a backup for the other methods(somewhat of a backup). You should try to use this method as rarely as possible.


Logging out:


The basis of this method is that all of your unbound items will be dropped to the ground when you log out, so if you log out and in again very fast(takes some 3-5 seconds), everything in your inventory will be dropped to the ground. After logging back in you can take your rod and feathers(always at the bottom of the pile) and start fishing again. More often than not, somewhat dependant on your binds and the bosses you are likely to face on a given floor, youd be advised to also pick up some of the armor that gets dropped, but its not mandatory. You should use this method ONLY when you are expecting to get atleast 20 more fish after clearing your inventory, as the effectiveness of the method is not defined by the fish that are dropped but rather by the fish that you are still going to receive. I personally use the method about once every 3-4 floors and any more than that just means that you are just lazy dropping your fish. This method, however, does have some subtle drawbacks. Firstly, logging destroys the gatestones you have placed, so you arent best served by this method if you have cosmics bound. Secondly, any keys you have in your inventory while logging out will be placed at the base, so if you have any and are not planning to go back to the base, its suggested to drop the key nearby and then logout, so you can pick it back up again.


Mousekeys dropping:


Now, although Im not a big fan of mousekeys, I do accept the usefulness of them and understand why they would be used. Im not going into much detail of how mousekeys should be used for this(as it would already be common knowledge for someone who uses mousekeys, and Im not one of them), but its likely the most effective method of getting rid of fish/wood. You should basically clear all of first column in your inventory and drop all the 7 items in quick succession when they will up. Now this does waste some time(but all the methods do, unless you can shout DROP! at the top of your lungs and have everything in your inventory dropped at an instant) but its the fastest method for c2 skilling out there, and should definitely be used if you are dealing with skills like cooking(as you cant drop while you cook.

Overall, the first two methods can be used beautifully together and works nearly as well as the mousekeys method, but if you want best xp, go with mousekeys(you also escape from the somewhat tiring dropping of random items while running around).


There are also some different methods of how you can approach c2 skilling as a whole, but as I havent yet tried all of them, Im not yet writing more closely about them.


Solo(basically 90% of what has been discussed thus far)

Legitimate duo(duo c2 dungeons with shared xp turned on, one person completes dungeon, the other fishes- the result is faster c2s but slower fishing xp).

Duo(duo c2 dungeons with shared xp turned off, one person completes dungeons while other fishes, this is basically only feasible if you pay the other person to do it, but is the best fishing xp in game if you discount larger parties).



[spoiler=Spreadsheet wizardry. (How to know if you are and become a better c2 skiller.)]

This chapter is largely based on the link at the top of the guide. The link contains a form of how you can easily record your fishing data for solo dungeons. Filling up this form(or recording the data in your own way and then filling out a bunch of forms, if you prefer) is useful both for us and to you.


Firstly, for us, as the method is still in baby steps and there are still some aspects that need refining, providing this data will help make this a better guide.

Secondly, for you, if you fill out the form and later analyze the data you sent in(you can copy it from the data sheet), youll be able to see how you stack up against some of the more experienced people in the area and find out how you can improve your xp rates.

Analyzing your data:


Basically, the most important knowledge Ive found about c2 fishing you can have is the time it takes you to finish a dungeon and the number of feathers you use up(same as the number of fish you caught). Plot this data on a graph(second on the y-axis, use excel scatter option for this), and you should see that there is some definite correlation between the data points. With a little help from excel, you can add a trendline, the linear function of the trendline and the coefficient of determination for the graph. For simple analysis of the data, you need to know the y-intercept, slope of the graph and determination coefficient.

Here is a plot of some recent data I recorded for c2 fishing with dropping/logging methods and csb bind:



Here is the breakdown:


The red area is the y-intercept. This shows you how much time a solo c2 dungeon would take if you didnt fish the spots. Lowering this is down to learning to solo c1 dungeons faster and having better binds for the dungeon. Perfect case scenario, this should be as close to zero as possible, which it practically is for dungeons with more than one person in it(and with shared xp off). For solo dungeons over floors 1-35, this should be in the 2 minutes 50 seconds to 3 minutes 10 seconds range(as you can see from the graph, my result is just over 3 minutes 10 seconds, but its somewhat skewered by not skipping any bosses).


The green alpha shows the slope of the graph. This represents how many seconds it takes you to catch a fish and everything that comes with catching a fish(aswell as how much time it takes you to get to the fishing spots). Using better dropping techniques lowers the slope, so you should also thrive to lower the figure as much as possible. Perfect case scenario, this figure is at 1.2, representing that it takes you 1.2 seconds to catch a fish with absolutely no downtime or failing, but thats realistically impossible to achieve. My figures show that it can take anywhere from 2.2 to 2.6 seconds to catch a fish(and to get rid of it), so you can easily analyze your dropping efficiency by looking at this figure.


The R^2 figure represents how consistent you are at these methods. Absolute consistency isnt ofcource possible as every floor plan and every boss is different, but striving to become more consistent is definitely a good thing. If your consistency figures arent very good it also shows that you have room for improving your methods, where as with perfect consistency there practically isnt any room for improvement. Best case scenario, this figure is 1.0, but thats just not possible. A good figure over 35 dungeons of different floor plans is around 0.65 to 0.8 assuming you skip very slow bosses.


As some might argue, the graph doesnt show much if you have lone values for both extremes of the graph(as you can see from mine), but actually, for this method, suck data points are justified as x=0 data points represent dungeons with no fish(and are at the y-intercept) and the far off data points show the slope really well as the competition of the dungeon isnt that brought out for those points.


Here is a graph made from the info that muu provided to me:



As you can see, consistency was definitely an issue for him at that point. He also couldnt complete the dungeons quite fast enough and his fishing times, thus he would probably be well served reading this guide and becoming a more focused fisher.



[spoiler=What´s in it for me?(Xp rates.)]

I will try to keep this segment short and sweet for now, as I still want to gather more data before I can make any big conclusions. I will also not yet be discussing the xp rates for duo methods and skills other than fishing as Ive not yet had time to test them myself.

The solo fishing xp rates at different levels should look something like this:


99 fishing: 100-110k fishing xp PH

90+ fishing: 92-105k fishing xp PH

80+ fishing: 80-90k fishing xp PH

70+fishing: 70-80k fishing xp PH


As you can see the drop in xp rates is pretty consistent every 10 levels, which is explained by the spots that start appearing more often every 10 fishing levels up to 99. A higher fishing level makes the higher spots more common and gives you more fish per spot, so the level definitely matters a lot. From my personal experience Ive achieved around 100k fishing xp an hour average over the 70 c2s Ive recorded data for. Legitimate duo xp rates are bound to be some 1.3 times slower than solo and duo rates some 1.5 times higher than solo, but yet again, I havent personally tested those yet.



I guess this is it for now, but do remember that this guide is still a work in progress, so definitely help provide some useful fishing data and take a critical look to all the info Ive brought out. The goal of mine and those who read the guide should be the same: to improve the technique.


[spoiler=Credits]Grimy Bunyip- for first introducing these methods to me

Vexn- for helping me make the spreadsheet and providing data

Muuu- for providing a nice portion of data

Michael- for helping provide some duo data




Thank you for reading the guide and i hope you've enjoyed it.


Also, i'm currently looking for suggestions of pictures and info to add to the guide. Do not suggest making a video as i'm not doing that(i think a written guide is much more intelligent).

Edited by xpx

First to 99 Farming on 27. September, 2005.

First to 3766 Port Score on 20. March, 2014.

First to 4664 Port Score on 2. March, 2015.

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this was brought to light a couple of days ago?


Dragon Drops: Platelegs x9, Med Helms x7, Plateskirts x4, Shield Left Half x3, At least 75+ Boots!, Hatchets x5, Ruined Shard x1, Solo Claws x2, Dragon 2Hander x1, Spear x2

Whip x27, Dark Bows x9, Draconic Visage x1

sweetol5.png <- do that when you see me :P

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A problem I faced a few times while doing c2s is that when running, dropping items would sometimes cause me to stop and stand still before I arrived at my intended location. Do you know anything about this?

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this was brought to light a couple of days ago?

It's only really good since the update that happened on Tuesday. Before that it was just reasonably good way to complete your lower floors.


A problem I faced a few times while doing c2s is that when running, dropping items would sometimes cause me to stop and stand still before I arrived at my intended location. Do you know anything about this?

When you click to drop something it cancels your previous request, thus you have to do that again. If you don't want to be stopped you have to drop one at a time and be a fast clicker. This too happens when dropping in combat, when you have to drop and click to attack the monster again just thereafter.

First to 99 Farming on 27. September, 2005.

First to 3766 Port Score on 20. March, 2014.

First to 4664 Port Score on 2. March, 2015.

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this was brought to light a couple of days ago?

It's only really good since the update that happened on Tuesday. Before that it was just reasonably good way to complete your lower floors.

yes, someone made a miniguide on this a few days ago im damn sure, either way i clicked a youtube link for a video which is pretty much this, but video :L


Dragon Drops: Platelegs x9, Med Helms x7, Plateskirts x4, Shield Left Half x3, At least 75+ Boots!, Hatchets x5, Ruined Shard x1, Solo Claws x2, Dragon 2Hander x1, Spear x2

Whip x27, Dark Bows x9, Draconic Visage x1

sweetol5.png <- do that when you see me :P

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A problem I faced a few times while doing c2s is that when running, dropping items would sometimes cause me to stop and stand still before I arrived at my intended location. Do you know anything about this?



When you have clicked an direct action, like opening a door, attacking, picking up something or clicking on a fishing spot, dropping an item cancels it.

However, if you run somewhere, you can drop as much as you want without stopping.



So basically, if you get a red cross from clicking, you cannot drop, but with a yellow cross from clicking, you can.

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A problem I faced a few times while doing c2s is that when running, dropping items would sometimes cause me to stop and stand still before I arrived at my intended location. Do you know anything about this?



When you have clicked an direct action, like opening a door, attacking, picking up something or clicking on a fishing spot, dropping an item cancels it.

However, if you run somewhere, you can drop as much as you want without stopping.



So basically, if you get a red cross from clicking, you cannot drop, but with a yellow cross from clicking, you can.

Ah. That would explain it. I usually use the minimap to run.

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One thing I've noticed about dropping while fishing, while it's not possible to drop every single fish you get, if you drop every other one you can do it losslessly. Doing that, combined with dropping any extras while clearing gds /running usually lets me have very little time standing still dropping.

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Excellent guide! :thumbup:


I just did 64 minutes of fishing at lvl 88 (got 89 actually) and received 92k fishing xp... I imagine i could knock off around 5-8 minutes if i turned private off :razz: and bound some cosmics.



One thing I've noticed about dropping while fishing, while it's not possible to drop every single fish you get, if you drop every other one you can do it losslessly. Doing that, combined with dropping any extras while clearing gds /running usually lets me have very little time standing still dropping.

Yeah i drop every other fish and it works really well.




To collect data for you, do i need to write down the feathers used in addition to how long each floor took? I'll be fishing like this for the next ~1M xp.

Working on max and completionist capes.


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Would customizing the ring towards Gatherer be a huge EXP increase?


99 Strength 99 Fletching 99 Range 99 Hitpoints 99 Attack

99 Dungeoneering <3 99 Magic 99 Smithing 99 Herblore

99 Theving

Slayer Drops: 14 whips, 22 D boots, 27 Granite Mauls, 42 Effigies, 5 Dark Bows.

What would be cool is if Drakan and his minions kill all the sig heroes in the quest except Raptor who is wrecking. You and him team up and cave in some vampyre heads. He becomes a total bro in future quests and in a GM quest he receives a fatal injury and his last dying words to you are "Brofist, mang"


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Would customizing the ring towards Gatherer be a huge EXP increase?

Firstly, gatherer increases the amount of wood or ores you get, but not xp. Secondly, as fish aren't affected, it could only be useful for firemaking, which i don't recommend.

First to 99 Farming on 27. September, 2005.

First to 3766 Port Score on 20. March, 2014.

First to 4664 Port Score on 2. March, 2015.

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Here are some results at 89 fishing, floors 1-35 solo, with csb and promethium 2h bind doing all bosses:








I would guess that it is around 70% blue crabs and 30% salve eels, and so the total xp may be off by +/- 3k xp; I did check it against my runetracker gains, and it was a hundred or so xp off every time I updated it.



It will be interesting to see how much of an increase in xp/hr that lvl 90 gives... Hopefully, I can have that information by next week some time.

Working on max and completionist capes.


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I found the unlabeled graphs to be a distraction.

What you really needed was a picture demonstrating your technique.

For that, I supplied you one free of charge.



Notice the "pro" dungeoneering swan dive into the pool.

Also, notice the lack of armour despite being supplied by the game in C2.

I learned this technique at Dungeonsweepers*, a clan devoted to "teaching people who are wllling to learn, have a shadow silk hood, can do floor 50-60 in 20 minutes, have 3 binds, and don't care about dieing 10 times a dungeon".



*Copyright Golvellius/Golvellius07 2010.

Exclusive Legacy Mode Player



He just successfully trolled you with "courtesy" and managed to get a reaction out of you. Lol

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One of these days he's going to realize that he's illiterate. Such a sad day that will be.


But definitely one of your better posts as of late, Golv. Much more effort put into this one, I see. 7/10. :thumbup:

To put it bluntly, [bleep] off.

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One of these days he's going to realize that he's illiterate. Such a sad day that will be.

Your wrong about that.

Exclusive Legacy Mode Player



He just successfully trolled you with "courtesy" and managed to get a reaction out of you. Lol

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One of these days he's going to realize that he's illiterate. Such a sad day that will be.

Your wrong about that.

You're right, it'll probably take you TWO days to realize it.

DK drops (solo/LS): 66 hatchets, 14 archer rings, 13 berserker rings, 17 warrior rings, 12 seerculls, 13 mud staves, 7 seers rings

QBD drops: 1 kite, 2 visages, 4 dragonbone kits, 3 effigies, lots of crossbow parts

CR vs. CLS threads always turn into discussions about penis size.
It's not called a Compensation Longsword for nothing.

I've sent a 12k combat mission to have Aiel assassinated (poor bastard isn't even Pincers-tier difficulty).



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Why are all of you guys attacking Golvellius? :mellow:


Anyways, I've never knew about the increased fishing rates, so thanks for the tip. I don't know whether or not it's worthwhile in f2p, but judging by the rates, short-finned eel should be half of that of cave morays, so it's around 50k-55k xp/hr, assuming the estimate is true. Seems great considering fishing maxes out at like what, 30k-40k xp/hr?




Trimmed | Master Quester | Final Boss

Boss pets: Bombi | Shrimpy | Ellie | Tz-Rek Jad | Karil the Bobbled | Mega Ducklings

120s: Dungeoneering | Invention

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I found the unlabeled graphs to be a distraction.

What you really needed was a picture demonstrating your technique.

For that, I supplied you one free of charge.



Notice the "pro" dungeoneering swan dive into the pool.

Also, notice the lack of armour despite being supplied by the game in C2.

I learned this technique at Dungeonsweepers*, a clan devoted to "teaching people who are wllling to learn, have a shadow silk hood, can do floor 50-60 in 20 minutes, have 3 binds, and don't care about dieing 10 times a dungeon".



*Copyright Golvellius/Golvellius07 2010.

Hey, thanks for the picture, i really appreciate it. It's honestly my style to not label graphs and describe them in text, as i find it gives people a better understanding of whatever i'm trying to explain- they can't just look at the graph, they have to rad the text behind it. You should actually wear armor and have the leatherbody in your inv too. Drop the coins, they just take up space.


Why are all of you guys attacking Golvellius? :mellow:

Attacking, what? He is like a brother to all of us, we are just playin games :thumbsup:


As for this in f2p, i think the xp rates are also lowered by f2p triangle being less balanced, but it's plausible that it's the best f2p wcing and fishing xp too.

First to 99 Farming on 27. September, 2005.

First to 3766 Port Score on 20. March, 2014.

First to 4664 Port Score on 2. March, 2015.

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Exp has been cut by 50% as of today, thanks a lot Jagex...


Wow, I didn't think that they would fix it for a few months at least. :thumbdown:

I had just completed another 3 hrs worth of data too, all I needed to do was upload it here.



Back to high-alching at barb for almost a 50% xp reduction....

Working on max and completionist capes.


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