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Gnome Restaurant Log


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Sticking this here in case anyone can do something with it.


It is sorted by reward item, followed by the number given at once, then the name of the gnome, then his order.


[hide]mint cake x10 - brambickle - veg ball

x10 - wingstone - worm hole

x10 - king bolren - veg ball

x10 - captain dalbur - wizard blizzard

x9 - professor onglewip - vegetable batta

x8 - king bolren - fruit batta

x8 - ambassador spanfipple - wizard blizzard

x8 - king bolren - blurberry special

x10 - king bolren - toad crunchies

x10 - captain bleemadge - pineapple punch

x9 - professor onglewip - spicy crunchies

x9 - captain daerkin - short green guy

x9 - ambassador spanfipple - blurberry special

x9 - gnormadium avlafrim - chocolate saturday

x10 - professor imblewyn - fruit blast

x10 - ambassador gimblewap - worm batta

x8 - ambassador spanfipple - fruit blast

x8 - professor manglethorp - choc chip crunchies

x9 - king bolren - short green guy

x10 - professor manglethorp - drunk dragon

x9 - wingstone - chocolate saturday

x10 - captain daerkin - worm crunchies

x9 - professor imblewyn - cheese+tom batta

x9 - professor manglethorp - short green guy

x8 - gnormadium avlafrim - pineapple punch

x8 - ambassador ferrnook - cheese+tom batta


seed pod x9 - ambassador ferrnook - cheese+tom batta

x8 - wingstone - worm crunchies

x9 - professor manglethorp - chocolate saturday

x8 - captain klemfoodle - short green guy

x9 - ambassador ferrnook - blurberry special

x10 - captain dalbur - drunk dragon

x8 - ambassador spanfipple - toad crunchies

x9 - ambassador ferrnook - spicy crunchies

x9 - captain daerkin - worm crunchies

x9 - ambassador gimblewap - fruit blast



sapphire x7 - professor manglethorp - worm batta

x6 - gnormadium avlafrim - short green guy

x8 - g.l.o. caranock - worm batta

x10 - ambassador ferrnook - blurberry special

x10 - professor manglethorp - cheese+tom batta

x6 - professor onglewip - short green guy

x9 - ambassador gimblewap - worm batta

x9 - professor imblewyn - veg ball

x6 - penwie - chocolate saturday

x7 - gnormadium avlafrim - chocolate bomb

x7 - wingstone - chocolate saturday

x9 - g.l.o. caranock - worm hole


emerald x4 - captain bleemadge - cheese+tom batta

x4 - professor imblewyn - cheese+tom batta

x3 - king bolren - fruit batta

x4 - captain daerkin - pineapple punch

x3 - g.l.o. caranock - spicy crunchies


ruby x3 - garkor - drunk dragon

x2 - garkor - fruit batta

x3 - professor imblewyn - worm hole

x3 - garkor - drunk dragon


diamond x1 - lieutenant schepbur - worm batta

x1 - wingstone - chocolate bomb

x1 - wingstone - fruit blast

x1 - ambassador ferrnook - pineapple punch

x1 - ambassador spanfipple - cheese+tom batta

x1 - brambickle - fruit blast

x1 - brambickle - cheese+tom batta



toadflax x3 - prfoessor manglethorp - toad crunchies

x3 - garkor - choc chip crunchies

x3 - g.l.o. caranock - worm crunchies

x3 - ambassador spanfipple - veg ball


snapdragon x1 - captain dalbur - toad crunchies

x1 - professor imblewyn - chocolate bomb

x1 - captain klemfoodle - fruit blast

x1 - king bolren - toad batta

x1 - g.l.o caranock - toad crunchies

x1 - brambickle - chocolate saturday

x1 - ambassador spanfipple - chocolate bomb

x1 - penwie - drunk dragon

x1 - brambickle - spicy crunchies



blood rune x7 - professor imblewyn - fruit blast


law rune x11 - professor imblewyn - spicy crunchies


chaos rune x24 - professor imblewyn - tangled toads' legs



mithril x18 - king bolren - blurberry special


adamant x15 - king bolren - choc chip crunchies

x20 - gnormadium avlafrim - vegetable batta

x19 - ambassador gimblewap - toad crunchies


key halves:

loop half x1 - garkor - spicy crunchies

x1 - captain bleemadge - wizard blizzard

x1 - ambassador ferrnook - toad batta

x1 - garkor - wizard blizzard


tooth half x1 - ambassador gimblewap - toad batta


bird's nest:

+willow seed x1 - g.l.o. caranock - vegetable batta

+acorn seed x1 - captain bleemadge - chocolate saturday

+pineapple seed x1 - lieutenant schepbur - veg ball

+apple seed x1 - captain daerkin - cheese+tom batta



scarf x1 - captain ninto - wizard blizzard[/hide]


I apologize for the bad format, I did it in notepad because I don't have Excel no this computer.




As the size of an explosion increases, the number of social situations it is incapabale of solving approaches zero.

Ensure you are not a social situation.

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