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Orion client gives an unfair advantage, it should be obvious enough.


If that were the case, he'd be banned from the game too, not just the forums. I remember seeing lots of people get confused when they did the same thing to people posting about swiftkit.


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Even if it is unfair (I obviously don't use it so I can't verify your claim), it doesn't mean it's illegal. If that were the case, things like fansites, DGSweeper, and Swiftkit would all be illegal.

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Pretty sure you shouldn't use any private clients, but as everyone else said you didn't get banned because of the client but because of your mouth


I talk in Norwegian on PM with my friends in RS. Sometimes norwegian words are viewed as "cursing" for some weird reason. Could be that, but my friends have never gotten muted for it before.

2007 player


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