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Hunter tactics to catch more red chinchompas per hour


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Hunter tactics to catch more red chinchompas per hour








WARNING: I made this guide in 2007. It got messed up by a change of the forums. I never put it back because in the meantime the introduction of the Ooglog area messed up the hunting spots I talk about in this guide. I didn't have the time to test new spots and rewrite this guide. Because several players asked for it, I now have restored the old version. I probably will rewrite this in the future. Until then you will have to find the best new spots and the best lay-out of traps for that spots yourself.








Table of Contents:








1. Introduction




2. The xp you can get with my methods




3. How to train to level 63




4. Which world to train in




5. At what spot to train




6. How to lay your traps




7. Clicking tricks




8. How to pick up your traps




9. What to do with all those red chinchompas.








If you want to jump to a chapter, use Ctrl+F and type the number of the chapter, including the dot after the number. For instance, if you want to look at my xp data before you decide if this guide is worth reading, search for 2..








1. Introduction








I have just reached level 99 hunter and finally have some time to share my secrets. When I started hunting, I made a lot of beginners mistakes. But from time to time I learned something new (even at level 98!). All those big and small tips and tricks had a huge impact on my xp per hour. You will probably learn most of those yourself sooner or later, but its better to learn them sooner.








There are already several guides about hunter, but those have little information on red chinchompas. Thats why this guide is mostly about red chinchompas. The tips and tricks in this guide you probably also can use for hunting birds.








2. The xp you can get with my methods








I didnt hunt red chinchompas after I reached level 63, because I didnt like them back then. I read on the tip.it forums you only could get about 42k per hour with them. I could at least get the same xp with dashing kebbits (timed myself). I could have gotten about 50 xp with red salamanders, but I hated those. Later I returned to the red chinchompas, learned several tricks and started to like them. I timed them at level 74, and decided to stick with them. Looking back I think that, if I would have used all my tricks from the start, at level 63 I could have made about the same xp as the 50 xp for red salamanders.








My numbers are averages. Most of the time I trained for several hours in a row. Usually I get the best results during the first hour. After that I get a bit bored and my results drop because of lack of attention. That has lowered my averages. To show that, from level 88 I also timed the first hours of training, and wrote down the results of the best first hour during a level.








I searched the tip.it forums for xp results to compare with mine (thanks Benfr, Enrix e b, Headnazgul, Howzitboy, Hyjack01, Keenie, Wingx128 and Wzzl for posting your xp results). That convinced me my hunter tactics can make a big difference for the number of red chinchompas you can catch in an hour:




- lvl 64: others 160, me?




- lvl 74: others 175, me 254




- lvl 77: others 223, me ?




- lvl 79: others ?, me 264 (4 traps)




- lvl 80: others 250, me 321 (5 traps)




- lvl 83: others ?, me 348




- lvl 86: others 281, me 338 (chatting with friends; turn private chat off!)




- lvl 89: others 332, me 376 (best: 397)




- lvl 90: others 320, me 384 (best: 403)




- lvl 95: others 396, me 407 (best: 422)




- lvl 98: others 400, me 432 (best: 452).




(I didnt mention all levels, because I had no data from others.)








My results at lvl 98 are from my last day of training for about 5 hours. That day I started fresh in the morning, and took a long break after three hours. I never had competition, I was in a world with no lagging, and I forced myself to keep paying attention. Thats to show you how many red chinchompas you can get if all circumstances are good. (The day before my results were bad because I played longer then I should have.)








3. How to train to level 63








There are already several player made guides and other posts about what prey to train on (some good, some not very useful). They all say something different (although about some prey they agree). Thats because this is very personal. One of the advantages of the hunter skill is, that there are several ways to train it. So just try all the different methods and train on the ones you like the most, drop nice rewards and/or give decent xp. You can train to lvl 50 in a few days, so who cares that you could do that a little bit faster with a method you hate? Have some fun! If you can move around fast in the Runescape world, change to the next prey as soon as you level up, skipping the ones you dont like. That may take a lot of walking if you dont have access to the fairy rings. In that case start in the jungle area south of Yanille with the level 1 birds and train them until you can hunt the next prey in that area. Do the Eagles Peak quest as soon as you reach level 27, so from then on you can use the eagles to travel fast from one hunter area to another (I never use them; fairy rings are better).








After a while (about lvl 45-50) training to the next level will get harder. Then its time to choose your favourite training method. The best methods are net trapping and falconry. At this point they give about the same xp per hour. At level 60, when you can use 3 traps, you can get more xp with catching red salamanders, because you only can catch 1 kebbit each time. Falconry only gives good xp, if you use this method:




First catch a kebbit and look where it respawns (pick another if it respawns between trees; too many obstacles in the way there). Catch the same kebbit again, run to a square next to the respawn spot, bury the bones, place your cursor on the respawn spot, and click as soon the kebbit appears to catch it again. If youre lucky, you will get it immediately. If you miss, theres a good chance the kebbit is still in the same spot after the falcon returns to your hand, so you can click fast to try again. Dont drop the furs all around you, because then it will be harder to see the respawning kebbit (sometimes it respawns on another square, but always close).








At level 53 try the grey chinchompas. If you use my tips ands tricks for red chinchompas, they will probably give decent xp. More important are their reward. You can use the grey chinchompas to experiment before using the more expensive red chinchompas, or just to have some fun and get nice range xp at the same time. You might even be able to sell them for a decent price to players who want to train range fast but cant afford red chinchompas.








At level 63, switch to red chinchompas and keep training them until level 99. Like I said in the previous chapter, red chinchompas can give about the same amount xp as red salamanders, if you hunt them the right way. Even if they give less xp (Im just guessing, cant prove it), the reward is worth the extra time. If you can afford sacrificing that reward, switch to red chinchompas as soon as you reach level 80 (5 traps). All players who posted about this, agree that then they are a lot faster then red salamanders.








4. Which world to train in








You must click a lot during hunter training. Even a bit of lagging means that every click takes a bit more time. Lagging is also irritating and you misclick a lot because of it. So train hunter in the best worlds for you, or in worlds close to where you live.








Until level 92 I had no problems with finding a good world without another player hunting at my favourite spot. If my spot was occupied, I only needed to hop a few worlds to find an empty one. That changed when the price of red chinchompas exploded. More and more players started hunting red chinchompas, so I had to hop more and also had to deal with players who placed their traps next to mine. I expect that the competition will get worse in the coming weeks. Maybe after a while it will get better, if the price drops again.








If you cant find a world in your neighbourhood with your favourite hunter spot free, try asking the players in the worlds you visit, how long they will hunt there. If a player is going away soon, come back right before he is going to leave. I did that a few times, and always they were nice enough to tell me.








Halfway level 98 I saw the poll about playing on low detail (thanks tip.it!) and realized that gave me a lot of alternatives. I started playing the emptiest worlds on the other side of the globe, where everyone was asleep, at work or at school. I had no problems because of competition from then on (saw only 1 or 2 players logging in and logging out immediately after seeing me).








Even in the best worlds you can experience a lost connection, and you might loose all your traps. So always take 1 extra set of traps. Those extra traps are also useful if another player steals your traps. No need to take more sets of traps, because you no longer get long randoms when hunting red chinchompas (after level 81 I didnt get them anymore, while before I got 2 or 3 every time I trained). Probably they changed that for all hunter areas, but I havent been there.








5. At what spot to train








There are 5 spots in the jungle area where you can catch red chinchompas:








(This is the hunter area guide from tip.it; I added the 5 red numbers.)








Most players start hunting them at spots 1 and 2, because those they see first.




At spot 2 not many chinchompas respawn, but the chinchompas from spots 1 and 3 walk there a lot. This is a good spot to share, if both players are low level hunters and can only use four traps (the chinchompas may disable a lot of traps, but in the end always get caught in one of the eight traps).








I tried spot 3 for a while, but didnt like it because there are too much obstacles there.








Spot 4 is definitely the best. Three chinchompas respawn here. The best part about this spot is, that the chinchompas cant walk west (end of the map). But more and more players find out about this spot, so it is getting very busy here.








At spot 5 only two chinchompas respawn, but those cant walk away very far (this spot is in the corner of the map and they are also stopped by the lake). I trained here once for half an hour, waiting for a player at spot 4 to stop hunting there. The results were reasonable (200 chinchompas, so 400 per hour at lvl 97), although in spot 4 I could have caught more.








6. How to lay your traps








Each trap has an attraction zone of squares around it. Its like a spider web: when a red chinchompa walks into the zone, he can get interested in the trap. Outside the zone the chinchompa is safe. The spider web doesnt always work. You can raise the chance it will work by wearing hunter clothes, standing away from your trap or smoking your trap. Based on my observations I think the attraction zone is like this:








I am sure about the green squares. The squares with the question mark I base on the information from the hunter expert, that you should stand away 4 squares from the trap. Didnt really see a red chinchompa get attracted from there (its hard to see the difference between a random change of direction and a change caused by the trap). If it works, probably the chances on those squares are very small, so I didnt rely on them.








Most beginners (I also saw some players with 5 traps still doing this) lay their traps in a row from east to west without any empty squares between them. That is the best way if you dont know how to avoid the walk west (see the next chapter). But that way the combined attraction zone of all your traps is not very big, so your chances of attracting chinchompas to your traps are low. You can attract more chinchompas by spreading out your traps. Dont place them too far apart either, because that will take too much time running to the next trap.








How to lay your traps also depends from the spot youre training at, the obstacles there, and where the chinchompas respawn. I will explain that by showing you the way I lay my 5 traps on spot 4:












Note that the north arrow is pointing to the left. This is the way I train and it also gives a better picture of the area. To avoid confusion, I will use up, down, left and right. The red letters show where a chinchompa usually (not always) respawns. When I could only use 4 traps, my trap 4 was on the square that I am standing on. Thats where I wait for the chinchompas to return.








Chinchompa A respawns in the attraction zone of traps 1 and 2. When he walks into trap 1 and respawns again, there is a good chance he will get attracted to trap 2 (and vice versa). This will only work once, because you cant place a new trap on square 1 fast enough to catch the chinchompa on his next respawn. Even if you succeed in laying the trap right before he respawns, it still wont catch him. Thats because it takes a while before a new trap starts attracting chinchompas (the fastest one I saw: after I placed two other traps). But the next time chinchompa A respawns, the trick will work again.








The same trick I use for chinchompa B, who respawns in the attraction zone of traps 4 and 5.




Chinchompa C doesnt respawn in the attraction zone of my traps, but this one spends a lot of his time following the edge of the world, walking from right to left and back (he does that when he wants to walk down, but cant). Chinchompa A also does this a lot, if he misses traps 1 and 2 after respawning. Thats why I placed three traps close to the edge of the world to make sure to catch the chinchompas doing this.








I used the scenery by placing my traps right between the two trees you see at the top of the picture. If a chinchompa doesnt walk in the attraction zone of my traps, he might bump into one of those trees. That makes him change his direction, which gives a 50% chance he walks into the attraction zone of my traps.








If the chinchompas keep me very busy, I can just replace the traps following the circle. But I can also cross to the other side of the circle fast from every one of the traps.








I am not claiming that this is the best possible way to lay your traps at this spot. There might be a way to make better use of chinchompa C (I tried one, but didnt like it). But while hopping worlds, I never saw a better way used by other players.








7. Clicking tricks








Hunter involves a lot of clicking. So a lot of tricks to make that clicking a little faster, saves you all together a lot of time.








Trick 1:




I found it highly irritating that after laying a trap, your character walks 1 square west (or east if there is an obstacle west). Often thats not where you want to go, and during the walk clicking has no effect. You can avoid that walk west by clicking on the next trap or on a square to walk to, at exactly the right time: just after the box opens up and you hear a plopping sound. If you click too early (during the plop sound) you stop laying the trap and a fallen trap lies on the ground. If you click too late, you will still make the walk west. But this is something you will learn fast. This trick makes a huge difference, because it allows you to lay your traps anywhere you want, and get rid of the beginners row from east to west.








Trick 2:




If one of your traps has fallen down, you can even shorten the animation of laying the trap.




First lay a trap on another square. During the animation, right click on the fallen trap and place your cursor on lay trap. Click on that right after you hear the plop. Your character will now run to that spot and will open up the trap almost immediately. This time you need to click fast to avoid the walk west (you dont hear a plop now, so click right after you see the trap opening).








Trick 3:








When you click anywhere in Runescape to walk to another square, you see a sort of yellow X around your cursor (if you have normal mouse settings). That X is red when you click on something you can handle, like a trap. You can use that knowledge for this trick. When you pick up a trap, you stand on a square next to it. So you have to step forward before you can place a new trap. You dont have to wait with clicking in that square until your character is ready with picking up the trap. You can already click during that animation. You know you have clicked at the right time, if you see the yellow X. If the X is red or you see no X at all, then you have clicked too early and need to click again fast.








Trick 4:




When a chinchompa is going for a trap, you dont have to wait with clicking on that trap until the trap is replaced by a disabled trap or a filled trap. If you click at the right time, you will see the yellow X meaning walk here. Wait until your character is standing on the trap, and then click to pick it up. Now you dont need to take the step forward, but can place the new trap immediately. (If you cant get used to this, click on the square next to the trap, so you at least arrive there early.)








8. How to pick up your traps








Wear a full set of larupia clothes. Dont bother with baiting or smoking your traps, because that will take more time then the time you win with that (thats how it felt to me, and Wzzl proved it by timing both ways). Only walk away 4 squares when your hunter level is still low and all chinchompas are far away. Make sure to use the clicking tricks mentioned in the previous chapter.








After picking up a trap, always set a new trap before going to another one (unless all your traps have fallen down because of a lost connection or something like that). You cant catch chinchompas if you have no open traps to attract them! If you do this, by the time you have replaced your last trap, the first trap will have caught the next chinchompa.








Handle the traps that are near a respawn first, so it can attract the chinchompa as soon as it respawns. With my trap placement that means that I handle trap 3 last (unless it is fallen down). If it is disabled and the chinchompas keep me busy with the other traps, I let trap 3 fall on purpose, so I can use the trick to lay fallen traps fast. If there is a chinchompa in trap 3, I will handle it sooner (or the chinchompa in it will be released when the trap falls).








Even at the best spots it happens from time to time that all chinchompas are far away, so you have to spend your time waiting for them to return. If that happens, dont try replacing a trap next to one of those far away chinchompas. By the time the trap starts working, the chinchompa will have walked way. A better option: kill a chinchompa to send it back to its respawn spot. But be careful with this. When you go after a chinchompa, he might change direction and run back to the traps, making you kill him right before he will jump into a trap. Because chinchompas can almost run as fast as you, they might get you to run after them for a long time, so you might miss a trap falling down or the other chinchompas jumping in your traps. Thats why I didnt do this often, but it might be useful when you are forced to hunt in spot 5 in the corner of the map.








Wait with talking to randoms until all or most of your traps are open. But dont wait too long (you dont want to get attacked or even teled).








9. What to do with all those red chinchompas.








When I started hunting red chinchompas, the price was 300-350 for a long time. So I stacked them in my bank and started to experiment with them (only had a few greys for that). Use chinchompas in multicombat areas, where you get attacked by a lot of monsters at the same time. Hit a monster in the middle of a 3x3 grid of squares filled with monsters for the best results. If youre close to that monster, use the short fuse.








First I tried them at pest control. There its best to start to fight with something else, and use them as soon as there enough monsters close to each other. If your group has a good chance to win the game, go for the monsters in front of a portal. That way all the spinners there will attack you, and not the portal. If youre only interested in the range xp, go to a world with a group that has good defence and bad offence.








After that I tried them with dagannoths in the lighthouse. Not that great, because most of the time you can only hit 3 or 4 of them at the same time. But I had good results doing this: first walk deep into the cave and fight the dagannoths with something else. As soon as you have a decent amount of dagannoths around you, run to the exit until the dagannoths start coming after you. Zigzag to prevent they walk all in a row. Then turn around and attack the dagannoth in the middle of the second row. That way you can hit a lot of them at the same time.








Then suddenly the price of red chinchompas started rising, and I no longer could afford using them myself. I found a post about using them on level 142 in the Ape Atoll caves on the rs forums (quick find code: 22-23-949-38852596). This post was probably the cause of the rising price. Using the data in this post, I calculated that when you pay 885 each for red chinchompas, you get the same xp you get by using a cannon and a crystal bow at the same time. Because red chinchompas give that xp faster, I guessed they would be worth 900-1k each. I sold all my chinchompas (27k) the moment the price reached 1k. I heard some players even sold for 1,1k. After that, I trained to level 99 as fast as I could, and then sold all (19k) for 900 each. So after earning 44,1 mil, I am now the proud owner of a dragon chain. \'








Now, end of February 2007, the price has dropped to 800 each for large amounts (you will get a higher price if you sell at least 5k of them). I expect it will drop further because the supply is higher then the demand (too many players hunting red chinchompas). After a while, when several players decide to stop hunting, it will rise again to a price that will get stable. Hard to say what that will be. But even if that will be only 500 each, hunting red chinchompas will still be a good money making skill. At a low level you can catch about 200 of them in an hour, which means 100k an hour. At a high level you can double that.








Im not planning to update the price often, but probably will wait until it gets stable. So check it yourself. Search on the rs forums for chinchompas (the word red is not always used). Check the buying posts to see what the highest offer is; most will be merchants who want to buy for a very low price and sell later for a high price. Then read the posts from players who sell 5k or more. Read the edits and the replies to see which players actually sell their chinchompas for the price they ask for it. Im usually a bad merchant, but this gave me a good idea about the current price.

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yea more pictures i hate reading :P i like your method im 86 hunter right now i might try it out. I use this method




























x's being a box to wear it looks like a 5 on the dice and find it really nice i can catch about 300 an hour too.

RSN: 1 day late | Private chat: On


| 80 MAGIC | 13 PRAYER | 1 DEFENSE | 65 COMBAT |

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great high lvl guide on reds! too bad you didnt make one all way from lvl 1 up. then it would be perfect guide!
Well, the beginning of the guide states the reason it was written this way is because there are many guides that explain hunting however lack information about Red Chinchompa's. That's why. :3




Quest Cape Achieved February 14, 2007. -Not Maintained-

1700+ Skill Total July 15, 2009

All Skills 60+ - July 26, 2009

Drops: dragon - medx8, spearx1 ;; 3rd - helmx1 ;; barrows - dhaxex1, gspearx1, dhhelmx1

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I recently found my love of Chinchompas at PC. I've spent 3m on them already... (I gotta stop doing that)

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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Now you have inspired me to work on my Hunting. To Ferrets!








Very good guide. Maybe a pic would make it more interesting, but it's great already.









Owner of Quest Cape since 11/9/2007 23:30! Working my butt off to get it back.



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I have to say I think this is a great guide and there was a lot of very good and detailed information in there.








Difficult to see how you could add any more pictures that add to it as a lot of what you had to say was hints and tricks.








All in all =D>


Thanks to 4be2jue for the sigs.



There are 10 types of people in the world - those that understand binary and those that don't!


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Nice, I dispise hgunter so i wont ever do it, but I find that they are fairly weak. I saw someone using them, and either they are horrible, or that guys skills were low, most hits were 0. good guide thouh


Dungeoneering isn't a skill.

I'm faster than bots at Sorceress Garden.

PM me if you want to chat. My PM is always off.

My keyboard is on fire. Want some?

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Nice guide! I'm going for 70-80 fletching at the moment and hunter is next so this'll be great when I want 80 hunter! \' 10/10








And congratulations on 99 hunter. :thumbsup:












Nice, I dispise hgunter so i wont ever do it, but I find that they are fairly weak. I saw someone using them, and either they are horrible, or that guys skills were low, most hits were 0. good guide thouh








Chinchompas are awesome, they're level must've been low...

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Nice, I dispise hgunter so i wont ever do it, but I find that they are fairly weak. I saw someone using them, and either they are horrible, or that guys skills were low, most hits were 0. good guide thouh








I think a low range lvl can't explain that most his hits were 0. He probably used the wrong attack mode. If you are standing far away and use the short fuse, you will hit a lot of 0s. If you are standing next to the monster and use the long fuse, you also wil hit 0s. That's why I advice to experiment with grey chinchompas first. If you use them right, chinchompas give the best and fastest range xp in the game. That's why they are so expensive.

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