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About HisLordship

  • Birthday 01/14/1988

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  • Location
    Perth, Australia

RuneScape Information

  1. From a fellow Tip.It'er, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! If you would like some extra fun, don't forget to drop in on the Forum Games! ^_^

  2. This is the first four minutes of my new orchestral work, "Lifequest", written as I was trying to get out of a crippling creative block. Extremely emotional, self-indulgent and personal. The remaining fourteen minutes of the piece are still under construction!
  3. I so rarely post here but maybe I should start posting more because I'm truly impressed. This community is really intelligent and they don't bite each others' heads off. All your points are noted and I'll stress one thing: that the video isn't meant to prove which game version is better. It's only meant to show that RS3 can learn a lot of 07. As for the retro debate, hmm.... Is it really a passing phase? I thought Runescape was already behind other MMO's in graphics, sound and content back in 2007 too. Yet it still managed to become wildly successful because of that retro feel. If retro is a phase, it's been a phase for at least the past decade.
  4. Quick Sequence of Events: This victory is not a claim on the cluster, but the fight that preceded the crash. We don't fight when crashed, especially when half of the crashers are in rags. The only clan I can offer respect to is AF for volunteering to AC. Very classy. Rules of the original fight: Wildguard Starting: 30 Members Desolation Starting: 11 Members (as mentioned by DS official Tristin in IRC PM) The point at which Bane crashes: Chat log of Desolation calling and teaming up with the crashers Cluster Picture before we head out: Well when they have 11 starting, and we have 30, it's a no brainer as to who won. That much, I can call. The cluster remains ambiguous. Don't fight Desolation. They call crashers. Again, my thanks to AC for your honour. Visit the Wildguard forums if you are interested in the clan.
  5. I'm conducting research on Runescape music as a personal project (I'm a musician in real life). I just need a few statistics so if you could indulge me for 20 seconds and answer this question by checking the appropriate boxes... it would be greatly appreciated. Please note, answers given will be compiled in a report and presented to Jagex audio developers. III - (OPTIONAL) WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR FAVOURITE TRACKS? A:
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y04xp79SVYY Website | Forums | Memberlist ___________________________________________ The above video condenses my clan into four minutes. PLEASE watch it. If you don't enjoy the first 30 seconds, don't finish it. I am confident that my clan, The Wilderness Guardians, is the right clan for you dude, for many reasons. Like I said, the video has all the information. It was made for people like you who want to know what's available. ___________________________________________ 100+ Combat with 70+ Ranged Don't let the low requirement fool you. The combat average is much higher. We've kept them low for many years despite pressure to raise them. We believe that good clans should be accessible to as many people as possible.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y04xp79SVYY Website | Forums | Memberlist ___________________________________________ The above video condenses my clan into four minutes. PLEASE watch it. If you don't enjoy the first 30 seconds, don't finish it. I am confident that my clan, The Wilderness Guardians, is the right clan for you dude, for many reasons. Like I said, the video has all the information. It was made for people like you who want to know what's available. ___________________________________________ 100+ Combat with 70+ Ranged Don't let the low requirement fool you. The combat average is much higher. We've kept them low for many years despite pressure to raise them. We believe that good clans should be accessible to as many people as possible.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y04xp79SVYY Website | Forums | Memberlist ___________________________________________ The above video condenses my clan into four minutes. PLEASE watch it. If you don't enjoy the first 30 seconds, don't finish it. I am confident that my clan, The Wilderness Guardians, is the right clan for you dude, for many reasons. Like I said, the video has all the information. It was made for people like you who want to know what's available. ___________________________________________ 100+ Combat with 70+ Ranged Don't let the low requirement fool you. The combat average is much higher. We've kept them low for many years despite pressure to raise them. We believe that good clans should be accessible to as many people as possible.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y04xp79SVYY Website | Forums | Memberlist ___________________________________________ The above video condenses my clan into four minutes. PLEASE watch it. If you don't enjoy the first 30 seconds, don't finish it. I am confident that my clan, The Wilderness Guardians, is the right clan for you dude, for many reasons. Like I said, the video has all the information. It was made for people like you who want to know what's available. ___________________________________________ 100+ Combat with 70+ Ranged Don't let the low requirement fool you. The combat average is much higher. We've kept them low for many years despite pressure to raise them. We believe that good clans should be accessible to as many people as possible.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y04xp79SVYY Website | Forums | Memberlist ___________________________________________ The above video condenses my clan into four minutes. PLEASE watch it. If you don't enjoy the first 30 seconds, don't finish it. I am confident that my clan, The Wilderness Guardians, is the right clan for you dude, for many reasons. Like I said, the video has all the information. It was made for people like you who want to know what's available. ___________________________________________ 100+ Combat with 70+ Ranged Don't let the low requirement fool you. The combat average is much higher. We've kept them low for many years despite pressure to raise them. We believe that good clans should be accessible to as many people as possible.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y04xp79SVYY Website | Forums | Memberlist ___________________________________________ The above video condenses my clan into four minutes. PLEASE watch it. If you don't enjoy the first 30 seconds, don't finish it. I am confident that my clan, The Wilderness Guardians, is the right clan for you dude, for many reasons. Like I said, the video has all the information. It was made for people like you who want to know what's available. ___________________________________________ 100+ Combat with 70+ Ranged Don't let the low requirement fool you. The combat average is much higher. We've kept them low for many years despite pressure to raise them. We believe that good clans should be accessible to as many people as possible.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y04xp79SVYY Website | Forums | Memberlist ___________________________________________ The above video condenses my clan into four minutes. PLEASE watch it. If you don't enjoy the first 30 seconds, don't finish it. I am confident that my clan, The Wilderness Guardians, is the right clan for you dude, for many reasons. Like I said, the video has all the information. It was made for people like you who want to know what's available. ___________________________________________ 100+ Combat with 70+ Ranged Don't let the low requirement fool you. The combat average is much higher. We've kept them low for many years despite pressure to raise them. We believe that good clans should be accessible to as many people as possible.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y04xp79SVYY Website | Forums | Memberlist ___________________________________________ The above video condenses my clan into four minutes. PLEASE watch it. If you don't enjoy the first 30 seconds, don't finish it. I am confident that my clan, The Wilderness Guardians, is the right clan for you dude, for many reasons. Like I said, the video has all the information. It was made for people like you who want to know what's available. ___________________________________________ 100+ Combat with 70+ Ranged Don't let the low requirement fool you. The combat average is much higher. We've kept them low for many years despite pressure to raise them. We believe that good clans should be accessible to as many people as possible.
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