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  1. it woulden take much botu a day of progaming to make it that way(just a little guess) cause it would be maybe 20-30 lines of coad and then a bit of copy and paste, then they would have to upload it on to the severs which could take a day or 2 id wouldent do it unless i was updating some major at the same time.
  2. first of all i have read the dev diarys and somoning is different monsters and stuff and they havent been really specific about wat there are gonna include and what they arent, also the 90 hours that was a joke get over it. i sed the restrictions should be taken to an extent and also how can bots add people to there friends list? and it was just some surgestions, jeese man y are you people so anal? i was looking for some help with my ideas not some completely useless paragraphs of just slander.
  3. with a litle work we could design it ourselfs and if people like sign something we could send it to jagex so they could fix it up and add it to the game. =)
  4. well im not spending 90 hours a day on the game or anything but i do have a few good ideas for both f2p and members. There should be a skill where you can hire certain monsters you kill to fight for you, eg you kill a lvl 42 moss giant and ur lvl 37+ (of this skill aswell) well you go to a certain shop and hire the monster to fight for you, it costs you say 1k or something then wen you go to fight you can summon it using a symbol you recieve wen you hire it. and for every hit it does it adds 4 exp to this skill. like my idea and i figure it should only aply to certain monsters and that way jagex can also restrict what monsters you can use because you have to beat it first. so if your not a mem you cant use mem monsters. and also with the new trading rules there should be exeptions like say u have 1 mil and ur buddy has 100k and he or she buys something and then loses it some how, well cause your buddys u wanna help by giving them money well you cant, lol. so maybe if youve had someone on ur friends list for more than a week the restrictions should be taken away to a large extent, because most traders arent gonna wate a week.
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