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  1. Well at least we get floor 61, though I wish it would have been with a saga showing the end of Marmaros and Thok's journey.
  2. Well that itself speaks volumes, it seems obvious to me there should have been about a 50-50 split. Don't get me wrong I think some of them are perfectly reasonable and I look forward to trying all the content out (can't wait to get home from work currently). However it is clear that some of them are unreasonably grindy/RNG dependent. Why was it needed to both get the journals from the agility course and do 200 laps for example? Both are the same thing. 8 journals, 1 every 25 laps, 200 laps total.
  3. Max capes fine too, I mean you gotta put in extra work for extra stuff
  4. I would rather they make the rest of the skills more balanced and useful and then release a brand new skill that can stand on it's own and isn't like div, where you get 99 for portents of life and item protection. Porters are nice too, but I felt the skill was too much like runespan and wasn't all that enjoyable, and barely was even useful until you maxed it. I know a lot of older skills fit that description, but there was really no excuse for this. They should have either released both skills in tandem or combined both into one and released at the same time. Now we are stuck with half an update because they designed it to be half like that.
  5. That and compound on the use of the spell used to initially hide the stone of jas after the world wakes. Further more they could touch on how sliske got the stone via a guthix cache despite never explicitly saying it was a cache in the first place. Sliske got the stone via looking for it using the Dragonkin he captured. It's revealed in Missing Presumed Death. It could be in one of a few locations depending on where you sent it at the end of RotM.
  6. Well, that's ok at least.But with that much effort it shouldn't be cosmetic. It should be t90 hybrid armor inmo Or t90 all class power armor, with def and combat bonus similar to gwd stuff.. Something to reward so much work PVMers don't need better gear they need something to stroke their egos and a cosmetic armor set that is difficult to obtain only through boss slaying seems to fit the bill perfectly. Such irrational hatred. If I learned anything from browsing tip.it it's people making opinions on things they don't understand or are refusing to understand. Set up your own boogeyman and be afraid of it/hate it.
  7. Does Jagex realize that there are single individuals with 19B+ worth in wealth (often shards)? If they are serious, target those individuals specifically (through tax, or outright confiscation), or if they think that's wrong to target wealthy players, then just give up on their neurotic obsession with inflation and move on. Targeting people in general, say people with 500M banks and taking 10Mish from a bunch of them does nothing to stop inflation. Get real and serious or just give up. You really like complaining about people who are rich. I'm still attempting killing it with chaotics crossbows because I can't afford ascensions and I am hopping to free worlds because I certainly cannot afford instances. It sounds like you have an irrational hatred of rich people, based on all your recent posts. If you are trying to speak for poor people, me included, please stop. This message also goes to everyone complaining. On topic, excellent update. I always wanted runescape to come out with something that takes true skill to kill. I'll be able to do it eventually, I've gotten close. It's just my prayer timing.
  8. I don't see why not. Again, it's really up to player skill more than equipment stats. Vorago p5 is all up to the bomb tank not being crap and mitigating as much damage as possible, everyone clearing bleeds, everyone staying away from md, everyone doing what they need to do, and the mauler mauling in time. People like to blame their inability to PvM on having little gp. If they were given max gear, they still couldn't PvM because gear != skill. And of course, better gear makes it easier but that's always going to be the case. Complaining about it does nothing.
  9. Yes wand and orb. And gano? Come on man, I might be poor but I won't resort to using that crap. Used seasinger to get in, switched to void.
  10. Glad jagex isn't listening to people complaining. Most bosses are killable with bad gear, gear isn't going to make you any better if you have no skill. I did a vorago kill, 5 man, with abyssal wand and orb to prove it could be done, and I still do rago with abyssals because I can't afford seismics. There is no proof that Araxxor is going to require anything. And even if it did, drygores have been out how long now? Their price has dropped so dramatically. I used to kill QBD with chaotics until I got drygores, and that was 2 weeks ago. High level updates will never be easier with low level gear.
  11. That is what I am afraid for. Endgame content requires endgame gear? Alert the internet! I want to punch Araxxor to death.
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