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Mag3dufool's Blog

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Welcome To Mag3dufool's Blog


Welcome, here I plan to post all of my achievements and levels gained as I (hopefully) progress through Runescape. I hope to one day in the very distant future obtain a great handful of levels 99 but right now, I'm taking it all one skill and one goal at a time.




Each time that I finish a goal I will update the 'My Goals' explaining where I am right now, what I'm planning on doing now and why I chose this next goal. To know what's been going on lately check the last couple of pages for my updates which will habe pictures, levels or occurrences.




That said, please leave a post wishing me luck and I'll be sure to take a look at your blog and may leave a little messege :)




About Me


G'day, my name is John and my Runescape character is Mag3dufool. I created Mag3dufool April 2007 as my first account taking my more 'experienced' cousins advise on the name because he told me that "Pking is what you do to be cool"...well I never pked, so by his reckoning I must be a lame person.




As for games I currently enjoy Runescape, Urban Terror, CoD 4, Dawn of War and <!-- m -->http://www.freetetris.org<!-- m -->. If you're ever bored the second and fifth are good free games that are very easy to get into. When I'm not on the computer I'm either playing guitar, drums or piano as I really enjoy music, one of the greatest things in my life right now.




Currently I'm in my final year of High school so I have decided to cut computing/games to only on the weekend. I got my results from Year 11 and I'm sitting right now on a very nice mark and I would love to break my goal for this year so 100% effort is required on my behalf.




When playing as Mag3 I enjoy skilling and have over combat for a very long time only recently training it for charms. My future goals appear to have no combat which makes me happy :)




Stats 16/7/08








My Goals


At the moment, due to school, I have no goals.




My Latest Level








My Achievments


I concider an achievment a 99 skill or a total exp/level milestone, this is where I'll post the pictures of all my Runescape Achievements in order.


[hide=1600 Total Level]1600total.jpg[/hide]


[hide=99 Fletching]99Fletching.png[/hide]


[hide=1700 Total Level]56Herbloreand1700TotalLevel.png[/hide]


[hide=50m Total Exp]50mTotalExp.jpg[/hide]


[hide=99 Cooking]99Cooking.png[/hide]


[hide=1800 Total Level]1800TotalLevel.png[/hide]


[hide=60m Total Exp]60mTotalExp.jpg[/hide]


[hide=70m Total Exp]70mTotalXp.jpg[/hide]


[hide=99 Firemaking]Silly random event stuffed up the screenie :/




[hide=80m Total Exp]80mTotalExp.jpg[/hide]


[hide=99 Woodcutting]A few nice Pictures for this level










[hide=1900 Total Level]80Craftingand1900TotalLevel.jpg[/hide]


[hide=90m Total Exp]90mTotalExp.jpg[/hide]






Here are links that I recommend you follow, they're either friends blogs, useful guides or sites with some handy tools. Enjoy!




Guides and Tools

Inferno Adze Guide
Runescape Stat Tracker
Great Tracking Signatures
Guide to Mouse Keys




Friends Blogs

Draco Mage






RS Quiz


[hide=The Runescape Quiz, Thanks to Th3 Crusader]-What is your RS name? Mag3dufool


-How many friends in all do you have? 14


-Whom from tip.it is your RL friend(s)? No body.


-Who's your best tip.it friend? MacawX (Macaw 1000) and Draco_Mage


-Do you like ppl barrowing your stuff no matter what friend relationship you have w/ them? Yes


-Do you work well alone or together? Alone


-Whats your favorite skill? Construction and Crafting


-Whats the funnest skill to train? Construction and Crafting


-Whats the most boring skill to you? Agility


-Favorite place to hang out? Edgeville


-Favorite place to 'get away' from things? Ardy bank or Gnome Stronghole


-What was your first 99? Fletching


-Who was your first male tip.it friend? Magicplayak


-Who was your first Female tip.it friend? N/A


-What is your favorite mini game? N/A


-Do you consider yourself a skiller? Yes


-What song reminds you of Runescape? Lol


-Have you ever made a RS video for youtube/google? Yes


-Whats your favorite Slayer task?/least favorite? Fire Giants/Dragons


-Favorite spellbook? Lunar


-What chat do you usually join? Rut_Sim


-Whose your most inspiring person to you on runescape? Zarfot


-IF you never join TIF, would you be where you are today? Dead.


-Who has donated the most to you? Mum and Dad.


-Dragon or barrows? Dragon


-Best-looking achievment cape? Farming/Agility


-Best day to play runescape? Saturday


-Whats the most enjoyable thing on runescape?


-How many 99's do you currently have? 4


-Do you own a fire cape? no


-Favorite CB skill? Prayer


-What achievment capes do you own? Woodcutting, Fletching, Cooking and Firemaking


-What is your hardest quest? Sheep Hearder


-How long have you been members? Not sure


-Do you see quitting in the next 2 years? No


-Who do you talk to the most on Runescape? Rut_Sim or Macaw 1000


-Do you go to alot of 99 parties? No


-What do you like most about your POH? Alter


-Do/Did you enjoy doing most quest? No


-What difficulty do you like in a quest? Medium


-Whose been the most helpful person on tip.it?


-Do you listen to Runescape's music? Sometimes


-What skill is the hardest for you? Agility


-What skills the easiest for you? Cooking


-Whats the best feeling you can feel? Love


-Whats the worst feeling you can feel? Guilt


-Whose the funniest person on RS/TIF? TehNoobShow[/hide]

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aka_chao: Thanks for the Gratz and the well wishes.




xstarfox33x: nice job on 5 items, lol i went for one trip off of pure bordem and got helm.




benisfab: It is a pitty about the prices...oh well.




80 Woodcutting, First goal compleate!

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Good Luck Mate :D Gratz on 96 fletching, are you going for 99?


14 Skills at 99 All Skills 85+ 2370+ Total


3058 Glacor Kills 326 Shards of Armadyl 1 Ragefire 1 Glaiven 2 Steadfast 33 Effigys

17 Abyssal Whips 5 Staff of Light 5 Dark Bows 40 Dragon Boots 16 Polypore Sticks

62 Barrow Items 6 Pharah Sceptres 117 Effigys

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It's nice to find a person who does not obsess themselves with goals and things like that. :D I was reading all the pages of my blog, and saw you had posted a few (5) months back. I figured I might as well return the favor. :twss:




I hope we can talk to each other sometime in-game, it seems you and I have a lot in common. Well, I won't waste your time any longer, take care.




~ Gabe93 Walla

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You were right, you blog is better than a punch in the face




Your first name is my second name irl ;)




Lol, i told you it was better then a puch in the face...nice middle name ::'






It's nice to find a person who does not obsess themselves with goals and things like that. :D I was reading all the pages of my blog, and saw you had posted a few (5) months back. I figured I might as well return the favor. :twss:




I hope we can talk to each other sometime in-game, it seems you and I have a lot in common. Well, I won't waste your time any longer, take care.




~ Gabe93 Walla




Thanks for that mate, i'd love to chat in-game some time i'll add you when i log in later.

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I find it ironic that we ran into each other in-game not too long after you posted in my blog & I responded that we might run into each other. Pays to know the right people, I suppose.




Very nice blog & I love how well-rounded your stats are; exactly what I'm trying to accomplish now. See you in-game!

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