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The COMPLETE summoning guide (quest included)


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adding still, all help exepted, need photos, finishing tommorow because im going to bed. The first part is copyed from the runescape site(will take a while to type out), most is mine




The COMPLETE summoning guide (quest included)




Table Of Contents




1. Quest guide


1.B) How to summon (incase the quest didnt help)


2. Familiars


3. Pouches


4. Scrolls


5. Pets




7. Leveling


8.Charms (were to get)


9.Secondary items


10. Obelisks


B1- my old speculation thread at the bottom


B2 - Credits




[hide=1. Quest guide (Wolf Wistle)]


^need pictures(will give credit)^




Quest: Wolf Wistle


Requirements: None


Starting Location: Taverny


Items: 2-3 wolf bones (The best place to get them is in Canvis, if you dont want to go there, go to white wolf mountain. A few days after summoning it will be easyer to get bones on the mountain.)




1. First bank all items and withdraw your wolf bones.




2. Talk to Pikkupstix and he will tell you the wonders of summoning




3. Go upstairs and you will see a very wierd bunny.




4. Talk to Pikkupstix again and you will need your 2 wolf bones nows




5. He will tell you how to summon. He will give you items. HOLD ONTO THEM. Open the trap door behind him and go downstairs




6. click the obliete and clicked the lit up pouch, now you will have 2 wolf pouches




7. Use one pouch on the obliette to get 10 scrolls




8. Go talk to Pikkupstix again, he will tell you to go upstairs




9. go up, summon your spirit wolf and use the scroll on the beaver. Make sure you talk all the way threw the chat, or else you will have to do again.




10. Talk to Pikkupstix again and he will say to recharge your summoning




11. go downstairs and use the second option on the obliette to recharge prayer




12. talk to Pikkupstix again and your dome






1 Quest Point


Ability to use Summoning


9 Howl Scrolls


275 Gold Charms


276 Summoning Exp






[hide=1.B) How to summon]


[hide=Pouch Making]


1. Have 1 pouch, the secondary item (bones, bars, herb, etc.), and the right number of crystal shards


2. go to any obliesk (taverny is best for beginners)


3. make the pouch you want




[hide=How to make scrolls]


1. withdraw the pouch you want to make into a scroll


2.go to any obliesk(taverny is easyest)


3.use pouch on obliesk


Note:this will get rid of your pouch, and will give you slightly more exp






[hide=2. Familiar]


Familiar Pouch Summoning Level Required Summoning Points Cost Experience for Summoning Abilities




Spirit wolf 1 1 0.1 Fights (Level 15)






Dreadfowl 4 1 0.1 Fights (Level 17)


Farming boost (1)


Dreadfowl Strike




Spirit spider 10 2 0.2 Fights (Level 23)


Egg Spawn




Thorny snail 13 2 0.2 Fights (Level 26)


Beast of burden (1)


Slime Spray




Granite crab 16 2 0.2 Fights (Level 29)


Fishing boost (1) - invisible


Counts as a big net when Fishing


Forager (1) - iron ore


Stony Shell




Desert wyrm 18 1 0.4 Fights (Level 30)


Mining boost (1) - invisible


Burrow - mines ores up to iron


Electric Lash




Spirit scorpion 19 2 0.9 Fights (Level 33)


Venom Shot




Albino rat 23 3 2.3 Fights (Level 36)


Forager (5) - stores cheese after scroll use


Cheese Feast




Spirit kalphite 25 3 2.5 Fights (Level 38)


Beast of burden (2)






Compost mound 28 6 0.6 Fights (Level 41)


Farming boost (1 + 2% of your level)


Forager (5) - various composts and seeds


Use a bucket on your compost mound to get compost - deals 2 damage to your familiar


Generate Compost




Vampire bat 31 4 1.5 Fights (Level 44)


Light enhancer


Vampire Touch




Honey badger 32 4 1.6 Fights (Level 45)


Insane Ferocity




Beaver 33 4 0.7 Woodcutting boost (2) - invisible


Fletcher - counts as a knife for Fletching purposes


Forager (5) - produces logs when near trees






Bronze minotaur 36 9 3.6 Fights (Level 49)


Bronze Bull Rush




Bull ant 40 5 0.6 Fights (Level 43)


Beast of burden (3)






Macaw 41 5 0.8 Remote view


Improved herb drops


Forager (1) - herbs






Evil turnip 42 5 2.1 Fights (Level 56)


Forager (2) - evil turnip slices


Can heal itself slightly when using Ranged attacks


Evil Flames




Spirit cockatrice


(and variants)


(and variants) 43 5 0.9 Fights (Level 56-58 - depends on type)


Right-click Drain - inflicts damage and drains a combat stat (varies according to type)


Forager (1) - cockatrice eggs


Petrifying Gaze




Iron minotaur 46 9 4.6 Fights (Level 59)


Iron Bull Rush




Magpie 47 5 0.9 Forager (2) - jewellery


Thieving Fingers




Bloated leech 49 5 2.4 Fights (Level 62)


Blood Drain




Spirit terrorbird 52 6 0.8 Fights (Level 67)


Beast of burden (4)


Tireless Run




Abyssal parasite 54 6 1.1 Fights (Level 67)


Slowed abyssal Prayer drain


Beast of burden (2) - stores unnoted rune and pure essence


Abyssal Drain




Spirit jelly 55 6 5.5 Fights (Level 58)






Steel minotaur 56 9 5.6 Fights (Level 69)


Steel Bull Rush




Ibis 56 6 1.1 Fishing boost (3) - invisible


Counts as a harpoon for catching tuna and swordfish


Forager (5) - stores fish it catches


Fish Rain




Karamthulhu overlord 58 6 5.8 Fights (Level 76)


Right-click Drown - hits opponent with a water spell


Doomsphere Device




Smoke devil 61 7 3 Fights (Level 64)


Right-click Flames - hits opponent with a fire spell


Dust Cloud




Abyssal lurker 62 7 1.9 Fights (Level 75)


Beast of burden (3) - unnoted rune and pure essence


Abyssal Stealth




Spirit cobra 63 7 3.1 Fights (Level 76)


Ophidian Incubation




Stranger plant 64 7 3.2 Fights (Level 77)


Farming boost (1 + 4% of your level)


Forager (2) - strange fruit


Poisonous Blast




Mithril minotaur 66 9 6.6 Fights (Level 79)


Mithril Bull Rush




Barker toad 66 7 1 Fights (Level 79)


Right-click Cannon - must be 'loaded' with a cannonball


Toad Bark




War tortoise 67 7 0.7 Fights (Level 80)


Beast of burden (6)






Bunyip 68 7 1.4 Fights (Level 68)


Use raw fish on the bunyip to turn them into water runes


Swallow Whole




Fruit bat 69 7 1.4 Light enchancer


Fly - gathers fruit in Karamja


Forager (7) - fruit when in Karamja






Arctic bear 71 8 1.1 Fights (Level 84)


Counts as two pieces of arctic camouflage


Arctic Blast




Granite lobster 74 8 3.7 Fights (Level 83)


Fishing boost (4) - invisible


Counts as harpoon for catching sharks


Forager (5) - stores sharks it catches


Crushing Claw




Praying mantis 75 8 3.6 Fights (Level 88)


Mantis Strike




Adamant minotaur 76 9 7.6 Fights (Level 89)


Adamant Bull Rush




Giant ent 78 8 1.6 Fights (Level 91)


Forager (10) - produces oak logs


Nature link - can convert pure essence into nature or earth runes


Acorn Missile




Hydra 80 9 1.6 Fights (Level 93)






Spirit dagannoth 82 9 4.1 Fights (Level 95)


Ferocious - chance of attacking again without delay


[bleep]e Shot




Rune minotaur 86 9 8.6 Fights (Level 99)


Rune Bull Rush




Unicorn stallion 88 9 1.8 Fights (Level 101)


Right-click Cure - cures poison and disease


Healing Aura




Wolpertinger 92 10 4.6 Fights (Level 105)


Hunter boost (5) - invisible


Grants you a 5% Defence bonus against Magic


Double experience and yield when harvesting berries


Magic Focus




Pack yak 96 10 4.8 Fights (Level 109)


Beast of burden (10)


Winter Storage










[hide=3. Pouches]


Bellow is a list of the familliar pouches








Summoning Level


Required Components


Summoning Experience Gained




Spirit wolf 1


Spirit shard x 7


Gold charm


Wolf bones 4.8




Dreadfowl 4


Spirit shard x 8


Gold charm


Raw chicken 9.3




Spirit spider 10


Spirit shard x 8


Gold charm


Spider carcass 12.6




Thorny snail 13


Spirit shard x 9


Gold charm


Raw thin snail 12.6




Granite crab 16


Spirit shard x 7


Gold charm


Iron ore 21.6




Desert wyrm 18


Spirit shard x 45


Green charm


Bucket of sand 31.2




Spirit scorpion 19


Spirit shard x 57


Crimson charm


Bronze claws 83.2




Albino rat 23


Spirit shard x 75


Blue charm


Raw rat meat 202.4




Spirit kalphite 25


Spirit shard x 51


Blue charm


Potato cactus 220




Compost mound 28


Spirit shard x 47


Green charm


Compost 49.8




Vampire bat 31


Spirit shard x 81


Crimson charm


Vampire dust 136




Honey badger 32


Spirit shard x 84


Crimson charm


Honeycomb 140.8




Beaver 33


Spirit shard x 72


Green charm


Willow logs 57.6




Bronze minotaur 36


Spirit shard x 102


Blue charm


Bronze bar 316.8




Bull ant 40


Spirit shard x 11


Gold charm


Marigolds 52.8




Macaw 41


Spirit shard x 78


Green charm


Guam 72.4




Evil turnip 42


Spirit shard x 104


Crimson charm


Carved turnip 184.8




Spirit cockatrice


(and variants) 43


Spirit shard x 88


Green charm


Cockatrice egg


(or variant) 75.2




Iron minotaur 46


Spirit shard x 125


Blue charm


Iron bar 404.8




Magpie 47


Spirit shard x 88


Green charm


Gold ring 83.2




Bloated leech 49


Spirit shard x 117


Crimson charm


Raw beef 215.2




Spirit terrorbird 52


Spirit shard x 12


Gold charm


Raw bird meat 68.4




Abyssal parasite 54


Spirit shard x 106


Green charm


Abyssal charm 94.8




Spirit jelly 55


Spirit shard x 151


Blue charm


Jug of water 484




Ibis 56


Spirit shard x 109


Green charm


Harpoon 98.8




Steel minotaur 56


Spirit shard x 141


Blue charm


Steel bar 492.8




Karamthulhu overlord 58


Spirit shard x 144


Blue charm


Empty fishbowl 510.4




Smoke devil 61


Spirit shard x 141


Crimson charm


Goat's horn dust 268




Abyssal lurker 62


Spirit shard x 119


Green charm


Abyssal charm 163.2




Spirit cobra 63


Spirit shard x 116


Crimson charm


Snake hide 276.8




Stranger plant 64


Spirit shard x 128


Crimson charm


Bagged plant 281.6




Barker toad 66


Spirit shard x 10


Gold charm


Bloated toad 87




Mithril minotaur 66


Spirit shard x 152


Blue charm


Mithril bar 580.8




War tortoise 67


Spirit shard x 1


Gold charm


Tortoise shell 58.6




Bunyip 68


Spirit shard x 110


Green charm


Raw shark 119.2




Fruit bat 69


Spirit shard x 130


Green charm


Banana 121.2




Arctic bear 71


Spirit shard x 14


Gold charm


Polar kebbit fur 93.2




Granite lobster 74


Spirit shard x 166


Crimson charm


Granite (500g) 325.6




Praying mantis 75


Spirit shard x 168


Crimson charm


Red flowers 329.6




Adamant minotaur 76


Spirit shard x 144


Blue charm


Adamantite bar 668.8




Giant ent 78


Spirit shard x 94


Green charm


Willow branch 136.8




Hydra 80


Spirit shard x 128


Green charm


Water orb 140.8




Spirit dagannoth 82


Spirit shard x 1


Crimson charm


Dagannoth hide 364.8




Rune minotaur 86


Spirit shard x 1


Blue charm


Runite bar 756.8




Unicorn stallion 88


Spirit shard x 140


Green charm


Unicorn horn 154.4




Wolpertinger 92


Spirit shard x 203


Crimson charm


Raw rabbit


Wolf bones






Pack yak 96


Spirit shard x 211


Crimson charm


Yak hide 422.4








[hide=4. Scrolls]








Required Summoning Level


Required Summoning Experience for Transforming(per 10 scrolls) Special Move


Special Move Points


Summoning Experience Gained for Activating






Spirit wolf 1 0.1 Causes NPC foes to flee 3 0.1




Dreadfowl Strike


Dreadfowl 4 0.1 Magic attack that inflicts up to 3 damage 3 0.1




Egg Spawn


Spirit spider 10 0.2 Creates a random number of red spider eggs 6 0.2




Slime Spray


Thorny snail 13 0.2 Attack that inflicts up to 8 damage 3 0.2




Stony Shell


Granite crab 16 0.2 Boosts your Defence 12 0.2




Electric Lash


Desert wyrm 18 0.4 Magic attack that inflicts one damage and stuns your opponent 6 0.4




Venom Shot


Spirit scorpion 19 0.9 Has a chance of making your next Ranged attack mildly poisonous, provided the ammunition you are using can be poisoned 6 1




Cheese Feast


Albino rat 23 2.3 Fills the rat's inventory with cheese 6 2.3






Spirit kalphite 25 2.5 Strikes up to 5 nearby opponents for up to 2 damage 6 2.5




Generate Compost


Compost mound 28 0.6 Fills a nearby compost bin with compost with the chance of creating supercompost 12 0.6




Vampire Touch


Vampire bat 31 1.5 Inflicts up to 12 damage on an opponent, with a chance of restoring 2 of your Hitpoints 4 1.6




Insane Ferocity


Honey badger 32 1.6 Reduces your Defence, Magic and Ranged to increase your Attack and Strength 12 1.6






Beaver 33 0.7 Cuts up to 3 logs from a nearby tree 3 0.7




Bronze Bull Rush


Bronze minotaur 36 3.6 Magical attack that does up to 4 damage, with a chance of stunning your opponent 6 3.6






Bull ant 40 0.6 Restores run energy based on your Agility 12 0.6






Macaw 41 0.8 Chance of creating herbs 12 0.8




Evil Flames


Evil turnip 42 2.1 Magic attack that drains the target's Ranged skill 6 2.1




Petrifying gaze


Spirit cockatrice


(and variants) 43 0.9 Deals up to 5 damage against an opponent, as well as reducing a combat skill (varies by type of cockatrice) 3 0.9




Iron Bull Rush


Iron minotaur 46 4.6 Magical attack that does up to 6 damage, with a chance of stunning your opponent 6 4.6




Thieving Fingers


Magpie 47 0.9 2 point Thieving boost 12 0.9




Blood Drain


Bloated leech 49 2.4 Heals stat damage, poison and disease at the cost of Hitpoints 6 2.5




Tireless Run


Spirit terrorbird 52 0.8 2 point Agility boost, and restores your run energy based on your normal Agility 8 0.8




Abyssal Drain


Abyssal parasite 54 1.1 Magic-based attack that drains opponent's Prayer 6 1.1






Spirit jelly 55 5.5 A Magic attack that inflicts up to 7 damage and drains the target's Attack 6 5.5




Steel Bull Rush


Steel minotaur 56 5.6 Magical attack that does up to 9 damage, with a chance of stunning your opponent 6 5.6




Fish Rain


Ibis 56 1.1 Produces fish up to cod 12 1.1




Doomsphere Device


Karamthulhu overlord 58 5.8 Inflicts up to 16 damage on the target 3 5.8




Dust Cloud


Smoke devil 61 3 Inflicts up to 3 damage on up to 6 adjacent opponents 6 3.1




Abyssal Stealth


Abyssal lurker 62 1.9 4 point boost to both Agility and Thieving 20 1.9




Ophidian Incubation


Spirit cobra 63 3.1 Turns an egg into a cockatrice egg 3 3.2




Poisonous Blast


Stranger plant 64 3.2 Attack with 50% chance of poisoning your opponent and inflicting 2 damage 6 3.2




Mithril Bull Rush


Mithril minotaur 66 6.6 Magical attack that does up to 12 damage, with a chance of stunning your opponent 6 6.6




Toad Bark


Barker toad 66 1 Inflicts up to 18 damage on your opponent 6 1






War tortoise 67 0.7 Boosts your Defence significantly 20 0.7




Swallow Whole


Bunyip 68 1.4 Allows you to eat an uncooked fish, assuming you have the level to cook it 3 1.4






Fruit bat 69 1.4 Produces random fruit nearby 6 1.4




Arctic Blast


Arctic bear 71 1.1 Magical attack that does up to 11 damage, with a chance of stunning your opponent 6 1.1




Crushing Claw


Granite lobster 74 3.7 Inflicts up to 14 damage, as well as removing up to 5 Defence from your opponent 6 3.7




Mantis Strike


Praying mantis 75 3.7 Binds, causes Magic-based damage and drains target player's Prayer 6 3.8




Adamant Bull Rush


Adamant minotaur 76 7.6 Magical attack that does up to 16 damage, with a chance of stunning your opponent 6 7.6




Acorn Missile


Giant ent 78 1.6 Inflicts up to 11 damage on up to 3 opponents. Chance of acorns being dropped 6 1.6






Hydra 80 1.6 Chance of replicating standard fruit or vegetables in your inventory 6 1.6




[bleep]e Shot


Spirit dagannoth 82 4.1 Ranged attack that inflicts up to 18 damage and stuns your opponent 6 4.2




Rune Bull Rush


Rune minotaur 86 8.6 Magical attack that does up to 19 damage, with a chance of stunning your opponent 6 8.6




Healing Aura


Unicorn stallion 88 1.8 Heals up to 15% of your Hitpoints 20 1.8




Magic Focus


Wolpertinger 92 4.6 Boosts your Magic level significantly 20 4.6




Winter Storage


Pack yak 96 4.8 Pack yak banks one random item in its inventory. The pack yak must have a full inventory 12 4.8








Pet Summoning Level Required Source Notes Adult Form




Bulldog 1 Pet shops Eats raw meat (not fish)




Dalmatian 1 Pet shops Eats raw meat (not fish)




Greyhound 1 Pet shops Eats raw meat (not fish)




Labrador 1 Pet shops Eats raw meat (not fish)




Sheepdog 1 Pet shops Eats raw meat (not fish)




Terrier 1 Pet shops Eats raw meat (not fish)




Gecko 10 Caught using Hunter Eats flies and beetle bits




Penguin 30 Available from Ardougne Zoo Egg must be incubated at a pet shop






Eats raw fish




Giant crab 40 Purchased from mogres Eats raw fish




Raven 50 Birds' nests Egg must be incubated at a pet shop






Eats ground Fishing bait as a chick


Eats Fishing bait when adult




Squirrel 60 Caught using Hunter Eats nuts




Guthix raptor * 70 Birds' nests Egg must be incubated at a pet shop






Eats ground Fishing bait as a chick


Eats Fishing bait when older




Saradomin owl * 70 Birds' nests Egg must be incubated at a pet shop






Eats ground Fishing bait as a chick


Eats Fishing bait when older




Zamorak hawk * 70 Birds' nests Egg must be incubated at a pet shop






Eats ground Fishing bait as a chick


Eats Fishing bait when older




Raccoon 80 Caught using Hunter Eats raw meat and fish




Vulture 85 Vulture drop Egg must be incubated at a pet shop






Eats ground Fishing bait as a chick


Eats Fishing bait when adult




Chameleon 90 Eggs can found on Cairn Isle Egg must be incubated at a pet shop






Eats flies




Monkey 95 Caught using Hunter Eats bananas




Baby dragon 99 Dragon drop Egg must be incubated at a pet shop






Eats vast quantities of raw meat, fish or chicken














Summoning pouches are an essential for summoners. Without them, you would be unable to summon even the smallest spirit wolf, let alone a mighty wolpertinger.


Pouches can be purchased from a Summoning shop.




Spirit Shards


Spirit shards are curious artefacts that are used to hold the essence of a familiar in the RuneScape world. Without them, no Summoning would be possible.


Spirit shards can be purchased from a Summoning shop.






Charms are odd trinkets that are used to define the types of familiar that can be infused into a Summoning pouch. If you consider the fact that you are infusing a spirit from another realm into a pouch, the danger of Summoning without a charm is obvious...










[hide=7. Leveling]


[hide=Power Leveling]


Bellow is some easy ways to power level, if you have a way I WILL ADD as long as its good.




Before people yell at me, when you turn your pouch into a scroll u get .something exp.


[hide=Levels 4 - 16]


First you need 350 raw chickens, sounds hard? Not at all, first go to canfis (on the east side of verrok) and buy them, they are 1gp ea, they also sell beef, raw rat, and raw bear)




Now go to fally bank everything and withdraw 100k. Buy 1k pouches (1k total), and spend the rest on crystal shards.




Basicly have all your charms, shards, and pouches in your inventory, your other 25 items will be raw chickens




Now make 25 Dreadfowl pouches, then use the pouch on the avitar to get even more exp.




When you run out of gold charms, go to the Khazard Battlefield and kill Khazard Troopers till you get 35 gold seals (may take a bit)




Now use some seals till your 16 summoning. Dont use the extra ones.






[hide=Levels 16-25]


From now on you want to use all seals, to get seals kill any type of giant, or any slayer monster, i personaly kill Baskalisks.




with the rest of your gold seals, make Granite crab pouches.




Bellow are the best things to do with your seals




Gold Charm: Granite crab




Green charm: Desert wyrm




Crimson charm: Spirit scorpion




Blue charm: Albino rat until you can do Spirit Kalphite




[hide=level 25+]


Now that you get the hang of it, try doing the highest ones you can. Pick what ones help you the best, will edit this when more info is avalable






[hide=Fastest Summoning Exp]


by: rncd147


[hide]The Fast but costly Method








Watch Tower quest


Wolf Whistle


A lot of money








Spirit Shards






2nd Ingridients


A lot of money




First tele to the Watch Tower and make your way to the bank. There withdraw the listed iteims and in the free space have the unnoted 2nd ingridients. After getting the needed inventory go to the obelesk located neer the Ogre City gate. Infuse the pouches and head to the general store in the city. There sell the Infused pouches and unnote the 2nd ingridients through selling and buying them back. Go back to the obelisk and Infuse. repeat untill 99 Summoning :D




Pros: Easy and Fast exp.




Cons: Costs a lot[/hide]




The slower but cheaper Method








Swan Song




Get to the wood lands hunting area. Fairy ring code AKQ. Head to the bank have the needed iteims in inventory and head to the obelisk which is located just south-west of the entrance to the fishing colony.




This method should be used if the 2nd ingridinets are pricy and unnoting them through selling costs too much.[/hide][/hide]






[hide=Money Wize Leveling]


This is an abreviated guide on how to raise summoning slower, but cheaper.




level 4 - 10














[hide=8. Charms (were to get)]


So you just got to level 14 - 16 and you relised you have no more gold charms left. Now the skill is slower and you need to so some old fation monster summoning.




Jagex Said that these are good charm dropers:


Fire giants


Ice giants


Ogres and jogres


Blue dragons


Basilisks (slayer)


Bloodveld (slayer)




Ive tried fire and i didnt like the drop rate, basiliks are personaly my favorite.




Some People have found better ones. Bellow are them all, if you have one submit please.




Khazard warriors (in Khazard Battlefield)**drops lots of gold charms


dust devils (slayer)




Fastest Charm Collection








High defence armor


Best weapon




Cannon balls




Some food


A couple of spaces should be left free since u will get some good herb and seed drops




What to do




Go to the Ice Caves, which are located South of Falador. By far these are the best in the lvl to charm drop ratio. I meen it is possible to kill fire giants but I prefer these since they are some what lower lvl and drop around the same amount of charms.




Set up your cannon in the eastern part of the cave near the giants. Killing these with the cannon is really fast. Don't hesitate to kill the ice warriors since they also drop a good amount of charms.




The kill to drop ration for charms is around 4:5 with RoW. after an hour i ended up with 107 gold 9 crimson 1 blue and 4 green and got 3 spirit weed seeds.








Dont forget to check under rune drops since the runes are biger than chrams and you are not able to see if a charm was droped. so mak sure you check every drop.[/hide]








[hide=9. Sencondary items]


Bellow is a list of items needed to summon a monster.




wolf bones - kill wolfs, kill werewolfs, but best place is to pick bones up from the dead skeleton lying there on the mountain




raw chicken - buy in canfis for 1gp, if not kill your own




spider carcases- kill jungle spiders in the N W tip of brimhaven, north of the dungeon, W and a little N of the boat.




raw thin snail - kill snails




iron ore - mine a bunch fast, or try and get some in exchange




bucket of sand - finish hand in the sand to get 86 buckets of sand sent to your bank a day, or use a bucket with sand box on entria.




bronze claws - buy in exchange or make (make is better because its a hot item now)




raw rat meat- buy in canfis meat shop for 1gp, or kill rats in verrock sewers




potato cactus- pick up in kalphite dungeon, or buy on exchange




compost- buy for 50gp at farming store, or make your own




vampire dust - kill vampires




honeycomb - **not sure




willow logs - woodcut, buy in exchange




bronze bar- buy in shilo general store, smith your own, buy in exchange




marigolds - farm, buy in exchange




guam - droped by many monsters, buy in exchange




wicked turnip - buy or farm an evil turnip and use a knife with it




cocatrice egg- dropped by cocatrice




iron bar - smith it, buy it




gold ring - nests, smith, buy for cheap




raw beef - buy in canfis, kill cows




raw bird meat - kill birds (not chickens)




Abyssal charm - *need info*




jug of water - buy in exchange, or buy empty jugs at general store




harpoon - buy at fishing stores




steel bar - smith it, buy it




empty fish bowl - craft it, buy it




goat's horn dust - kill a goat for its horn, ground the horn




snake hide - kill snakes, tan hide




bagged plant - buy from falidor farmer




bloated toad - get from chompy hunting




mithirl bar - smith it, buy it




tortise shell - kill tortises in gnome areas




raw shark - fish it, buy it




banana - pick it, grow it, buy it




polar kebbit fur - buy it, get from summoning




granite (500g) - mine it, buy it




red flowers - buy for 12gp (need place name), grow it




adamite bar - smith it, mine it




willow branch - clip a willow tree YOU planted




water ord - craft it, or buy it




dragonnoth hide - kill dragonoths, buy it




rune bar - smith it, buy it




unicorn horn - kill unicorns, buy it




raw rabbit - kill rabits




Yak hide - kill Yaks












Taverley Summoning obelisk and shop


The obelisk is located beneath Pikkupstix's house.




Gu'Tanoth Summoning obelisk and shop


Located just before the gates into Gu'Tanoth.




Mort Myre Summoning obelisk and shop


Located in the Nature Spirit's grotto.




Isafdar Summoning obelisk


Located just inside the Underground Pass.




Brimhaven Summoning obelisk


Located west of Brimhaven.




Piscatoris Summoning obelisk


Located in a cave south of the Piscatoris Fishing Colony.




Kharidian Desert Summoning obelisk


Located in a cave south-west of Pollnivneach.














[hide=B1 -MY thoughts before summoning was released]


Are You Ready For Summoning? The Best Way To Prepare.




There is a few ways to get ready for summoning.




First you will need to finish Wolf Wistle quest to do summoning


Also if you look on the picture in summoning development # 4, you will see that Summoning is coming out next week!






a leaked image or summoning icon in stats, ty draynor.net






Section 1 : The supplies




Section 2 : Prerequisite skills / quests




Section 3 : Summoning equiptment / starting items




Section 4 : Spoilers / what we know




Section 5 : Feedback




Section 1 : The supplies




Since summoning is in every skill, you may want to stock up, because you dont know how much they will help you (pets). Only buy the things that you want to train.




[hide=Skills and recomended items]


Agility - You cant realy prepare for this, finishing monkey madness, getting a few hundred cakes, and some grappling hooks are all you can do.




Combat - Get super sets (if your high lvl), food, best armour, wepons, finish any quests that open up new areas ( shilo village, legends, underground pass, etc.), and get ready for some combat lvl ups.




Construction - Buy a few extra planks, limestone, and any other suplies.




Cooking - Get some extra raw fish




Crafting - Extra hides, gold bars, any thing that you can use to lvl.




Farming - buy seeds and a bunch of compost, who knows how this skill will be improved.




Firemaking - buy a tinderbox




Fishing - complete barbarian fishing training, buy every fishing device




Fletching - get a knife




Herblore - keep some unid pots, u never know the new summoning boosts that are involved,




Hunter - buy some supplies, especialy nets




Magic - get a few thousand of the basic runes, get extra nats and laws.




Mining - buy a extra pick




Prayer - get some bones, but dont bury




Ranged - get arrows, bows, and d hide




Runecrafting - get talismans, tiaras and essence, before price increases




Slayer - slayer exipment




Smithing - dont smith ur bars, keep extra ores




Thieving - get gloves of silence




Woodcutting - an axe[/hide]




Section 2 : Prerequisite skills / quests




Bellow is some quests and skills that you might want to have or complete.




As peopl have been yelling at me, hunter DOES tie into summoning a lot,mespecialy high lvls, so turn chat off, get 100gp, grab a net with soe traps and spend 1 hr getting 50 - 55 hunter from lvl 1.




[hide=Quests] Legends, heros (new items), recepie for disaster, underground pass, witches hous, Cold War (the penguin quest, for penguin eggs maybe), Eagles' Peak (because summoning will tie in with hunter a lot), and any quests that gives you acess to new areas




Lke herblore, and runecrafting, there will be a quest that needs completing to start rasing summoning.[/hide]




[hide=Skills] 30 + (at least) in everything, 55+ is beter, 60 prayer ( for protection from summoned monsters), 75 incase theres higher requirements for new prayers[/hide]




Section 3 : Summoning equiptment / starting items




Jagex released a few new items. It would be gould if you get 10 of the following eggs ( before skill comes out) :penguin, raven and vulture, and regular coloured eggs.




Raven, and regular coloured eggs are all from bird nests. Vulture eggs are avalible from killing vultures a little north on agility pyramid. It takes 5min. - 40min. to get a egg, but its worth it. I am personaly getting 50 vulture eggs.








If you read the last development diary, there is a answe to a anagram, it reveals "nets" and some "granite", the granite mostly refers to the rock ( mined in desert).




Lots of cash, 100k if your low level, i personaly saved 3mil becasue i want 80 summoning by febuary 1st. Every 8 summoning levels is 1 cb lvl.






Section 4 : Spoilers / what we know


Bellow is information that may spoil your experiance, that is if you want it to be a suprise.




1. 25 new familiars , and 47 variations of pets and familiars will be released in febuary


2.summoning monsters are in pouches in your inventory, like cats or fish


3.Each creature has unique Summoning requirements, special moves, abilities, distinct personalities and hidden chat options


4. please post some more..






Section 5 : Feedback




None yet




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[url=http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?p=5604052#5604052]Are You Ready For Summoning?[/url]




Links to other Summoning Reads






3.http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=718 ... sc&start=0








Made by: Kingryanj




Corrections / help by(decent contrabution) :elementz_m, everyone basicly




* yes i did at the hunter importance bit






B2- Credits


Credits: Me, Jagex, rncd147 (helped a lot)


RIP kingryanj Soon to be 99 FM 99 Hunt and 99 Fletch

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I agree with the dude above me, this isn't a guide, you just copying-pasted this from Runescape KB. How the hell do I even train this skill anyways? Care to answer that in your "guide"?

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yes i shall (ur a staff so ur opinion meens a lot)




i am collecting data, trying stuff out and asking people to help also, if u have anything let me know, i started this 20 minutes ago, off to bed


RIP kingryanj Soon to be 99 FM 99 Hunt and 99 Fletch

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Why would you bother to post this if you just copy and pasted from Knowledge Base? Nothing anybody will benefit from, and it looks much better at KB. Also why did you say it was COMPLETE? it doesn't even say what to do...

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Turning pouches into scrolls does not yield exp. I have watched my exp as I turned the pouches into skill scrolls, NO EXP.


I thought the same, but apparantly you have to make at least 11 for 1xp (or something like that). Try making the entire load of pouches you got into scrolls.


A Draconic Guide V1.4, Fimer - Multi-Timer Farming Timer V3.

Dragon Boots: 39|Abyssal Whips: 16|Dark Bows: 1|

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  • 4 months later...
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this SERIOUSLY needs hide tags fixing


Dragon Drops: Platelegs x9, Med Helms x7, Plateskirts x4, Shield Left Half x3, At least 75+ Boots!, Hatchets x5, Ruined Shard x1, Solo Claws x2, Dragon 2Hander x1, Spear x2

Whip x27, Dark Bows x9, Draconic Visage x1

sweetol5.png <- do that when you see me :P

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yes i shall (ur a staff so ur opinion meens a lot)




i am collecting data, trying stuff out and asking people to help also, if u have anything let me know, i started this 20 minutes ago, off to bed




Don't see how lala being a staff member makes his opinion "meen" more...no offense, but I just dislike [cabbage] kissing.




Anyways, I think that it was nice of you to try to put together a guide, but you should try to clean up the post a bit with Hide tags and maybe add in some images to help guide people. Right now it's a bit hard to look through the guide.




Decent start, but you need to put some more work into this.

Barrows: 9~2 V Brass,V Flail,2 Dh Plate,V Helm,V Skirt,T Legs,Malevolent Shield DKing: 48~6 W Ring,13 A Ring,8 M Staff,9 S Ring,7 B Ring,3 Seercull
Dragon Drops: 500+~50+ Med,26 Axe,3 Chain,10+ Legs,10+ Spear,2 D2h,10+ L Half,49 Boots,2 DDs,10+ Lump,9 Claws,50+ Dagger,14 Visage,50+ Mace,4 Scimitar,7 Hasta,Baxe,50+ Long,30+ Royal,2 Kite,4 Ward,2 Plate,Staff,Hammer,Limbs, Mattock,Halberd
GWD: 156~4 S Staff,50+ Shard,9 B Tass,13 B Plate,5 B Boots,6 A Plate,11 S Sword,8 A Hilt,4 A Skirt,9 A Helm,S Hilt,3 B Hilt,B Glove,2 A Buckler,Z Ward,Z Garb,2 Z Boots,B Shield,B Helm

Corp: 3~Elysian,2 Sp Sh Nex: 6~Torva Legs,Cere,P cowl,Z bow,2 T boots + GWD2: 9~2 Glaive,Wand,2 Crest,Blade,2 Essence,Core Araxyte: 5~Web,3 Pheromone,Fang + Raids: 4~3 Codex,P Boots  + Trails: 2~Bob Shirt,Fortunate

Etc: 64~3 Sceptre,B Mask,16 Whip,2 Focus Sight,5 D Bow,7 SOL,Ragefire,2 Steadfast,Arma Staff,6 Rider Armor,5 Vine,2 Razorback,2 A Wand,Abby Orb,3 Blood Shard,6 Hydrix,Gland,Asc Xbow
[spoiler=Capes]Quest Cape Aquired 12-7-07 ~ Level 93 + + + Completionist Cape Aquired 5-22-15 ~ Level 138
Hitpoints Cape Aquired 9-21-09 ~ Level 131 + Magic Cape Aquired 9-24-09 Attack Cape Aquired 3-5-10 ~ Level 135 Summoning Cape Aquired 3-12-10

Strength Cape Aquired 6-1-11 ~ Level 137 Fire Cape Aquired 6-23-11 Defence Cape Aquired 7-5-11 + Ranged Cape Aquired 8-1-11 Kiln Cape Aquired 2-26-12 ~ Level 138
Dungeoneering Cape Aquired 4-22-12 + Slayer Cape Aquired 6-25-14 ~ Level 200 + Herblore Cape Acquired 12-9-14 ~ Level 138 Prayer Cape Acquired 12-20-14
Agility Cape Acquired 1-4-15 + Hunter Cape Acquired 1-30-15 Construction Cape Acquired 1-31-15 Crafting Cape Acquired 2-22-15 Thieving Cape Acquired 3-18-15
Runecrafting Cape Acquired 4-14-15 Mining Cape Acquired 4-19-15 Fishing Cape Acquired 4-25-15 Firemaking Cape Acquired 4-26-15 Woodcutting Cape Acquired 4-26-15
Cooking Cape Acquired 4-26-15Smithing Cape Acquired 4-28-15 Farming Cape Acquired 4-29-15 Divination Cape Acquired 5-3-15 Dungeoneering Mastery 5-4-15
Fletching Cape Acquired 5-4-15 Max Cape Acquired 5-4-15 + Invention Cape Acquired 11-9-16 Invention Mastery 5-16-19 + Archaeology Cape Acquired 10-30-20

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Boring read tbh... :wall:




Honestly, you should just take out the whole entire Runescape KB. Post your opinions and facts, but try to make sure theyre correct. Nobody likes to read a dictionary.




Still, glad to see theres another summoning guide up, it sheds light on parts I missed, and adds other opinions on the skill.

[Summoning guide (AOW)] [Slayer guide] [Melee & Brawl player]


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Dude, it's nice you try, but




1) it's just flat text (fix the hide tags at the least)


2) you need to do a more in-depth study before writing a guide (61 summon is a nice start, but far from high; even with my 85 summon, I still don't got the whole picture of the skill + 85 is only 1/4 of the total xp to 99; at 61, you got less than 1/32 of the xp for 99)


3) cannoning ice giants and warriors isn't good for charms (after 71, gold charms are pretty useless and only give a little xp compared to the other charms)

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