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The End.



Well, for the forseeable future.


Yeah, it's over. For now. Over the past few months I've grown tired of RuneScape. It no longer holds my attention like it once did. I no longer felt the excitement I once felt when I logged in. I didn't care for logging in, but did it just for the sake of checking ports and doing dailies. Re-sub time came around and I decided not to re-sub, but to cancel my membership. I can't see the point in paying for POP and the chance of something to bring me back.


So yeah, no need for a long drawn out thing. I did this a couple of weeks ago and haven't been back. So I suppose this is truly it. I can maybe see myself coming back for the new skill or a new quest or something, but for now, I'll be playing other games and doing other things.


Thanks RuneScape, I still love you, but you've got nothing for me at the moment. And the constant jamming of SOF/SGS down our throats furthers the problem. But that's something different entirely.


Catch ya next time, ~Dax.


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