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R.I.P. Skippy



Sadly in the midst of getting ready for the 4th of July weekend, something very hard hit my heart. Today I had to say goodbye to my dog Skippy. I adopted Skippy along with my cat Tiger Lilly several years ago from my neighbor. Skippy was older than Lilly, but he was the biggest kid you would have ever met. When I first adopted him, he use to take running leaps toward me and had a million dollar smile. Over the years as he aged, it got tougher for him to run up to me, but he never lost his trademark smile and the little wag in his tail. This year had been his most difficult but you wouldn't know it. Till today he was at my feet, licking my fingers and grinning with all the cheer he could muster.


He had been very ill this week and there was no way we could hold off a visit to the vet until after the 4th. We took him in and got the news we did not want to hear. They asked us if we wanted to stay. We did. I stood there. My heart sank.


It got me thinking. Everyone in this world deserves the comfort of having someone there. I do not surround myself with fake friends. The number of true friends I have, I can count on one hand. But you do not know how blessed I feel to have them. Please I urge those of you reading this blog now, go pick up the phone and call that friend of yours that you haven't talked to for 5 years, sit down and have a dinner with your mom and dad, or go up to that special someone you have feelings for and admit your love to them. This is what really matters at the end of the day.


R.I.P. Skippy



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Sorry to hear this. I am afraid of dogs, but the expression on Skippy looks cheerful. How old did Skippy become?

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Skippy truely was an adorable dog. Sorry for your loss, and can only say that in time the pain fades but the happy memories stay. :(

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