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Pics of New Island + 91 Smith



Ok, So 91 Smithing achieved after smelting roughly 83 loads of gold, which is 2324 gold ore, which equates to 130,608.8 xp.


[hide=Level Up Pick]91Smithing.jpg[/hide]


[hide=Pics of new area in Wildy][hide="Tent #1]Tents.jpg[/hide]


Now, from this picture alone it would seem like the red tent is probably the leaders tent, but if we then take a look at the same area from a different starting point, we get ...


[hide=Tent #2]Tents2.jpg[/hide]


There's too more tent's like the red one, one is green, and one blue. If you look closely, it seems that both the red and the green tent have some sort of stone rectangle in them. A crypt maybe?


[hide=A bit more south]SouthofTentIvy.jpg[/hide]


Now, if you go to the south a bit, you can see that first of all, ruins, then more impressive plants that don't seem to be dead. In fact they seem to be thriving. I know it seems small, and it probably is, but it just seems a little out of place in the wilderness if you ask me. Also take note of the tunnel in the center of the picture, I'll get to this soon.




Now, this is a viewpoint I've seen many times, with one speculation being that it is a capsule that is containing something. Well it actually is the tunnel that was from the previous picture, but I just haven't happened to see it from any other viewpoint yet, so I figured that I'd mention it.




Now, if you look at this view of the banners that are seen from the back in the hide tags of "A bit more south", you can see that the banner's actually look quite a bit like a face. Now, I'm not too certain of the symbols of the various races/peoples of runescape, and considering that the freminecks (sp?) seem to be the ones blocking access to the are, this may very be their symbol, I'm really not sure.


[hide=Blue Glow]BlueGlow.jpg[/hide]


Ok, This one and the next one are both probably absolutely pointless to post, because they tell us pretty much nothing and both are probably just to keep the landscape from being to constant. If you go to the Northen end of the part that you can see of the new island, you will see that there seems to be a blue glow on one of the cliff levels, but not the one above it or below it.


[hide=Ancient Beast]AncientBeast.jpg[/hide]


So this is something that has been brought up time after time, with these remains appearing all over the wilderness, whether it be the inside of the bounty hunter or around a volcano. There is nothing really to be said about the remains except that they are quite frequently placed on the land surrounding the island.[/hide]


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