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Status Replies posted by Ginger_Warrior

  1. Happy birthday! :D

  2. Happy Birthday! :)

    1. Ginger_Warrior


      Thank-you very much, Sang!

  3. Why did I not expect that O.O are you with St John Ambulance?

  4. Why did I not expect that O.O are you with St John Ambulance?

    1. Ginger_Warrior


      Small world. Does that make you a cadet then? Did you do anything for the Olympics? Still got my shiny accreditation pass. Told it could fetch about a hundred quid on eBay. :)

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  5. Why did I not expect that O.O are you with St John Ambulance?

  6. Why did I not expect that O.O are you with St John Ambulance?

  7. Found a copy of The World Ends With You at Gamestop \:D/

  8. Boom, Boom, Supersonic, Boom, Boom

    1. Ginger_Warrior


      My heart goes boom bang-a-bang boom bang-a-bang... Seemed appropriate with Eurovision on.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. I have 99 Firemaking >:D

    1. Ginger_Warrior


      Get a real 99 and go RuneCrafting. God sake...


      (Nah, congrats really :D)

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

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