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Status Updates posted by Alg

  1. Alg

    Happy birthday!

  2. Happy birthday

  3. Got to practice chessmastering by way of Risk, in which I convinced two people that the third player was the biggest threat while building up my armies in Australia and South America. Naturally, I told them exactly what I was doing and wasn't taken seriously until near the end.

    1. Kirschen


      And you won? Magnificent.

  4. I don't suppose you'd be willing to accept my apology for all of the ban shenanigans? (Bananigans?)

    1. D. V. Devnull

      D. V. Devnull

      Consider it accepted... I am going to hold off on coming back for a few, though, just to let the dust settle and let myself pick up a good & fresh string of creativity. ;-)

    2. Kirschen


      I forgot when I last visited that terrible place.

  5. I must say that I approve of all of this Deino art.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Alg


      Cave blindness? That's not tragic so much as biologically sensible. Why waste energy seeing things when there's no light to see with?

    3. D. V. Devnull

      D. V. Devnull

      And what about when there is enough light, or can generate enough light? Anything that can see would have a major advantage over Deino, which would be tragedy in definition. =(

    4. Alg


      For reference, the only place where you'll find them is in a deep cave. They would undoubtedly make up for that with other senses.


      Yay, biology! :D

  6. Alg

    1. Vezon Dash

      Vezon Dash

      That is why I will be picking Chespin.

    2. Erika


      I just noticed that now. Gee, thanks. You really had to do that, don't you?

  7. Alg

    I can't decide if the Dilbert strip in your signature is brilliant or terrifying, so I'm going to say both.

    1. D. V. Devnull

      D. V. Devnull

      Oh, it's terrifying and only terrifying, no doubt about that. I would pull the plug and terminate processes before I would allow anything but the actual problem to be touched. Doesn't matter if I've got illegal stuff or not, any invite I give would be only to fix the problem in question. Principal would dictate that touching anything else would be out-of-bounds of the invited person's scope, placing them firmly in the wrong should they exceed their allowed scope. ~~~~~>8{

    2. Alg


      Was talking about the one she had back then, around the time when they had the survey (?).

  8. It's not too late to say happy birthday, is it?

  9. This thing has caused me to procrastinate more than usual. Enjoy. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ThingsMrWelchIsNoLongerAllowedToDoInAnRPG

    1. Kirschen


      2,500 of them... ooh boy.

    2. Alg


      The trope page has the highlights.

  10. ...This concludes our test of the emergency status system.

  11. Thank you for posting Ruby Quest. That was great.

  12. I'm never going to be able to take Loras seriously again... But that was worth it.

  13. Happy birthday!

  14. There are a few legendaries from other regions that you could use it on. You can apparently get another if you beat Colress again, too.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kirschen


      You should try it out. It's amusing how many shout outs and references there are packed in. Oh, and how has the PWT been treating you?

    3. Alg


      It's not exactly pleasant on someone who favors sun teams.

    4. Kirschen


      Oh. I should get around to playing around with that area after I find a new spot that is kind to training to level 75-80.

  15. Horror preview: The title theme gets a sinister remix. It feels like it's supposed to be the cheerful, upbeat main theme that we all know and love, but it isn't. It's like some kind of musical take on the stepford smiler trope.

    1. Kirschen


      Really... Well, I will find out somewhere between the 19th and the 26th (sometime when I will likely be buying Black 2). Thanks for letting me know it starts off on cheers and smiles.

  16. H.P. Lovecraft was right! The deep oceans ARE filled with eldritch abominations!

  17. Alg

    " Granted, you receive a book entitled "Two More Wishes" The quality is on par with "50 Shades of Grey"" - Brb writing this

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