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Status Updates posted by Alg

  1. Happy birthday!

  2. Watch Spaceballs. The context helps.

  3. Alg

    Trying to find out how many OTers still use their RS name, or a name relating back to RS. Answer: Very few, if any.

  4. Alg

    Profile stalk'd in the name of research. Hi.

  5. re: Signature:

    On the contrary, the flaws are the most interesting parts.

  6. Psst! Go to the beach and I'll give you candy/

  7. Alg

    "Nah, not yet. But did you really think heaven wouldn't have (blazing fast) internet? "

    Well, it IS heaven.

  8. Alg

    Hey, that whole rapture thing was true!

  9. Alg

    You are one of the coolest posters on TIF. True story.

  10. What is this madness?

  11. Congrats on that whole "Being legal" thing.

  12. Congrats. Rainy would be proud.

  13. Alg

    Idea for your avatar http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/5/55/Spr_3e_059_s.gif

    Same as what you have but with 20% more pun.

  14. Happy Birthday

  15. Happy Birthdaymas

  16. Herpy Derpday! :D

  17. That happens

  18. Insults and foul language.

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