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Posts posted by dTwizy

  1. http://hiscore.runescape.com/index_lite.ws?player=playername




    still works for me. Don't think it shows all stats anymore though, just the same as whats in hs.




    Ok thanks, yeah it seems to be just the same as the highscores :(

  2. Seeing as you can't share personal information, you wont find out if you're the oldest player.




    My noob encounter:


    It was just any normal day on RS before...


    Noob: yo yo mon, can i hav sum free st00f


    Me: no, u cant hav any free "st00f"


    Noob: oh, well can i hav sum free stuff then?

  3. Hi, I love the idea, but I have a feeling that JaGeX will never do this.


    Why? Because I think JaGeX will never support clans, and that's what this thing is *MOSTLY* about.




    They support clans, why else would they have a clan thread on the RuneScape forum?




    I support, although I think something else should be used instead of crowns. Perhaps just the clan leader in bold or something simple like that.

  4. Its fine as it is :) Why fix what isnt broken? Everybody else in runescape thinks it is fine. goes from green to red... and in the middle yellow :) It is not hard to see at all... Just turn up brightness on runescape if you cant see clearly...




    Perhaps if you read the part in bold you would know I'm not talking about the colour of someone elses combat, but yours. In the attack styles tab...




    :XD: and I can't see clearly?

  5. Now I know some people write quite a lot for suggestions, but I'm just going to make this very clear and simple.




    I find it quite difficult to read my red combat level, so I reckon that the number should be in a lighter colour, such as white or yellow. No, I don't need glasses, and I can read it, but it would be a lot better if it was lighter in my view. Hopefully people agree with me.




    I'm speaking about the colour in the attack style tab.


    Here's a few examples of possible colours, if you know a better colour, please submit your suggestion.






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