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Blog Comments posted by Hawks

  1. Exactly what Guy said. I read through that and thought it was pretty great. Tbh I have issues with my fingers typing faster than the keyboard can keep up with me, so I have tons of errors that I have to subconsciously correct.


    In game I think all I would need is to have somebody say 'English is not my first language' and I would be totally okay with however they ended up speaking (unless of course it wasn't english... then I'd be sad because I couldn't read it :P)


    I dunno if you use Firefox or not, but it has a built in spell check that might be of use to you, it's just like Word and underlines stuff in red if it's misspelled.

  2. :P Tripsis said I can't cause it's got two posts. And there aren't any other accounts that I could change to that I'd like (except maybe 'hawk' but I don't really like the lack of capitalization).


    I know him quite well, we're both on student council, in a local youth advisory committee, and in SADD (plus jazz band. and I have one lunch out of 3 days with him, where we sit at the same table). I've been friends with him for probably the past 3-4 years.


    My life is kind of sad and lacking when you think about how many opportunities I've had...

  3. Hi everyone.

    I bought new nintendo dsi last week and i need some good looking gaming skin on it. So while searching a lot regarding this i came through a website Dsi skins , Is this website is really good in providing nice dsi skins?


    I wouldn't buy a skin to begin with, if you're going to though, I would go with http://www.skinit.com. They have a good selection and guarantee their skins.

  4. I think perhaps something like a blue led would be interesting. I don't have particularly amazing design skills, and don't have a good idea of exactly what you're suggesting (with the chrome tabs and whatnot) but I think blue leds are cool. :razz:


    Besides that, I think the only really huge thing is a login thing on the front page (as I said before).


    Looking forward to seeing it eventually. :thumbsup:

  5. I hate this. I help out in a kindergarten class and generally hang about the elementary school. I've seen kids with 'normal' names but with 47 different spellings of the name. Seriously. One class has a Makayla, a Mikayla (kind of get those two spellings), a Miniya (wth?), and a Maya (okay...). Seriously. Why make life any harder for your kid. Their teachers are going to constantly butcher his/her name and it's worse if you've already got a weird last name. Don't spell it insanely just to make your kid's name 'unique'. They can carve out their 'uniqueness' themselves, they don't need you to 'help' by naming them something unpronounceable by half the population.


    Me? I'm going to name my kid Melissa, Marissa, or Katherine. Plenty of room if she wants to go by a nickname, and those names aren't that easy to butcher. Haven't thought about boy names, equally unique but normal.

  6. Dark is good. If possible, removing the header sections or collapsing them to like 5px height would be great. Also if possible, if you could drag the headers to organize your forum in the order that you read them (repositionable forum headers, I don't think that was really clear).


    Otherwise I have no thoughts besides the fact that it better look sweet in the Firefox Night Launch theme.


    Also if you get around to it, a proper mobile skin would be awesome, I don't know if there's a way you could make it so it automatically chooses that skin if it senses you're on a mobile device but that would be perfect.

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