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Posts posted by leedragon8

  1. Obacain




    Try to beat that.




    Can't ::'




    I saw a guy named "Redtuube" once :wall:


    I'm not allowed to explain what his username is based on, for it wouldn't be appropriate for me to do so.




    Like youtube for porn. There, explained for you.




    Wasn't that obvious?




    Is that like some famous website? i never heard of it. :ohnoes:




    i mean, i guess you'd call it more Infamous then famous...



  2. How exactly did you get that info? Did you just ask a mod to get it for you? I thought they had some arbitrary policy against it.




    Anyway, that's quite a while. No bother - consider that the time would have been spent doing some kind of distraction, and as long as you enjoyed it, no parent can say anything.




    Read before you post...he email jagex saying he was a concerned parent so he could see how long his "son" has played for. I'm guessing but I've probably played more than you OP, but I'm too lazy to find out

  3. I once met a player with a 2-letter name. I thought that was impossible to do until then. Don't remember which letters though.




    Anyway, I think my name is cool...most people don't realize it's an acronym though. Stands for pi...that is, "The ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter." Friends call me pi. (Actually, most of my friends use my real name, so make that "clanmates" I guess.) One guy said they'd call me "Circle," to which I pointed out that "Circle" would be Apeface...that is, "All points equidistant from a center." And I promptly checked to see if that username was available. :D




    It wasn't, but I claimed Apefac2718 instead, since the mathematical constant e is approximately 2.718, so I felt justified in the substitution. :thumbup:




    You are a nerd.




    i have a couple wierd names screenied.


    there's a guy named Yo, and he's pretty cool.


    Barrows Ftw is my other account's name, thought it was kinda creative.

  4. Now all that's left to do is get good at halo :lol:




    Me and Foul wipe the floor with him.




    10/10 for the achievement...due to the sheer time it took (lol) (and difficulty of course)


    1/10 for your SWAT skills in halo.










    Lulz to be had: 21 kills.


    you: 7 kills.






    i fail to remember that. maybe that was when i was playing halo, guitar, talking on the phone, and running on the treadmill at the same time.



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