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Posts posted by brunokiller

  1. if you buy a new bow from the npc (cant remember name) for 900k, does that count as a charge?


    e.g. when you go back after youve used that bow up will you have to pay 900k again because its the first time its actuali being recharged or will it be 720k?




    thanks, fell.


    First time recharge:900k


    2nd time 720k


    bla bla bla


    5th recharge 180k




    be sure not to buy a new bow instead of recharging your seed

  2. Bad move Jagex. You're going to lose so much money on bans.




    Most people who do this are actually f2p players. Most members won't be willing to risk their accounts with such a stupid offense. Not to mention a rule violation such as this isn't a ban, of course unless you already have 9 black marks.




    Members are much more mature.


    But sadly i see these so called 'golddiggers'in p2p too. Those levels 10-80s'in dwarf clothing yelling 'wanna be my bf'.




    A while ago I did an experiment about it.


    I changed my RS gender, and noticed alot more people asking for relationships. Then quickly changed back....

  3. I'm hoping for one that will bake cakes for us.




    Oh man. That would be so sweet.


    lol i doubt that will happend and if it will it will be a waste of runes and probably low xp if you want cakes just steal in ardy its a fast stall




    Actually i do think that will happen.




    'Runecrafting rewards' anyone =;

  4. Underground pass with 36 agility? :shock: Apparently you can quest. :P


    I did it with 26




    And I heard some guy did it with lvl 9 :shock:




    Nice, get QP cape. That'd be sick.




    And impossible...




    Nice going..I guess




    Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot that I said whilst keeping 1 Defence and Prayer, oh wait, I didn't. If he were to do the majority of quests(ones that don't give exp in those skills first) and then were to do the ones that did he would be the an extremely impressive level to have a Quest Cape as well as the lowest possible prayer and defence level.


    That's 50 prayer for brain robbery and 65 def for Lunar diplomacy

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