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Posts posted by Albel

  1. Fallout 4 pip-boy edition ordered. Check

    Computer upgraded with new RAM. Check

    Fallout pip-boy app installed on phone. Check

    Total amount of social time with friends and family. Going down hill fast.


    Cannot wait for Fallout 4 :3

    • Like 3
  2. It does. At first I wasn't to impressed but my gawd tho...everything works so well together. Pick it up as soon as possible. Worth it. I played it on a friends steam and even though I've finished the game I'm going to buy it and the soundtrack. 12/10


    EDIT: to give some context on UT


    It reminds me of Bastion when it came out. For a freaking RPG maker type game it has a better story than destiny. It starts kinda slow but then draws you in (just like Bastion) the combat is fresh and amazing. The characters and so memorable and funny. The music sets the mood of every single area to a T. It started as a cool little game but ended as an obsession. Believe there are 3 different endings (only spoiler info) that makes the replay value so great for a RPG maker game. Get it. I assure you of you're any type of gamer you'll enjoy the hell out of this gem.

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