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Status Updates posted by Carl

  1. What is this? I don't even

  2. What's with all the abuse? ):

  3. Carl

    Why thank you good sir (:

  4. Got your hopes up I bet.

  5. Carl

    Awesome. :P

  6. Sorry u r not kewls enough to post here

  7. Don't worry, I will. :p

  8. Thinking aloud, carl0dublin remembers that Rainy_Day is somewhat of a..uhm..webcam chat thing.. and remembers he keeps lots of dynamite and the like in his suitcase, so quickly sets up some booby-traps around the room. *Waits*

  9. Irishman teleports from inside the Pokéball, plants some c4 in Rainys pack and waits for the fireworks. Soon after, renames himself. carl0dublin 1 - Rainy_Day - 0.

  10. A wild carl0dublin appeared!

  11. Funny, that - given 10 minutes to live however I am still here, living, more than an hour later. Oh how you confuse me. <3:

  12. You and me we could ride on a star

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