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Blog Comments posted by stonewall337

  1. Hmm, someone is deluded about the real history behind thanksgiving. I suggest you read "Of Plymouth Plantation" which was authored by someone who was there... Thanksgiving was about giving thanks to God, not about thanking the Indians, or just having a party. I mean, after a winter where about half you group dies, and food gets so low you are down to several kernels of corn a day, don't you think that when times get better you have something to be thankful for? Also, Thanksgiving has its roots in far more than the original celebration. Several presidents, including Lincoln called for days of thanksgiving.

  2. Actually, slayer is a good mix. Unless you absolutely train the most efficiently in all combat skills, slayer is better. Also, take luck into consideration. I would never, or very rarely kill irons without slayer. One day I may get a visage. Luck is there, true, but so it is in most Monster Hunting in RS.

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