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Posts posted by Bad911

  1. Wealth does not help drop rune defenders, it is a non-related dropable item. -.-


    Times will vary a lot, the most prominent pattern however is that you either have trouble getting the bronze and iron defender, OR you have trouble getting the addy and rune defender.


    When you get stuck, it may take a long time to get it (took me 8k tokens to get a bronze).


    I'd estimate 3 days getting to rune, and if your one of the lucky ones, (its easier to get rune than it is to get bronze) then you could easily get 5 rune defenders in 4 days, but if your not, it may take you longer.




    Definitely use the mithril set, the rune set is just so stupid because it hits way too hard and the level is based on your level and its just dumb to fight it. When I was getting my tokens, I could easily kill two of my mithril before they could kill one of their rune because they were too busy eating like crazy and barely hitting. This is what I did:




    1. I bought some curry in the food shop.


    2. Kill mithril armor until I reached a healthy 3k tokens.


    3. Banked bowls (they sell) and bought pizzas/curry.


    4. Went up, remembered to set my defender (you don't have to do this for bronze), and found the corner where I could get at least 3 cyclopses and 1 was at least one of the lower leveled ones.


    5. Picked up ALL drops above iron, after the chick tells you you have 1 minute left, I picked up the remaining big bones around me for extra money.


    6. Sell ALL drops above iron at the second floor for food money and profit.


    7. Banked Big Bones and Black Knives (I ended up with around 100k in gp sololy on black knives getting to bronze defender).


    8. You should easily have enough money now to buy curry and curry & pizza for your next run.

  2. Cooking, I did it in 3 days and I used the Catherby range before I found out about the Rouge's Den. I remember sleeping, so I didn't do straight. 80ish to 99. Wait...no, I think I was 90ish actually...I cooked swordies though, remember doing monks too, and trout. Hm, yeah, 92ish+...




    If you don't have cooking gauntlets it'll be next to impossible, but if you do...


    Buy the best fish you can cook without burning at max price. Prepare for a long night, if you consume too many Energy Drinks you could get very ill and be hospitalized, its banned from some countries for a reason (its what happened to my friend, 2 days straight skilling and he had to stay 7 days in a hospital).




    Your friend probably has more than 60 cooking if he has 10mil, its hard to guess if its possible.


    Cooking is definitely your best option, unless you happen to know a lot of good sellers for yew logs/etc. Those things are so hard to buy.

  3. Kinda funny, but I found that the anchor you get as a reward from Great Brain Robbery quest hits nicely cause it is a crush weapon, and is free! Hope this helps. :D


    Not exactly free because you pick it up broken and you still have to fix it.




    I'd say a G-Maul when it comes to special because it deals the most damage per special bar.


    I'd stick with D-Mace or zam spear, I have tested the others.

  4. I doubt the new update had anything to do with this.




    Current market price range:


    Minimum price: 5 Market price: 6 Maximum price: 6




    Change in price:


    7 Days: +20.0% 30 Days: +20.0%





    I mean, that's thousands of feathers, after like a year of steady 5gp price, its 6gp now?




    Just wondering because I'm making a pure 99 Fisher (lvl 75 so far, banking everything) and I put up a offer for 200,000 feathers and noticed it cost me 200k more.

  5. After the Pvp worlds update, some new items were added in place called corrupt and another type of items I can't recall. Jagex didn't explain in the drops or what drops you would get at all. I was left in the dark and I believed that many of the new items were only obtainable in P2p. I just looked up corrupt items and it seems almost all of it is F2p as well, so does that mean there are dragon items in F2p now? :shock:




    Not only that, i'm starting to wonder if I should re-continue the horde of pures I have. I've pked using the main pures, but I stopped mainly because I ran out of money. I gained nothing because I don't feel like its worth skilling a few hours for good drops. However, now i'm in limbo about whether I should start trying out new strategies and finding methods to obtain the new items on Pvp worlds. Don't get me wrong, I love pvp, but it gets stupid when you can barely buy trout to pk.




    Should I start experimenting? I'm pretty sure I could bring the pvp world drops to my advantage if they are worth at least half of what they are worth on the G.E.


    What drops can you get in F2p?


    I know almost all the corrupt and special pvp items are junk, but I'd like to start pking again.




    Sorry for the long read. :-#




    I really have to remove the penguin off my siggy, it looks weird now....

  6. There's probably no guide because its so easy. You can only use magic, so pretty much use the best spell you can if you want to defeat it fast. I remember doing it with no food and dying twice. Both times I just use argodoune teleport and got back in time to pick up my equipment and finish the fight.




    Its also the time when I decided to buy the 500k grave because my grave collapsed on me because I only had the 1 minute one. :-#

  7. You better not go to any foreign countries mate. U.S. probably has the most strictest public etiquette that is "proper" for public manners. You go to Europe, China, African, Latin America, and you got people breast feeding in parks and libraries. We Americans are so strict, what would you say if someone talked within 1 inch of your face to you, you'd probably tell them to back up. In Spain and Morocco and many other countries this is natural.




    I kind of get what your saying, I mean she could've went outside or something to feed the baby, but who would supervise her children. It doesn't sound like there was a Dad and it probably took her a long time to get the children into the restaurant anyways.




    She probably wasn't that old...I mean unless I'm wrong, average age for women to stop having their menstrual periods would be 45ish. I would be fine in that situation, mother has got to do what shes got to do.

  8. Don't forget to pick the nuts that you can get by going down the hole right before the rope swing. Its much more efficient than pineapples since they're closer and you can just pick and eat.




    Since your only 57 agility currently, might I suggest doing the Wildy course till, lets say...65ish?


    Otherwise, bring a few agility potions so you don't continuously fall off the rope swing and lose your bonus exp for the entire run.

  9. 1. There's only two types of "hypercams" and that's the hypercam 1 and the hypercam 2. Its not a general term for video recording software.


    2. Wrong section, should've went in the Tech & Computers.


    3. Hypercam is a company, the free software they provide will have a Hypercam tag in the top left hand corner, after you purchase it, it is removed. Here's the official site. http://www.hyperionics.com/hc/

  10. I would say yes, but i've never tried it. I looked through a few pages and the runecrafting gloves don't exclude it, and knowing Jagex, they would've included that in the description if they wanted to single that out.


    I wonder if the Explorer's ring works on the ZMI altar too.


    You raise the most interesting questions.

  11. ha so thats what it was i though shes telling me to pick my own sandwich i like but errtime i pick something she slaps me n sends me somewhere far i didnt know that i had to choose what she said hahahahhahaha


    Why did you bump a 3 year old thread?!


    Did you just go to the last page of this section and decided that you needed to make your post 18 memorial?

  12. I suggest doing firemaking until you get tired of it. Seeing as its the longest and most expensive 99 skill out of the three, you should get on it right away. By the time you reach the 80s, you'll be a bit bored, then you can start switching it up a bit.




    To me, firemaking made me realize how easy the other two skills are. Runecrafting even more :wall: .


    If your short on money, don't go for any 99s, you need to work on making money before you spend it.




    The cape itself is a status of being rich, 100k a piece that doesn't give as much bonus, worse than armor that would easily top it for only 15k.


    Amen. I went there once, on the day of the release, and got so fed up with all the idiots that didn't know what they were doing, and the game itself, that I never went back. Plus its a huge waste of time.




    I did the same thing, went there on release day, left like 2 hours later because no one knew what to do. I went back 1-2 years later with my clan it rocked. Maybe you should try it?

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