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Posts posted by Bad911

  1. Hmm, obviously the old standby is metal drags, but i don't really thing you're in this long enough to see a decent return. You could hit the chaos tunnels and bolt the bronze drags, banking every bone (and maybe the occasional d legs, but don't get your hopes up), and that might work out nicely. I've done something similar before for slayer tasks and it's not half bad, and doesn't take too long at all to bank. If i was in your situation, this is what i would do, just don't forget an anti shield and anti pots! Use the best BoB you can too.




    If you don't want to face dragons, it's going to be harder.




    You could try doing barrows runs using the spells.




    If none of those appeal to you let me know, i'll try to think of something else.




    Um, your last sentence, is correct. This is really just a quick fix for when i go bursting rock lobsters. I don't need a profit, and no way am i doing dragons of any sort. I splash way too much, and i'm probably the most unluckiest person u'll meet. I'm going for something easy, for example...ogres, lol. Sorry, i forgot to post my stats, lemme get them.





  2. Well, i'm ready to get it, i got the attack spells and i got the equipment and i got the runes. Now all i need is a place to use the spell... :?




    I want to at least get back some money, it doesn't have to be profit, just want something back instead of it just flat eating up all my cash. So i need a monster that is at least damagable by bolt spells and drops decent stuff. I was thinking ogres and banking bones...but i have never tried it, i can't seem to think of anything else... :wall:

  3. ekmjic.jpg


    Welcome To My Blog!


    *note, i am currently very busy with my goals, as you see, i have achieved 3 of them already and i don't wish to stop! So if you pass by this blog, don't forget to post alright?


    If my blog looks tatty, its because i'm probably working on something. I only just got all the pictures up. If you want to see anything specific, just post :D


    Always looking to improve :wall:







    Well, I guess it's about time to share something about me. Since it is my blog. :lol:


    Well, i've been playing for 9 years now (i think, since 3rd grade) Missed most of the new holiday events of Rs2. :wall: I play other games, and i mostly stuck with soldier front and then i came back to rs after i quit for 1 and a half years. I love anime, includeing yours truely, naruto. Please Teacher was one of the newest anime that struck me as funny and amazingly i loved it. If you ever have the time, check out "Please Teacher" on Youtube.


    [hide=Please Teacher, Episode 1 Part 1]WZjJrQACDnk [/hide]




    [hide=Reason i'm making a blog]I just love typeing, and i would like to share my goals/hopes/dreams/achievements/and most of all, MY BOREDOM :lol: This blog is mainly for me, and others who just browse the Blogs. I like keeping track of things, but my old computer broke, so i have no more records. Now, i wish to start a blog, Please post comments and suggestions!




    <3: I'd love your comments, even if they are bad :ohnoes: [/hide]




    [hide=Current stats]Bad911.png


    *note, these might not update a lot... :evil:[/hide]
















    [hide=Hm, i can't seem to find 75...]2nnd6x.jpgWell, i did ankou for exactly 48 minutes and got 160 deaths and 87 bloods on my way to bursting rock lobs. I was 24k short of 74, so i went to try out DT skeletons for the first time, only 45 minutes into it and i got a defence level!








    [hide=Didn't get enough time to get the actual leveling >.>]2vm62v8.jpg












    Bad911.pngThursday, June 26, 2008


    I massacred 400+ ogres for this, used 3403 chaos runes, 3403 fire bolts, andaround 400k






    [hide=ZMI Alter anyone?]261g8bo.jpg[/hide]










    Bad911.png Thursday, June 26, 2008


    Lol, i didn't want to do just anything for my 99 Cooking, something original. I was chooseing over a party or this, and i chose this. :D


    [hide=Scene 1]29bxom.jpg[/hide]


    [hide=Scene 2]b7diee.jpg[/hide]


    [hide=Scene 3]25ezrkk.jpg[/hide]


    [hide=Scene 4]2qc0cnr.jpg[/hide]


    [hide=Scene 5]k21fgg.jpg[/hide]




    Other Levels :lol:




    Well, this wasn't one of my goals, but yippie! I traded 4 long bones, and got 5k and 6k construction exp!




    Well, i did a quest, and it bumped me right past 51 #-o Lol.[/hide]






















    [hide=Fletching]Well, i was 55 fletching and decided to go all the way to yews, got it within on day :thumbsup:




    [hide=Hit Points]dbm51d.jpg[/hide]










    [hide=Time Line of what I'm trying to conquer!]Well, i want to finally cook till i can't cook no more. Or a saradomin godsword, lol.


    I just wanted to post this before it slipped my mind.


    1. Get 70 Magic to be able to do Ice Burst spell thingy.






    2. Kill Ankou useing defence, getting enough burst spells for tons of crimsoms.






    3. Summon to level 57 for spirit graahk.






    4. Craft Natures for fun.










    [hide=First Bursting Rock Lobster Trip]Oh yea....Since 200 is average per 1k, i got above average! (with ring of wealth, i guess it wouldn't hurt, lol)


    I had pretty bad luck though, only 2 blues ;) And that was on the second to last "round".






    Time to post this on my blog, ::' Gained my level 71 magic too \:D/[/hide]




    Treasure trails!


    From now on, i shall picture every reward! :D


    Lol, i've done many, lets hope these future ones are good!









    I think this was a good one, since there were no uri's emotes so i didn't have to spend any money! :thumbsup:[/hide]


    [hide=Ankou]Meh, decent, only one uri emote that i already had all the equipment for \:D/2nr0lyd.jpg[/hide]


























    Tokkul Quest









    Funny Pictures! :shock:


    [hide=More will be coming, i just don't like taking a pictures all day, lol.]2wm14t3.jpg


    Lol, these guys ran around trying to keep up the flameing pit of fire as i call it. As you can tell, pretty dificult, but it was hilarious watching them run around and having fun like more people should in rs.






    Hes in a hurry, :lol:[/hide]






    Wow, you just either looked at my pictures, or breezed right through them. Either way, now take 2 minutes and post!




    P.S. Omg, dumb jpgs, im gonna switch to gifs.

  4. [hide=Formated version of my quote.]

    Alright, i really didn't want to respond to this.....There was a guide somewhere, but i can't find it, so no other way. You better thank me :P




    Equipment BEFORE you go:




    -10-20 feathers/bait


    -games necklace (just wear it)




    First, use your games necklace to get to the barbarian outpost, head straight south until you get to a giant mountain, go past the little pier until you see a little house with an anvil next to it. Inside is the guy you talk to, talk to him about barbarian fishing (breeze through the chat if you want to), then search the bed right next to him near the table inside the house.




    You will get a heavy rod, start fishing and it'll automatically use up all your bait/feathers in your invintory.


    Whatever you do, don't bring more than 26....its pointless.


    After getting a whole invintory of fish, use our knife on them, some will fall to pieces, some will give you roe, some will give you offcuts, some will give you caviar, some will give you both.




    Keep fishing, it'll automatically switch to offcuts after you've used up all your feathers/bait. Fish, until you have a full invintory of roe/caviar and a giant stack of offcuts (i hope).




    Just drop your offcuts, now you have 1 free space and the rest are roe/caviar.




    Now start fishing, and it'll automatically switch to useing roe, after all the roe is used, it'll switch to caviar. Once you have used all your roe and caviar, cut the fish to get more offcuts and roe and/or caviar. Just keep fishing until you have a full invintory of roe/caviar and then just drop the offcuts, repeat.




    I'm not going to format this..just read and understand.





    i wrote this when someone inquiered about what was heavy fishing rod...if it sounds rude, im sorry, lol. I wasn't in the happiest of moods #-o




    Um, and theres only one place to fish heavy rod. Don't bank...




    Try following it step by step. :wall:




    EDIT: im going to edit my quote.

  5. whats the point of junk...


    junk is faster to get in the game, its why no one buys it. Many, if not all of us, accumulate junk, we just don't pick them up :D


    Here, i don't know any fast ways to get junk, you could try fletching or woodcutting willows, either one works.

  6. So your asking for bounty hunter advice?


    1 Defence pures are no use anymore, i recommend you get range and defence to 70. (train them together by using longrange)




    Low crater is really good money...p2p and f2p.


    huh? :?: I edited my post so that people won't get the wrong question...

  7. So your asking for bounty hunter advice?


    1 Defence pures are no use anymore, i recommend you get range and defence to 70. (train them together by using longrange)




    :D +1 for longrange training


    and +1 for 70 def and range




    Will this keep my combat low enough? :pray:

  8. [hide=A little story]Well, i used to love pking, i would spend all my cash and all my time on pking. I was very good at it, getting so good i was getting money even though i died at least 3 times a day. Now, bounty hunter is a different matter, i'm am litterally getting killed the moment i walk in. I can't seem to win, ever. So, i used my pures, and i went through around 20 of them loseing 500k+ I got a few kills and i was getting really good. Now i want to make a specific account totally based on BH strategy. The tanking ranger. I dug up a perfect candidate, he wasn't used very often in pking because i accidentally got him 11 defence, but now.... :thumbsup:[/hide]






    I'm going to train his skills (for food and cash resources) later. What i need to know is, how high should i raise his defence, and how high should i raise his range? Keep in mind, i want him under 53 combat, so that he lasts for quite some time before going into one of the higher caves.




    Ty for reading, and oh...sorry for the paragraph format. Its how i always type and how it always goes through my mind.






    P.S. i will train that magic level to at least 31, keep that in mind, i don't want to walk around the arena looking for my opponent....i find it very hard :oops:




    EDIT: oh yea, keep in mind its f2p. Opinions welcome, you could give me other ideas, but i've tried many and i think the pure mage or the tanking ranger is best.




    EDIT #2: Oh yea, i also need your opinions, should i use longrange (longrange still trains def right?) or just a melee based weapon like an iron scimitar or a silverlight. Or even train def useing magic :shock:

  9. Cockroach Soldiers drop them pretty often, as well as Rune Scimitars and Rune Sq Shields often as well. I always drop them though cuz the only clue scrolls worth doing are lvl-3 clues.




    Going to have to disagree with you there, lots of potentially valuable rewards from Lvl 2 clues. Some say they are now worth doing more than Lvl 3, due to the decrease in value of some of the Lvl 3 rewards.




    Gonna have to disagree with you there, chances of getting anything over 1mil from a lvl-2 clue is like 1 in 2000 or something ridiculously bad. Yes there are potentially valuable rewards but at most you get them 1 out of every 4 clues. No thanks, I'd rather take my chances of getting a rune scimmy/sq shield drop from cockroaches while also picking up noted addy/mith ores and charms and getting combat xp. Lvl-2 clues are fail.


    Do you know the success rate of level 3 clues? Lol, you'd laugh yourself silly, cause its almost twice as much to get a good one from 3s because there are so little good drops, like 3rd age etc.

  10. Its pretty much lag, here, if you want to experiment, just head to any crowded place. You'll notice different things, like at the G.E. you'll see people standing straight upright and holding 2h weapons in one hand. The flying dragon kite will be standing straight up, not moving. All these are animiations that you dont see from lag.

  11. Lets see, people who want to make their house look nice? People who actually want to use teaks because making oak larders all day everyday might not be their thing? People who want to make the items that need teak planks, like study, etc...? Some people actually want to play for enjoyment..

  12. They aren't worth banking, just get 100 trading stick, go in to the Tai Bwo Wannai grove, cut and drop or cut and burn.




    Well, what if he's getting them for construction?




    He had posted a thread before this asking for the fastest woodcutting experience, and everyone said teaks, so he posted this one. And if he's using teaks, I'm sure oaks are better and cheaper.


    He probably needs it for personal use, teaks are hard to come by if you don't have manage thy kingdom.

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