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Posts posted by Den



    I really need dat title, but alas I'm not too awesome with the piling and such so I'm waiting on full tetsu to try more.


    I have got close but my last try I just had super bad luck got frozen like the second I attacked ice and wasn't quite ready with freedom etc. and got shadow and smoke specs hit me at the same time


    Just tag the ice one first, get it down to low health then tag the rest, killing the ice asap.


    That advice sounds kinda messed up.


    Every other strategy out there says to tag the ice one last and kill it firs because its special is the most problematic in terms of survival.

    Tagging it first so its on you longer just seems like a dumb move.


    All the strats I read said tag blood, get it low.

    Tag smoke get it low

    Tag shadow get it low

    Tag ice kill it

    Kill shadow, then smoke then blood.

    Based on the idea that blood is the least dangerous, at worst it heals itself so it being on you the most isn't to bad.

    Then smoke because whilst its thing is DPS its not too bad.

    Then Shadow because its DPS power is quite high

    Then Ice because being frozen can royally screw you in terms of shadow and smoke attacking and requires extra tactics/abilities to cope with.


    Tagging it first just means you have to cope with all its freezing bs whilst trying to ignore to chase down the other 3 and then turn around and deal with it, tagging it last you can focus in on it entirely and destroy it asap.


    With your strategy, you have to kill Ice from full hp while EVERYTHING is attacking you though. I got ice low, tagged the rest then quickly finished Ice off. Tagging is hardly difficult with range/mage so I'd highly recommend getting ice low before tagging the rest.

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    Sold for 14m.

    Sorry to say, but I think you got shafted. Someone sold 1 for 150M earlier today (probably first one). Even now, someone sold the legs for 65M instant sell. It appears they are super rare.

    Super rare's probably pushing it. A few people had drops whilst I was there. Even if the price is that high, I'm not that bothered. I don't even play enough to spend or use 100m.


    Considering how most buy/sell offers I've seen for them are all around 10-20m, expecting 65m for it is ridiculous. They're far from super rare.

  3. When trying out revolution I noticed that half the time during a kill I am using auto-attacks while I have two or three basics ready to use. When I tried it out on beta I noticed the same issue, voted no on it being ready to launch, but obviously didn't make much difference. Is this the expected behaviour, and has anyone else encountered this?


    If this is just glitchy, I would have assumed these kinds of things would be fixed before launching since it required a player vote to launch.

    I've been experiencing that too. I voted almost ready as it does work nicely, but it seems to spend a tick checking 1 ability slot and if that slot isn't ready, it checks the next slot and spends aother tick doing so (hence not activating as they're on cooldown).


    I enjoy playing as if its on full manual while revolution is on though. Constant abilities going off as soon as possible. :3

  4. When does that phrase stop being a reasonable response to every concern? I get that high level stuff is supposed to be exclusive, but I don't think I've ever seen that phrase used as anything other than a condescending way to shove aside anyone who doesn't like the idea of spending a thousand hours to earn  the "right" to grind for a thousand more.


    How much is too much?

    Considering how easy leveling is today compared to back when I maxed, I don't see as much of a problem with the exclusivity of high level updates. With most skills giving over 150k exp an hour, getting into the 90's isn't amazingly time-consuming.


    Not saying Runescape isnt grindy as [bleep] though. :P It just isn't as demanding as it once was, and continues to get faster and easier.

  5. If you Lodestone teleport away from Ashdale, something neat happens.





    (Doesn't actually do this)


    Left is what it looks like for the time while you are standing on the Lodestone, graphics change back to what is seen on the right when you step off.


    I'm a little amazed at how much contrast ashdale graphics have compared to the normal game. Not that I'm surprised. I do like ashdale's contrast more :P

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