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Blog Comments posted by Demoli

  1. So, without all that stuff on, would the battery life be comparable to a 1st gen DS? Considering upgrading if I can get $300 or whatever together.



    I made some tests last night: 3D off, wifi off, sound in max and brightness max with energy saving on, the battery lasted for 6 hours played SSF4. I heard it lasts around 8-9 hours with DS titles in the same conditions, but i can only compare that next week.

  2. Man, i didn't think i would get so many replies for this top :-o :thumbup:


    Butbutbut where is Demyx from Kingdom Hearts?!?! That guy is a [bleep] to defeat. Easier than Xemnas if you ask me. Glad you didn't include Sephiroth, since he has been in too many lists like this. :thumbup: And what do you mean Blue is the girl? Blue is to games as Gary is to TV show... Blue = guy, green = the girl, atleast that's the way it is in the comics... right?


    Actually, in tha manga, There is Red (main guy), green (rival guy) and blue (thieve girl)


    Also, i wanted to note that altough i have played many videogames, i have been somewhat abcent from gaming in he ps2 era and the n64 era, so i didn't play some games i wished i could play (ie: KH and FF's mainly)


    Other bosseas aforementioned aren't her for certain reasons, like i didn't find it very fun (like sephiroth who was a cheap [wagon] and other RPG bosses who were ratehr dull)


    Oh well, again feel free to comment and write your own reply lists :smile: :thumbup:

  3. I don't agree with Nomad's. For a lot of games, this is an average quest, but it fell far short from Runescape's high standards.


    I would've at least included Recipe for Disaster in there somewhere. And I am a big My Arm fan. I wrote something about it last year: The Big Adventure


    All in all I like your list though, although a couple seem more biased. I'm a big fan of top 10s.


    Yeah, i have to agree number one was a bit biased (like i said in the little text, it was the quest series that followed my rs progress) and so were Red Raktober and My arm's, since i love humourours quests.


    As for Nomad's, i had a really good time fighting him and while plot is very weak and the leght very short, the boss fight was certainly memorable :grin:

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