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Status Updates posted by Ezkaton

  1. Trololololololololololol lolololololooooooooooooooooooool lollollol, lol lol lol, lol, lol lol!

  2. I see someone with just as messed up a body clock as mine :D

  3. It's 4:04... Stupid body clock :(

  4. 106 DG :) And yarly, DO WANT HEX.

  5. 564k (or something like that) to 106 DG and I got a BN today :D Check my blog moar to keep up >:)

  6. Lets do it then! ;)

    And :( Sowwies...

  7. Because everyone steals my warps and occ's first and then don't do C1's or Abds :p And you'd be a saint if you could do some later with me <3 :D Would help with the exp to 105... So that like we could do a F52 Hope row, which, once all my warps are done, should net me 105 and F53 :)

  8. Roarghs looks like c1's and c1ing my abd's that I have left is my only option to do more DG's :o

  9. Where are you?! :o

  10. Ooooh, caught in a crew romance,

    Rah, rah, ah ah ah, Jaffy, Jaffy, ja, Ezka, ooh la la, crew romance.

  11. And I get Aaron ;D

  12. I get all the mods, all the crewbies, all the TET, I get errybody ;)

  13. I vote that we make Sally's wall a discussion of romance, so yeah. *cwtch*

  14. Who have I been stealing? :o

  15. What if I don't want to? ;)


  17. Shot through the heart, and Kandy's to blame! Darlin' he gives DG a bad name!

    1. TheKoolKandy


      I know, people only let me key because of my looks. ;-;

    2. The Observer
  18. Where are you? ;-; I miss you! At any rate - 778k to 105 DG :) Getting back into it.

  19. *Noms on Mistress Jaffa Cake*

  20. People can want, but she's mine. I own her body remember? >:)

  21. Seems both Kevin and Julie want me ;)

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