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Posts posted by Ax600

  1. Alright - so we all know the famous glitches, along with the new one still fresh in our brains.



    stop right there, I dont know many at all besides the most recent PVP glitch/bug... info on some?


    Bugs that have been blown out of proportion - in my mind:


    (I guess I'll go in reverse order... so most recent first)


    -PVP drop potential duping with familiars in F2P


    -The µ bug


    -The penguin spotting bug


    -The Fally massacre


    -Item Duping in RSC




    any I'm missing?


    can you message me some info on these?


    PVP drop potential is the most recent one, it can be seen all over tip it/RSOF




    The µ bug is an alt code that when typed, everyone that sees it will crash in game. Made it a pain in high risk situations such as god wars/BH/PVP.




    Penguin spotting is also pretty recent. Multiple clicks on same penguin give you alot of peng points. My friend got 99 slayer from 54 in a day with this. Banned obviously, I torture him regularly about this.




    Fally Massacre or Fally 666 is on June 6, 2006 when Cursed You's 99 con party (1st 99 con in game) got out of hand and a bug that allows people to attack each other outside of wildy was discovered. Not fun if your name is not durial.




    Item Duping was a glitch in rsc that allowed a player to copy items, most notably, the Pink (or now known as Purple) Partyhat. Went from the most expensive partyhat to the cheapest one in a day.


    is there anymore bigger ones like that?

  2. Alright - so we all know the famous glitches, along with the new one still fresh in our brains.



    stop right there, I dont know many at all besides the most recent PVP glitch/bug... info on some?


    Bugs that have been blown out of proportion - in my mind:


    (I guess I'll go in reverse order... so most recent first)


    -PVP drop potential duping with familiars in F2P


    -The µ bug


    -The penguin spotting bug


    -The Fally massacre


    -Item Duping in RSC




    any I'm missing?


    can you message me some info on these?

  3. what does rickrolled mean? :?


    Rickrolling is when someone says that a link goes somewhere useful or interesting, but in reality it just goes to a music video of Rick Astley's song "Never Gonna Give You Up". When you get tricked like that, you have been Rickrolled. A detailed explanation can be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rickrolling


    i kinda knew you were gonna try to when you said "A detailed explanation can be found here:"


    I was like, oh no!

  4. Hi, LordJake and I currently maintain the Top f2p List on Runehead. For those who do not know what I'm talking about, the website is located Here.






    Also, If you would like to compare stats from the begining of Summer 2008, This list has the stats for the month of May.




    To my knowledge it is completely safe. Many clans and groups also have member lists there as well. If you are uncomfortable going there, here is the thumbnail of the most current list, sadly it is too long to just post the picture.








    Previous Maintainers:


    Veractus (Creator)








    Other Information:


    This list is based only on skill total.


    Minimum Total Level: 1315


    Combat will not be taken into consideration.


    Individual stats will not be taken into consideration.


    This list is not related to the tip.it high score list.


    Anyone who was a member for any amount of time is not eligible for the list.






    If you see someone/if you are that someone, who is a potential Top 200 f2per please post the RSN here or pm Lordjake or me. I can still be reached at the Runehead Forums under Aura as well. I answer messages on the day I update so that I can keep track of who I replied back to. Please do not send me multiple messages unless a week has passed since you sent it. Thank you. :)






    The list will be updated once a week to the best of our ability.


    yall should look into my friend meow meow 88... shes never been p2p

  5. Honestly, theres little you can do.




    While I'd normally say that since you are living under their roof, you have to follow their rules, as you are not a paying tennant, are you? But honestly, your parents are throwing it well out of proportion. Using their past against them is not a good thing to do, if they have dealt with the problem, even if she still cut herself, even more reason for you to be there, to help her.




    I mean, are they thinking "Oh no! She cut herself, she's clinically insane! She'll harm our poor little boy!" (sorry, couldn't resist). Really, just continue to let them think like that, and ignore them. Your parents seem really unjustified in thinking this, so I will NOT support their view. Sure, if it was something like making you go to church, and you were an atheist. I'd say suck it up, and just deal with it, you don't have to pay attention to what is being said. But this is a different matter altogether.


    sworddude, you are my hero...



  6. uhh... i havent done quest...




    You really should do the quest, monks heal only 4 points less than sharks and give almost as much xp, and you catch them so much quicker which works out to more xp. ::'


    list of quests i have to do


    i heard theres a chain of quests you have to do


    Im doing exactly that and I dont have to "temporarily leave"... hell, I have strait A's & B's...




    You are probably in a high school computer class though. Either hes in college or he has a job. I dont know.


    then how would you know he has life problems if you dont even know what exactly their about?


    and yes im in high school, so what?




    Because he has announced it. He has told people. He has informed us. The end.


    where? tell me where and I'll leave you alone...

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