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Status Updates posted by Jehosaphat

  1. The game to you too, my friend.

    The Game.

  2. And Ensuing Ensued.

    1. Nexaduro


      SUEing creates more problems than it's worth.

    2. D. V. Devnull

      D. V. Devnull

      I 2nd that. ^ ... =P

  3. And Drawing Ensued.

  4. And More Hilarity Ensued.

    1. Alg


      How much hilarity are we talking about here?

  5. And Hilarity Ensued.

  6. Happy birthday 'n' stuff.

  7. stinketh much at drawing. He'd upload proof were it not for fear of burning the internet's eyes out.

  8. Rip off someone's skin? That's a little harsh. I'd probably just go with a kidney, or maybe the appendix.

  9. Yeah, SoN does have potential.... I have a little storyline written out for until you guys reach a certain point, where you all start making your own storyline.

    Also, the only person I've ever used as a transmog regent was me. And there's no way in hell I'm giving anyone else wings. :P

  10. Welcome to TIF!

    Nice to see there's another Megaman fan out there... Haven't played too many of the Zero games though.

  11. I'm deleting your comments so my eyes don't burn whenever I look at my profile.

  12. You really don't understand sarcasm, do you?

  13. You are welcome, Queen Troll.


  14. You say I would fail an English class? Look at you, what you write is barely legible to even the most trollish of trolls.

    My fellow TIFers, it appears we have been visited by the Queen Troll herself. ALL HAIL QUEEN TROLL!

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