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Posts posted by Ambler

  1. wrong section or not, i still have some 'popularly used by me' items for instance: my guthans and dharoks sets, otherwise I get no tanking done at gwd, and tanking is my stong point, I also cant live without my friend, as he is always lending me a sgs for free :D also I think that all my lunar magicks runes and all my teletabs! I thank you all! (the items, not you reading this :P )

  2. use it on skill you will fin most profitable with higher levels, e.g, herblore, summoning, rc, (fletch woulndt reccomend it tho, as its easy to train) or use it on hp and get it untrimmed like I am planning to

  3. personally, I would recoment the obsidian sheild, (cant remember name of it tho) as it basically a mix between a rune defender and a granite sheild, but i think it just wongrades magic attack a bit mroe than sheild. and they only really cost about 150-200k atm, so its worth investing in them!

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