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Posts posted by Ambler

  1. The recent mistake on Jagex's part was pretty interesting. Got given 200 keys and charged for them without doing anything, then an inbox message saying I'd be fully refunded and could use the keys as an apology for inconvenience caused... Probably the best promotion for that kind of thing to happen on, ~2m agility xp gained in total and a fair bit of BXP in random skills.

    I think Alkan got 450 keys, which could in theory be saved for a new skill?

    I'm so damn lucky this happened the day after I got paid, would have gone overdrawn if it was any other time, and I think a lot of people will have had this problem... :ohnoes:

    • Like 2
  2. Currently making ~£700 (Like $1100? If I can math)/month working 3 days/week... Still living at home though so it's pretty much all going towards driving lessons, and also computers upgrades so I don't need to change anything with the build for ~5 years.



    ^fly faster than the speed of light for max efficiency.

    How would that work in regards to the servers and everyone else playing? I know that you wouldn't be able to contact them because light speed, but if you could somehow... That would be interesting.
    Yeah, all my fantasies to stop time so I can play Runescape as long as I want fall apart when I realise that the servers wouldn't be able to respond to my login request.
    Dw I solved it.

    Travel a complete perfect circle every 0.X seconds, send/check for packets every 0.X seconds, at a point where the server's signal will intercept your current location- You will send and receive packets every 0.X seconds, thus giving a ping of 0.X seconds and allow communication. Could probably get away with X = 0.05 or something for 50ms ping, which is playable.

    Probably not, but it would be fun...

  4. ^fly faster than the speed of light for max efficiency.

    How would that work in regards to the servers and everyone else playing? I know that you wouldn't be able to contact them because light speed, but if you could somehow... That would be interesting.
  5. Getting paid on the 28th

    Wii U Smash bros comes out on the 28th

    I will not have access to the money & a place to buy Smash Bros + a Wii U till the 29th.



    May aswell just get a Zammy Spear and solo corp for a sigil Inb4Spectral... Could probably manage it easily enough.

    I used a ton of food at corp with chaotic spear but I might just be bad
    Eh, I guess you don't have ports armour yet. When you do it'll be easy to do pretty much any boss, though I'm not sure if you'd want to risk RotS or Vorago for t90 stuff...
  7. Honestly I'm expecting the profits to be a lot higher for this year. The combination of Bonds (Although they came out Sept 2013, a full year of them for sale with a lot more uses (hi RuneFest)) is a lot of revenue, though building an entire new streaming room as an extension to the main office might have cut a fair amount out of that... We shall see whenever the figures are announced I guess.

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