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Posts posted by Ambler

  1. Hunter + Thieving are the only real grindy skills left, then farming/mining are just being logged in at the right time for warbands.

    Razer Naga was slightly OP for construction though. Just set most of the keys to 1, and a few to space. Keyboard-free training. :>

    Oh, and agilitysilverhawking. If I don't get 99 from all these other levels then I'll just run a few laps with the boots on for max xp/hour etc. Need to use the boots for around 36 hours to get 99 agility apparently, and pretty sure everything I have left is faster than that. Oh well.

  2. Got called into work an hour before the 'scape bonus XP weekend started... Was planning on training contruction in scape, ended up helping make some desks/wire them up to the network. So I did sort of get to train construction in the end...

  3. From what I can tell:

    If Jagex do detect a high value trade, it'll be flagged and the accounts automatically checked for interactions with known RWTers, if it looks like a hacking of some kind for a major amount of money it could be manually monitored real time, and from there any accounts that do interact with the hacked/RWTed items will also get flagged etc. Basically a chain from one trade, if it fizzles out I'd assume nothing happens, but the more dodgy accounts it relates to, the higher chance of someone stepping in an investigating it.

  4. Ooh, programming stuff.

    Although not really a language, the syntax for LDAP settings with Subversion is terrible, and I hate it. Took me way to long to work out that one variable supports and requires "" to contain stuff, but the next variable was close to identical in purpose and didn't. Totally illogical and random.

    Normally use Python though, which is pretty fun and easy to read imo. Sorry Meredith


    To actually use the thread's title, Today I should be getting paid which means I can finally upgrade my computer's GPU. \:D/

    (and maybe get Windows as an alternative boot, though not sure about that yet)



    So can anyone explain


    [hide]why your name shows up in the asylum registry, crossed out?[/hide]

    Sequel hook, or spooky factor? Considering how little they explained about the asylum...


    Plot twist, we caused it all unintentionally and there will be a quest in the future where we go back in time to do something and inadvertently cause all of this.[/hide]

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