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Posts posted by Pluckey

  1. some people on RSOF are complaining about their bounds being lost, they were dungeoneering while the crash happened. Not sure if it is true, because it is RSOF.



    I was dging while it happened and I still have my binds.

  2. Mining is easy just long,


    RC is the hardest.

    'Same could be said of Rc, it is long but it takes no particular talent to run back and forth making runes.


    I think the hardest skill would be slayer, since you actually have to go out there and kill various monsters that have various strengths and weaknesses and strategy, so you simply cannot just do the same thing over and over and hope to do well in the skill, always changing what armor you have on you etc.



    Slayer isn't hard either, so what if you have to kill various monsters? Slayer is usually more fun for people. (Not myself personally.)

    How is killing monsters over and over again harder than running essence from Point A to Point B?

  3. I like reading about the hypotheticals of reaching 200m in all skills, but I think it's absolutely grotesque how the people who have set out to actually do it are being cheered on. I would enjoy reading a thread about grinding down a mountain with a toothbrush, but find it immoral to encourage people venturing to do so. Runescaping and mountainbrushing are only different in that the former is a multi-player game. People might say they do it for fun, but how many people would get 200m in a skill if this was single-player? Nobody. I would argue that beyond level 60, Runescape is entirely (and ingeniously) fed by the acknowledgment of fellow players - "Wow! Nice cape!" - Gaining experience in Runescape is like amassing huge quantities of a currency that cannot be used anywhere in the world, save as a quick-fix dose of recognition in a small online world. I can't help being deeply fascinated by the people who are dedicating their lives to this, but I feel terrible for having ever said things that might feed their addiction.


    To quote the mighty Zarfot: "I think that some people might be disappointed that I'm giving up on 200m all skills even though it was never actually was my goal and I never expected to get it anyway since it takes like over 9000 gigayears of spam-clicking on pixelated fishing spots and logs" He came to his senses and so can we all (well, maybe not the man from a thousand lakes, so donate stuff so he can get it over-with)


    Elias should be grateful no one is talking about him. Hopefully it will give him less motivation.




    You have a username I've always wanted. :thumbsup:

  4. I find it fastest, to wield a hatchet, if your house is in Rimmington. Go outside, cut down oak trees. When you're inventory is full, go in and tell you servant to take as many as he/she can to the sawmill. Works best with Demon Butler. Then, with a saw and hammer make oak larders. and then make more oak larders. Repeat the process. It works great - I level up an average of 2-3 levels in two hours when I do that. But, if your construction level is lower, it will be faster, because less experience is required to level up. The downside is that your servant will take longer, and won't be able to take as many when your levels are lower.




    ^ I agree, this would be extremely slow.


    When I was going for a gilded alter I just did oak larders. So I would recommend this.


    Um... What...? You agree that this is extremely slow, yet you suggest doing it?




    1. The method you gave was extremely inefficient.


    2. He suggested BUILDING oak larders, which means buying planks.

  5. For me, cheating is purely dependant on how good the game, to me, is. Cheating on games with good stories (ie: resident evil ones) tends to be a waste seeing as the story is usually worth playing/getting involved in. Cheating in bad games though (ie: pkmn diamond/pearl/platinum) seems ok to me, as the story isn't really that good, and there'd be no real consequences of speeding up to get to the ever-enjoyable 'post-game'.



    This point to be exact.

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