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Posts posted by _YB_

  1. Congratz jagex


    MOD EDIT: Image removed for revelation of personal details.


    notice the last one its just password written backwards...

  2. ... How would the OP know Jagex locked down the account after 8 hours?

    To be honest I made a mistake it got leaked 20 hours ago made mistake with AM and PM. The original post of the leak on different forum got posted on 1:04AM GMT +1

  3. I find this all quite unlikely.

    1) We know jmods accounts can only be logged into from jagex HQ

    2) Theres no videos of it

    3) There NOTHING anywhere about runeHQ getting hacked, or locking down due to an attempted hack in response to the way this password was supposedly gotten.


    All there is, is this forum post with 1 gif animation that could easily be faked.

    Look at the post above you I even posted the password in this thread so you can look it up yourself.


    But you can type any password in and get the account locked message once the account is locked, doesn't matter if its right or wrong; unless something got changed quite recently.

    You get password wrong message if you use other password.


    Also the point is that the runehq db is leaked but its Decrypted in md5 which is one way encryption and only a bruteforce can decrypt it.

  4. I find this all quite unlikely.

    1) We know jmods accounts can only be logged into from jagex HQ

    2) Theres no videos of it

    3) There NOTHING anywhere about runeHQ getting hacked, or locking down due to an attempted hack in response to the way this password was supposedly gotten.


    All there is, is this forum post with 1 gif animation that could easily be faked.

    Look at the post above you I even posted the password in this thread so you can look it up yourself. And about the RuneHQ DB it got leaked on many rule-breaking sites.

  5. [hide]

    Yeah im sure mod accounts are instant locked anywhere outside of Jagex HQ, or at least that's what Jagex says.

    It took them 8 hours to lock the account.

    Soo then is there a video of the ensuing chaos?

    Read my previous post you got instantly logged out when you tried to log in.


    But if people logged into it (and in 8 hours I'm sure someone did) then there must be a video of it somewhere.


    This. You said it took them eight hours to lock the account, then you said you got logged out when you tried to log in. Which is it? And if it's the first case, there must be video or even photos,so where are those?

    You couldn't even get in the lobby or get on the forums, when you tried to log in on the homepage it said Login Successful but then nothing happened. You couldn't do anything but its just about the fact that even their own mods make mistakes about their choice of passwords. The only thing that they changed now is that you get a locked account message when you try to log in (took them 8 hours to lock it).


    Mod Edit: Removed personal information.


    imagine if it was found out on the day of RuneFest and someone logged in on it.... (Jagex mods can log in there).

  6. Yeah im sure mod accounts are instant locked anywhere outside of Jagex HQ, or at least that's what Jagex says.

    It took them 8 hours to lock the account.

    Soo then is there a video of the ensuing chaos?

    Read my previous post you got instantly logged out when you tried to log in.

  7. Some hackers found out that there was someone registered with a @jagex.com email on the RuneHQ forums. They decrypted the password ( because all forums are using encryption methods to keep their passwords save). And found out that it was the same password as the runescape account Mod Kelvin. Few minuts after the discover it got wildly leaked and mass people logged in on it.

    This is the info that got mass leaked ( removed the password & IP):


    Mod Edit: Removed personal information.


    Gif image that I just took:



    what are your thoughts on it that even a j-mod uses the same password for forums and their ingame account.

  8. It's most likely Jagex helping the hackers.


    Nowadays most J-mods know less about the game and the players as the players know themself.

    Loads of old pro accounts are hacked nowadays while loads of players know the real history about the account and J-mods don't.

    Hackers just tell Jagex they haven't played on the account for ages so forgot what the passwords and such where.

    Examples of hacked persons (some of them even after the real accountowner died!) are:

    Longterm rank 1 F2p: Mendark 9

    Longterm rank 2 P2p: The Old Nite

    One of the richest persons out there: Chessy018 (yes I really think the hackers couldn't hack her without help of Jagex)


    And these are just a few I know, most likely there are many many more.

    Wrong, you need atleast one correct password to get it accepted. They get their passwords from forum databases.

  9. Got this picture sent to me through Twitter, guy said he found it on a forum.




    By looks of it, it was a recovery attempt.

    I spoke to Sly, it wasn't him. Someone's put his name in the notes to get it blamed on him

    it wasn't him, he doesn't recover anymore he even helped Binu22 to get hes account back.








  10. I think Runescape wouldnt be to bad if it comes to the Wii U. The small screen from the Wii u is used as invertory/minimap in multiple games, for the people that don't know what the Wii U is heres a little video:

  11. :blink:


    Those graphics are pretty dang awesome. Grand Exchange looks amazing and Meiyerditch looks amazing too. (If you guys look at the mini-map, you can see the buildings of Meiyerditch)


    I'm super excited that the game is getting great graphical updates.







    Doesn't match any of the current meirdytch at all.


    At best I'd say the big heaxagon shape we can see on west of minimap is the other side of tht heaxagonal-ish building we can jsut see on east edge at bottom or current area.

    I say east of Buthrorpe i remember that some j mod say that buthrorpe gets some major graphical update soon when auras came out.

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