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Posts posted by GuidesForScapers

  1. dy4mpz.png


    Gf claws, full melee void + elite robe top, ring of vigour + whip. Successfully rushed some guy for a whip, followed instantly by my RS client closing (common glitch, [bleep] off if you in any way blame me for that death...). I was perfectly willing to lose that stuff, so don't [bleep] at me about "not risking what you can't handle losing". I can handle losing it to a player, not to the [cabbage]ty quality of Runescape.

    Wat. I haven't encountered this bug. Maybe it's just your computer?

    Mine and all my friends who use the client?

  2. dy4mpz.png


    Gf claws, full melee void + elite robe top, ring of vigour + whip. Successfully rushed some guy for a whip, followed instantly by my RS client closing (common glitch, [bleep] off if you in any way blame me for that death...). I was perfectly willing to lose that stuff, so don't [bleep] at me about "not risking what you can't handle losing". I can handle losing it to a player, not to the [cabbage]ty quality of Runescape.

  3. It's so easy to know who's botting if they don't reply after 5 mins there is approximately a 92% chance they are a bot (statistic is from thousands of tests I've conducted myself over the last 6 months) also you can tell because they are so much slower so if they are skilling like they have downs probably is a bot. (example rcing it takes them really long to empty the pouchs for the 2nd craft but normal people do it 3X faster)


    If there alog is private that is also another sign there possibly botting I have reported 3186 bots since august and jagex has only banned/reset 28% of them


    Based on ^this^ analysis, then I qualify as a bot. :rolleyes:

    Seems legit, reported.


    Also, over the past 5 months i've been performing my own tests. 100% of people at bandits are bots, and this is true fact based on scientific statistical logic.

    No pics no proof.

    Here is your damned pic.



  4. It's so easy to know who's botting if they don't reply after 5 mins there is approximately a 92% chance they are a bot (statistic is from thousands of tests I've conducted myself over the last 6 months) also you can tell because they are so much slower so if they are skilling like they have downs probably is a bot. (example rcing it takes them really long to empty the pouchs for the 2nd craft but normal people do it 3X faster)


    If there alog is private that is also another sign there possibly botting I have reported 3186 bots since august and jagex has only banned/reset 28% of them


    Based on ^this^ analysis, then I qualify as a bot. :rolleyes:

    Seems legit, reported.


    Also, over the past 5 months i've been performing my own tests. 100% of people at bandits are bots, and this is true fact based on scientific statistical logic.

  5. I'll just leave this here...




    What you don't see is the miniature trampoline under him... ;)

    He just uses his man-breasts to bounce, why waste all the money he has made from selling guides on a trampoline?

    Not only selling guides, he stakes and sells the GP for IRL cash, sold to a few of my friends. ([wagon] friends)

    A lot of the "Famous" Staker/Pkers are selling Gp for irl now that so easy to make.

    Made me laugh that people thought Limey gave away his bank to friends, tr0ol0ol0ol0o0olol.

    They have limits on how much they will buy from customers. I've been curious but they tell me I've got too much (More then they're willing to buy). Damn, there goes my IRL get rich quick scheme. :(.


    selling irl pullup guide $17

    No1s Perfect's guide seems like better value for money.


    @Wicked, most people can clear billions in a week or two on forums. Then again, i have no idea how enormous your bank is :P . No, admins, i'm not supporting/advertising/suggesting anyone sells their bank, just saying...


    @Deo, do you get to choose what spell you unlock first? Or is it just a matter of unlocking them all, lowest to highest, 1 by 1?

  6. I wish Jagex would release some purely cosmetic trees that are huge, all trees in the game at the moment are tiny in comparison to what they should be. Yew trees are enormous, but on RS your character is half the size of one. I love the graphical update, but would love to see some things sized up a chunk :(

  7. I'll just leave this here...




    What you don't see is the miniature trampoline under him... ;)

    He just uses his man-breasts to bounce, why waste all the money he has made from selling guides on a trampoline?

    Not only selling guides, he stakes and sells the GP for IRL cash, sold to a few of my friends. ([wagon] friends)

    A lot of the "Famous" Staker/Pkers are selling Gp for irl now that so easy to make.

    Made me laugh that people thought Limey gave away his bank to friends, tr0ol0ol0ol0o0olol.

  8. It's funny how much the lack of knowledge about religion shows through in atheist manifestos.


    Firstly - the catholic church is not homophobic. I've made this argument thousands of times and have yet to see it refuted. The official teaching of the catholic church is that being gay has no bearing on whether or not you go to heaven, and indeed we are taught to love all humans regardless of their sexual orientation, as we are all children of God.

    Theist != Catholic.



    Secondly - Opus dei doesn't condone self-mutilation. It's heartening to know that watching a fictional novel can tell you all you need to know about the organization. :rolleyes:

    Agreed with most of that quote, thought it was worth posting. May not be 100% accurate, but i feel it addresses a lot of different things that can bother me.

  9. Thread is knocking on the tl;dr size, so i will just reply to the first post :P


    I am an atheist. Personally hate religion, don't in any way criticise people for being religious, i just personally feel it does less good than bad. I see a lot of things, for example homophobia, being given an "acceptable" status. If i'm a homophobic atheist i would be portrayed as much worse than a homophobic theist, because i am a homophobic without any reasoning. I don't see that as fair, discrimination is discrimination in my eyes. This doesn't just apply to homophobia/Christianity, there are many similar cases where i feel socially unacceptable behavior becomes acceptable when tagged with a religious belief.


    I don't really feel like there is any sort of evidence available (currently) to prove the existence of any god. Holy balls i have looked, just never had success in finding any. Meh. Pretty much all i have to say :P


    I'll just leave this here...

    As an outspoken atheist I am subjected to an inordinate amount of nonsensical loaded questions with fallacious premises. My beliefs regarding God are also constantly the focus of very strange and unfounded assumptions' date=' often the result of simple ignorance but also quite frequently the result malicious distortions made utterly knowingly by those in positions of authority purportedly derived from the divine.


    To address all such loaded questions and bizarre assumptions in a single video would be a task too great for any one atheist, even with my "old school" director's account, which enables me to post videos exceeding ten minutes in length. However, there are two recurring bits of abominable miscomprehension that are in dire need of addressing.


    The first is the misnomer of "non-believer" that we atheists all-too-often hear and all-too-often accept. I daresay many of us wear it as something of a badge of honor, but the term contains within it a tacit admission of a theocentric world. Atheists, like all other people, believe and disbelieve in a great number of things. I personally believe in concepts freedom and truth and beauty and all that jazz. I also believe in concretions like the blueness of the sky or the texture of a stucco ceiling. I disbelieve in concepts like fascism and religion and two wrongs make a right. I disbelieve in purported concretions like Santa Claus and Goblins. I disbelieve in God both as a concept and a purported concretion.


    So, I am both a believer and a non-believer. It merely depends on the context, the subject, the narrative. If the subject is Santa Claus as a concept, then I am a believer. If the subject is Santa Claus as a purported concretion, then I am a non-believer.

    To accept the label of non-believer without any contextual clues or any predefined subject as non-belief in God by default is to give the concept undue credence. By admitting the God question so important that belief or non-belief in him trumps all other beliefs or non-beliefs is to give him undue importance. For "believer" to be the center of a Christian's identity is perfectly sensible and sensical, but for "non-believer" to be the center of an atheist identity is ridiculous outside of the context of debating theists. We are atheists. Atheist is a word which means that we lack a belief in deities—and that's all it should or shall ever mean. Whether or not we are non-believers should always depend on the context of the word and if the word is without context we should not acknowledge it as meaning anything. The next time you are called a non-believer, you're response should be, "A non-believer in what?"


    The second of the inglorious sophistries I've made this video in hopes of correcting is this silly notion that atheists have rejected God. Now, of course we have rejected God as a concept or an idea, just as most of us with good sense reject communism and dictatorships. We have not, however, rejected God in the sense that one rejects a parent who was never there or a friend who betrayed us. We don't believe in God, and to reject him in that sense, belief in him is an absolute prerequisite.


    Certain theists believe, even after being corrected on this point, that we are deceiving ourselves—that we genuinely do believe in God, but reject him because we want to be able to free ourselves from his will. In other words, we disbelieve in him so that we can disobey him.


    This argument holds no water for one simple reason. No idea, regardless of how vile or wicked it might be, has suffered from the idea of being divinely willed. Hitler claimed to be the chosen of God. Albert Fish, who cannibalized children, was a devout Christian who believed that angels would have intervened to save his victims if God had thought his crimes wrong. If we really wanted to do evil, God would not stand in our way—we could make him condone it, just as Christian Scientists make him condone not-treating disease and the Opus Dei sect of Catholics make him condone self-mutilation. God's will is largely controlled, for all practical purposes, by the will of his believers. And if atheists really wanted to do whatever they wanted, they'd not bother with atheism—they would just say that God approved of whatever behaviors they indulged in.


    We don't believe in God because there is no pressing reason to believe in God. It's really quite simple and requires little in the way of further explanation.[/quote']

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