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Posts posted by GuidesForScapers

  1. WOOT. Just got 8k lobsters, we had been trying to get this 1 bot all day with no luck, and then BAM.

    Note: If you are a pmod with "Trade" in your name, i have 0 respect for you. If you want loots, get them your damned self instead of trying and FAILING to leech off others.

    :rolleyes: I wasn't trying to leech. I didn't know you guys were duoing. I assumed that 33 was a leech. I was going to give you anything I picked up <_< And yes, I just talked to your partner on another world and we got things sorted out....

    Oh, sorry :( I just saw you log in and run for the drops, assumed you were one of the many leeches we've encountered >.< My bad.

  2. or just get it aggro on you then alch


    wind rush is horrible xp

    Stops it attacking bots, losing interest and moving away.


    WOOT. Just got 8k lobsters, we had been trying to get this 1 bot all day with no luck, and then BAM.


    Note: If you are a pmod with "Trade" in your name, i have 0 respect for you. If you want loots, get them your damned self instead of trying and FAILING to leech off others.

  3. I cant get em killed! they scorp keeps running away + the bots run to fast.


    I managed to kill one, but it came back to pick up his dropped stuff WTF

    Get the scorpion that can move further down to stiles there first, then get an air staff and minus mage bonus and safespot the other scorpion, blocking the escape route. Mage exp + loot :P

  4. First 3 graves at once:

    2cmvlub.png (ohai Riemis :D)


    Second 3 (as i was posting this):



    :) My friend is looting while i stop the scorpion leaving :D Free magic exp ftw. Also, i recorded 47 minutes at 1 frame per second, will upload a timelapse tomorrow :P



    Just got a 4th grave as i posted this.

  5. Obviously a fake. See those d boots don't match up. Nice cropping kid.

    I don't know if you're being serious or not, but it isn't fake.


    On the other hand, why did it take 5 Korasi Specs to kill him? You have 4 lunar mages running after you :mellow:

    It didn't, it took 3 or 4 i believe. It isn't hard to shark brew and tank a few, but towards the last few specials they can't do much at all.


    Was joking lol


    Happen to need another lunar mage for splits? 97 mage so I can venge, energy transfer, health transfer...

    Sure, if you add 'Sir Gudi' in game and there are a few people on i might try and get another group together. We do it randomly, not really arranged. If we are on we give it a go. Always room for more :P

  6. Obviously a fake. See those d boots don't match up. Nice cropping kid.

    I don't know if you're being serious or not, but it isn't fake.


    On the other hand, why did it take 5 Korasi Specs to kill him? You have 4 lunar mages running after you :mellow:

    It didn't, it took 3 or 4 i believe. It isn't hard to shark brew and tank a few, but towards the last few specials they can't do much at all.

  7. u jelly?

    No, you won it through trickery. People like you should be banned.

    Yes, he should be banned for knowing people are stupid. People like you should be banned, all you do is cause unnecessary drama by moaning about everything that you feel is morally wrong. I'm not saying that you shouldn't say something if someone is scamming or luring, but if what you are saying is completely [developmentally delayed]ed, it is best not to say a thing.

  8. I didn't miss it, i simply attempted to abuse it for personal gain.


    Amazing work then. Go back trolling the rsof you [bleep].



    No need to waste witty comments on an imbecile such as yourself.

    Read my previous post for a response, i think it is quite fitting.

  9. You're complaining about how people play RS? Dude, go back to sucking my [bleep] because i enjoy it oh so much :thumbsup:


  10. It would be great, but be aware that sourcing data from the Adventurer's Log uses a lot of bandwidth compared to getting it from the High Scores API ;)

    True, but there are ways to limit the amount of data you source. Of course, it would be much more simple if Jagex were to make an API :D


    I've now finished the signature PHP, and it works great. I just don't have the hosting to share it, sorry :P

  11. yes and no


    tbh most pjers are awful and you can eat up and run off easily enough - but it's still a legit frustration imo


    i mean, today i had a pretty gf with a kid and i killed him with about 2 rocktails left in my bag. so i'm pickin up his dds and [cabbage] when i get barraged and attacked - flicked pray on, pneck up and ate my 2 remaining rocktails while spamming south on the map - but i'm barraged ofc and i cant outlast him with 2 rocktails...


    longstoryshort [coolstorybro] its frustrating when you kill someone but then get pjed - frustrating and *not enjoyable* - rs is a game [not an SAS gauntlet] and as such is supposed to be enjoyable - SUGGESTION TO ENCREASE ENJOYABILITY - IMPLEMENT ANTI PJ MECHANICS [again]


    how hard is that to grasp, jamflex?

    I think the PJ system isn't working, but i don't think it should be how it was with BH. The wilderness is no fun when there is no actual danger, PJers are a risk but not a certain death. If they made it so you couldn't jump into the middle of a fight and KO someone, and gave an extra half a second to a second once someone dies, i think it would be spot on.


    No offense, but didn't 91% of you vote on wanting this back? Well, you got it back, as well as all the old problems that the wilderness had. Truly not our fault if you don't like it, seeing as you're the ones who caused it...

    Oh look, a moron. Nuff said.



    even got a nice little vid of me losing my bgs




    That sucks man, but seriously... It is damn near impossible to get both the timing right and the number of people to energy transfer for someone to pull that off. It happens, but rarely. I was doing korasi energy transfer with a friend yesterday. It took as a damn long time to get the timing right, and even then it was hard to get kills.

  12. Suddenly I'm seeing that way too often, especially with scammers. I'm not actually sure if free trade was worth it anymore. I think the Grand Exchange without limits is good enough. I don't want to stand by and see people get scammed, but at the same time I could be doing other things.


    Anyone else feel the same?

    Surprised that scamming, luring, and general douchebaggery become extremely common with free trade? I'm not. I knew this would happen as soon as Jagex announced the poll. Nobody believed me...

    Everyone believed you, no one cared.

  13. Saunamajuri, you are a [bleep]ing hero for that post.



    Deaths due to PJers are easily avoided, and it isn't even that much of a problem. They jump in, fail, run away. If you die no one is to blame but you, regardless of what non-existent wilderness etiquette you expect everyone to follow.

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