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Posts posted by GuidesForScapers

  1. Wowowoowowowoowowoowowowowowoow. So i decided to give proper claw rushing ago, with my shameful 90 attack and strength. Turns out that when you max 700s with claw specials, regardless of their HP level it isn't particularly hard to KO people.


    There was someone risking bank, and when i say that, i mean he was risking:

    -Full Dharok

    -Fire Cape

    -Glory (lol)



    I only really see people gearing like that for targets, so i assume that must have been his reason for risking that much >.<


    I just got my new netbook, literally 40 minutes before i jumped into BH. I wanted to test out lag and only had enough pots for one rush. So i thought i might aswell go for it. I rushed him, got him down to fairly low health, i thought i had failed, but then he hit me with his dh and got hit around 400 - 450 by veng. I don't know what he kept, but i know it wasn't the whip as i got it in the loot :D! This is my first ever high value non-PVP drop (as in you can only get it if the other person loses it).


    So this is the loot from properly PKing yesterday and that epic rush today:


    The 3.55m cash is from 2 statuettes i traded in and the whip. There are some items out of view to the bottom of the screen, fairly low value ones.


    I haven't properly PKed in years, in standard gear such as rune, whip and DDS. I actually do quite well, i DMed my friend and got 2 other kills in under 20 minutes. With vengeance it is hard not to constantly get KOs.

  2. Definitely. It takes next to no time to get the mage helm and it is better than ahrim in my experience. Also, void is amazing for tribrid/hybrid PKing. You only need 4 spaces in your inventory for the weapon/armour switches.

  3. Thanks for the comments.


    I've decided to train up my range to 90 - 95. Also, i'm going to trio/duo before i begin. I may also be buying a spectral to help with my Magic defence, although with Karil's and 99 Magic, i think i will be able to do pretty well against the mage minion.


    I don't feel that defence has a huge effect on soloing Armadyl, the only reason i can see for having a high defence level is getting killcount and when Kree melees. I will try with my current defence, and if i have no luck i will train it up to 90.

  4. Hi,

    i was PKing the other day and i kept coming across divine prods my level, Tzhaar Own/Hans Da Tank. I was asking them how the hell they made enough cash for their gear/divines and Tzhaar said Armadyl solos.


    I was watching some videos on YouTube yesterday, it seems that with the right gear and anywhere above 75 defence, it is possible to solo armadyl successfully. I have enough cash for decent gear, i was thinking of using this set up:

    -Verac's Helm

    -Verac's Plateskirt

    -Karil's Top (I thought that this may be a good, reasonably priced, option instead of Armadyl Chestplate as it gives Magic defence for the minion and still gives a decent range bonus)

    -Holy Book - Spirit Shield to switch to

    -Zamorak Bracers

    -Armadyl Pendant - Glory to switch to

    -Ruby (e)s

    -Diamond (e)s

    -Dragon Boots

    -Ava's Accumulator

    -Ring of Life


    My one question is, could i do it with my range level of 86? Everyone that i have seen in any videos has been 99 range, which i can't afford any time soon.


    Also, if there are any issues with my set up, please let me know.



  5. Thinking about it, should I get the melee helm too?

    Doesn't seem like there's much point in it, or at least not any more than there would have been in the past, since the shield isn't good with the melee set anyway (the rune defender is your most valuable piece of armor offensively, other than slayer helm).

    Generally people using melee void are going for strength bonus, not attack and strength. So using barrows gloves can be a good option.

  6. This minigame is epic. So easy to exploit for pest points/rank :D Today i managed to boost 500ish pest points + 1250 rank.


    How to get 108+ pest points/hr:

    Both set up with at least 1 archer and 1 scout each. First person moves the archer in, second person moves their archer in. First person moves again and kills, second person charges their scout and kills the archer. Once the game time has reached 2 minutes, call a truce. 4 pest points roughly every 2 minutes.


    Hope this helps.

    orr you can just normally pc and get 120 points/hr

    If you are talking about pest control, no, you can't.


    Pest control games are a MINIMUM of 2 minutes long. Unless the last portal is instantly KO'd, you wouldn't be able to get 120 points /hr. With waiting times etc on top, you lose at least another 4 - 8 points per hour. Losses happen with even the best teams, so thats another 4 - 8 points gone per hour.


    With Conquest boosting, you can reach 108 points - 112 points per hour guaranteed. As long as you get your method sorted and you don't take forever to get back to the challenge room, it is faster and is almost always going to get you 108 - 112 points.

  7. This minigame is epic. So easy to exploit for pest points/rank :D Today i managed to boost 500ish pest points + 1250 rank.


    How to get 108+ pest points/hr:

    Both set up with at least 1 archer and 1 scout each. First person moves the archer in, second person moves their archer in. First person moves again and kills, second person charges their scout and kills the archer. Once the game time has reached 2 minutes, call a truce. 4 pest points roughly every 2 minutes.


    How to get rank up fast:

    Set up with all scouts, one person kills the other scouts while the other person ends his turn without doing anything until the match is forfeited. Once again, keep the rounds to at least 2 minutes. Once one person gets 1250, the other person can also. Afterwards you can even balance your rankings out.



    Hope this helps.

  8. To be honest, websites that sell "high quality" templates are ripping you off.


    There are plenty available for free, high quality and perfectly easy to modify for your needs. Also, people are often willing to share templates that they have purchased. Just ask around a bit.


    However, i still suggest that you make a site yourself. It is always FAR easier to work with your own code than someone else's, and it is easy as pie with photoshop and a visual HTML editor like dreamweaver, regardless of your prior knowledge of HTML/CSS.


    Good luck with the sites :P

  9. Hi,

    these are a few VB.NET snippets/functions that i have found EXTREMELY useful. Originally, i didn't write these myself, i used other people's. But i have since used my own knowledge to replicate them, as the computer with all the original code decided to blue screen repeatedly.


    Before i continue...

    I am not 100% sure what imports need to be made for these functions to work. However, i do know that if you import all of these, they will ALL work.

    Imports System.Net
    Imports System.Text
    Imports System.Web
    Imports System.Threading
    Imports Microsoft.Win32
    Imports System.IO
    Imports System.Net.Mail


    SendData Function-

    This function sends postdata, so you can replicate the action of something like a PHP form sending. This can be useful when creating webform bots (to automatically enter information to PHP forms). I use this function a lot for my post to PasteBin function.


    Private Function SendData(ByVal PostData As String, ByVal Site As String) As String
           Dim Request As HttpWebRequest = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(Site), HttpWebRequest)
           Request.Method = "POST"
           Request.UserAgent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)"
           Request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
           Request.AllowAutoRedirect = True
           Request.ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = False
           Request.ContentLength = PostData.Length
           Using ReqStream As Stream = Request.GetRequestStream()
               Dim Encoding As New UTF8Encoding()
               Dim PostBytes As Byte() = Encoding.GetBytes(PostData)
               ReqStream.Write(PostBytes, 0, PostBytes.Length)
           End Using
           Dim Result As String = String.Empty
           Using Response As HttpWebResponse = Request.GetResponse()
               Using RespStream As Stream = Response.GetResponseStream()
                   Using Reader As New StreamReader(RespStream)
                       Result = Reader.ReadToEnd()
                   End Using
               End Using
           End Using
           Return Result
       End Function


    Example of usage:

    SendData(TextBox1.Text, "http://example.com/send.php")

    This would send the content of TextBox1 as postdata via send.php. Of course, you would need the correct format to send data. There are various FireFox addons which allow you to get the correct format to do so, for example, Live HTTP Headers.


    Post to PasteBin-

    This snippet is 100% my own and uses the SendData function. It simply creates a post on PasteBin.com containing the user's input. This can be very useful when coding, as it allows you to share your work quickly.


        Private Function PasteBinPost(ByVal pbsd As String, ByVal datatosend As String)
           Dim tmp As String = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(datatosend)
           SendData("submit=submit&paste_parent_key=&paste_subdomain=" & pbsd & "&paste_code=" & tmp & "&paste_format=1&paste_expire_date=N&paste_private=0&paste_name=&paste_email=&submit.x=58&submit.y=17&submit=submit", "http://" & pbsd & ".pastebin.com/post.php")
       End Function


    Example of usage:

    PasteBinPost("testsubdomain", TextBox1.Text)

    This would send the content of TextBox1 to the pastebin.com subdomain at http://testsubdomain.pastebin.com. It works well if you create 2 TextBoxes and allow the user to choose the subdomain and post content, or allow them to generate a random subdomain.



    This function is my favourite. It allows you to send emails via the Gmail SMTP server. It requires a Gmail account to access the SMTP server, however it is free to create one and has limitless emails. One note is that there is a limit to how fast you can send the emails, but nothing significant. This would only prevent you from spam sending emails, nothing more.


        Private Function GmailSender(ByVal GmailUsername As String, ByVal GmailPassword As String, ByVal EmailSubject As String, ByVal EmailBody As String, ByVal EmailTo As String)
           Dim MailSetup As New MailMessage
           MailSetup.Subject = EmailSubject
           MailSetup.From = New MailAddress(GmailUsername)
           MailSetup.Body = EmailBody
           Dim SMTP As New SmtpClient("smtp.gmail.com")
           SMTP.Port = 587
           SMTP.EnableSsl = True
           SMTP.Credentials = New Net.NetworkCredential(GmailUsername, GmailPassword)
       End Function


    Example of usage:

    GmailSender("[email protected]", "ExamplePass", "Test Email Subject", "Test Message Body", "[email protected]")

    Please note, to my knowledge you can send emails to any email address, not just Gmail. But you need to use Gmail credentials to send emails.



    Using System Tray Icons (NotifyIcon)-

    This is a very simple, but extremely useful snippet. It shows you how to use NotifyIcons to create a minimize to tray feature, with alert bubbles. You need to add a NotifyIcon to your form to do this, which can be found in the Common Controls section of the toolbox.


        Private Sub MinimizeToTray()
           NotifyIcon1.Visible = True
       End Sub
       Private Sub ShowForm()
           NotifyIcon1.Visible = False
       End Sub
       Private Sub NotifyIcon1_MouseDoubleClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles NotifyIcon1.MouseDoubleClick
       End Sub

    These two subs are the minimize/show features. If you want to hide the form and show the tray icon, you would use the MinimizeToTray sub. You reverse this with the ShowForm sub, which is accessed by double clicking the tray icon in this case.


    For alert bubbles, you use this:

    NotifyIcon1.ShowBalloonTip(5000, "Example Bubble Title", "This is an example alert bubble.")


    This allows you to alert the user of anything necessary while the form is minimized to tray.



    That is all i have for now. I will post any extras that i remember if i do so. I hope these help.

  10. I currently have around 5 significant projects in full swing.


    1) A GPT (get paid to) site coded from scratch, using CPALead. I have finished around 80% of the site, working on automatic PayPal cash out (please kill me, this is impossible O_O).


    2) A RuneScape client. I know there are a lot of them available, but i would like mine to have some unique features. I'm coding it in VB.NET, so far i have little more than hiscores lookup, GE update notification and "PK mode". The PK Mode is a particularly risky addition, it kills well known laggy processes that don't do anything useful. Things like DivX updater, they run in the background checking frequently for updates. I have around 20 common processes to kill, and it also has the option to enter your own processes to kill and save them. So, if you have up to 5 processes that annoy you, you can instantly kill them if you want to. Oh, and built in screen recorder says "hi".


    3) A YouTube bot. *Sees people reporting for the creation of a bot*. Heh, it does simple things like messaging/adding friends. They have a fairly high demand for people attempting to kick off YouTube channels, should be able to sell a few copies before it gets cracked.


    4) A YouTube view exchanger. People would leave their browsers open, the webpage would look at other people's YouTube videos and as long as you leave the window open, yours would also be rotated around theirs. This would allow people to boost their views and hopefully grab a few subscribers (they have to watch at least 30 seconds of the video to move on to the next video).


    5) A RuneScape experience tracker. I haven't started this project hugely, but i have started testing recognising Java text, so the program would simply show statistics based on the XP tracker by the minimap. I will be clarifying whether this is against RS rules before i begin this project fully.


    *Sigh* To think that i don't get paid for this stuff -.-


    Ooo :D Forgot my game, heh. 3D fantasy RPG made with Blender 3D (Python coding). Modelled the main character, a few different weapons/pieces of armour so far. Takes quite a lot of doing to pull it off heh.

  11. I'll agree SLIGHTLY, but you deserve to be dragged off your computer, stabbed and shot if you are Solo crashing lower players at something like Bandos. They have to go to a lootshare world for them to split it, but when some arrogant [bleep] decideds to crash them instead of using a world that ISN'T designed for lootsharing, you're a total [bleep] and you should be shot.


    I might seem agressive but this happens too much, your not elite, you just have more money to splurge then the rest of us on skills that cost too much to raise.


    By what right do you have claim to a spot?


    To answer the question, non its a free spot for anyone to join in.


    Seriously the only animosity towards crashers that I would agree with would be if you owned the spot, which you dont. Therefor them investing more time and money should give them the chance for more profit. (this is coming from an average leveled noob that they could crash even if ive already taken a 3rd of its health before they got there)

    It annoys me when people do this. You have a somewhat valid point, but because you have convinced yourself that you are 100% right, you are overlooking a lot.


    I think what Dark Aura was saying, is that anyone who is soloing has a choice of ANY world. Yet they would intentionally go to a world designed for teaming and splitting loot, just because they can.


    It is totally pointless to choose a lootshare world, but they do it anyway just to make lower levels leave. Any person that does that is pathetic, and i would agree with Dark in saying the world would be a better place without them.


    I know it is a little extreme to say that, but i feel it is a good representation of what someone is truly like when they are given power and, to quote muggiwhplar, freedom of consequences. If anyone were to act like that in any real life situations, they would get beaten repeatedly. Without a doubt.

  12. A lot of people consider this to be bug abuse or cheating, generally it is frowned upon by TIFers.


    My advice to you would be to get DP, not EP. DP is when you die and lose risk, it gives you better drops the next time you get a kill.


    I lost a dark bow and then on my next kill i got and ancient statuette.

    I lost 1.2m rushing gear ad then got a statius warhammer.


    Both of these were on relatively low EP.

  13. @Whoever said Chessy sells mils like no one else before, google R2Pleasent. Have fun.


    I think that they should introduce IP suspensions. ALL accounts from banned IPs should be temporarily banned. If they have a dynamic IP, it would be easy to get around, if not... Then say good bye to RS for a while. If people share a computer, Jagex should let them sort it out between themselves (fistycuffs, anyone?).

  14. Looking back at these videos really makes me angry =/ Just because it highlights all of the bull-[cabbage]ty updates that Jagex pointlessly added that took away from the game. Ever the look of the chat box was better, more suited to the gameplay. The compass had NESW, not that people really need it, but what was the point behind removing it? None of it benefits people, it just seems to be pointless and annoying updates that have over the years started to add up.


    Adding a bevel effect to the right-click menu, what the utter [bleep]?


    OT: I love seeing some real old school PKing, especially from people like you and 3HU. I used to idolise you two so much haha, now so many 10-year-old kids download camtasia and spam YouTube with PK videos, they don't mean anything. :( This thread is depressing me now heh. But still... Love this stuff, always have.

  15. 28bqq7t.png


    First ever ancient! I was range-clawing, i was out of food and spec and then the person i was fighting got PJ'd. I looked at the ground and saw this :D! I guess it makes up for the dark bow i lost earlier on today :D:D:D



    Just PK'd an Ancient Mitre, glory, guthix stole.


    EDIT 2:

    An awesome event just took place. I was in Al Kharid PKing with R I P 901, RIP had been try to get this 102 for quite a while, but he only had a dark bow to use, and the 102 had torags/was hybridding. I was unable to help as there was a level 123 waiting for me, so i let him when i had no risk.


    The 123 decided to bugger off, i go back, gear up with claws of Guthix and just for the lulz, a granite maul. I charged and started to auto cast CoG, just as i switched to my granite maul, a tiny bit of server lag kicked in, which gave me easily enough time to click my maul and hit the special bar twice before he could even see me pull it out. 280-280 :D


    He lost Torag plate/legs, whip, torso, generally a lot of gear. Probably one of my all time favourite kills.

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