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Coconut Bodywash

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Posts posted by Coconut Bodywash

  1. This is basically the path I took for 179 QP(Can definitely be edited\trimmed\random things added to make it better, but this is a pretty solid base)


    After 99 RC I started questing with the easy quests and with These stats doing the easy quests in this order, I barely had to level at all for anything until I started listing levels to get as pre-reqs.






    (All F2P Quests at some point)




    Merlin's Crystal - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Merlin's_Crystal

    Holy Grail - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Holy_Grail

    The Restless Ghost - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/The_Restless_Ghost

    Priest in Peril - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Priest_in_Peril

    The Feud - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/The_Feud


    -- Draynor --


    Vampire Slayer - http://runescape.salmoneus.net/quests/vampire-slayer.html


    Ernest the Chicken - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Ernest_the_Chicken


    -- Varrock --


    Demon Slayer - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Demon_Slayer_(historical)

    Romeo & Juliet - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Romeo_&_Juliet

    Gertrude's Cat - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Gertrude's_Cat


    -- Falador/Taverly --


    Doric's Quest - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Doric's_Quest

    Black Knights' Fortress - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Black_Knights'_Fortress

    Goblin Diplomacy - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Goblin_Diplomacy

    Druidic Ritual - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Druidic_Ritual_(historical)

    Witch's House - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Witch's_House


    -- Lumbridge\Al-Kharid --


    The Lost Tribe - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/The_Lost_Tribe

    Pirate's Treasure - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Pirate's_Treasure

    Prince Ali Rescue - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Prince_Ali_Rescue

    The Golem - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/The_Golem


    -- Camelot\Seers --


    Murder Mystery - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Murder_Mystery

    Elemental Workshop I - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Elemental_Workshop_I

    Elemental Workshop II - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Elemental_Workshop_II

    Fishing Contest - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Fishing_Contest


    -- Ardougne --


    Sheep Herder - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Sheep_Herder

    Biohazard - http://runescape.salmoneus.net/quests/biohazard.html

    Plague City - http://runescape.salmoneus.net/quests/plague-city.html

    Monk's Friend - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Monk's_Friend

    Hazeel Cult - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Hazeel_Cult

    Observatory Quest - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Observatory_Quest

    Clock Tower - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Clock_Tower



    -- Random\Down The Line --


    Shilo Village - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Shilo_Village_(quest)

    Ghosts Ahoy(31 Ecto-Tokens) - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Ghosts_Ahoy

    Monkey Madness - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Monkey_Madness

    Tribal Totem - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Tribal_Totem

    Nature Spirit - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Nature_Spirit

    The Digsite - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/The_Dig_Site




    Later On:



    -- Heroes' Quest --


    Lost City - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Lost_City

    Dragon Slayer - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Dragon_Slayer

    53 Cooking

    53 Fishing

    25 Herblore

    50 Mining

    Heroes' Quest -


    -- Desert Treasure --


    53 Thieving

    Temple of Ikov - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Temple_of_Ikov

    50 Firemaking

    50 Magic

    47 Agility

    Desert Treasure - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Desert_Treasure



    -- First Part of RFD --


    Jungle Potion - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Jungle_Potion

    Recruitment Drive - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Recruitment_Drive

    The Digsite - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/The_Dig_Site


    First Part of RFD - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Recipe_for_Disaster


    -- RFD 1-3 --


    RFD Goblin - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Recipe_for_Disaster/Freeing_the_Goblin_generals

    RFD Dwarf - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Recipe_for_Disaster/Freeing_the_Mountain_dwarf

    RFD Pirate Pete - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Recipe_for_Disaster/Freeing_Pirate_Pete


    -- RFD Evil Dave --


    The Golem - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/The_Golem

    Shadow of the Storm - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Shadow_of_the_Storm


    RFD Evil Dave - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Recipe_for_Disaster/Freeing_Evil_Dave


    -- RFD Lumbridge --


    Big Bird Hunting - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Big_Chompy_Bird_Hunting

    RFD Lumbridge - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Recipe_for_Disaster/Freeing_the_Lumbridge_Sage

    RFD Skrich Skrach - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Recipe_for_Disaster/Freeing_Skrach_Uglogwee




    -- Random\Down The Line --


    Horror From The Deep - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Horror_from_the_Deep

    Family Crest(40 Craft\Smith\Mine, 59 Mage) - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Family_Crest

    Animal Magnetism(18 Slay) - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Animal_Magnetism

    Underground Pass(50 Agi, 79 CB) - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Underground_Pass_(quest)


    -- Lunar Stoofs(7) --


    56 Woodcutting


    Fremmy Trials(3) - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/The_Fremennik_Trials

    61 Crafting

    65 Magic

    Lunar Diplomacy(2) - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Lunar_Diplomacy

    Dream Mentor(2) - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Dream_Mentor


    -- Cave Horrors(5) --


    ***Zogre Flesh Eaters(1) - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Zogre_Flesh_Eaters

    40 Farming

    42 Slayer

    Rum Deal(2) - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Rum_Deal

    50 Smithing

    Cabin Fever(2) - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Cabin_Fever


    -- Fairy Teleports(4) --


    ***Fairy Tale I(2) - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Fairy_Tale_I_-_Growing_Pains

    57 Herblore

    49 Farming

    Fairy Tale II(2) - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Fairy_Tale_II_-_Cure_a_Queen


    -- Salve Amulet(e)(2) --


    ***Haunted Mine(2) - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Haunted_Mine

    Lair of Tarn Miniquest - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/The_Lair_of_Tarn_Razorlor


    -- Neitznot Helm(1) --


    Fremennik Isles(1) - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/The_Fremennik_Isles


    -- Piety(4) --


    One Small Favour(2) - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/One_Small_Favour

    Roving Elves(1) - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Roving_Elves

    65 Defence

    Kings Ransom(1) - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/King's_Ransom


    -- Legend's Quest(10) --


    Family Crest(1) - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Family_Crest

    Underground Pass(5) - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Underground_Pass_(quest)

    Legend's Quest(4) - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Legends'_Quest


    -- RFD Finishing Up(1) --


    RFD Sir Amik Varze(1) - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Recipe_for_Disaster/Freeing_Sir_Amik_Varze

    176 QP

    RFD Finishing Up - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Recipe_for_Disaster/Defeating_the_Culinaromancer




    -- Random\Down The Line(8) --


    Karamja Tasks MAYBE - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Karamja_Tasks


    Regicide(3) - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Regicide

    Mournings End 1(2) - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Mourning's_Ends_Part_I


    Olaf's Quest(1) - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Olaf's_Quest

    Enakhra's Lament(2) - http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Enakhra's_Lament



  2. Untradables destroyed when dropped in the wilderness!!!


    It's so... Unbalanced, to be able to use fighter torso, void, fcape, defenders, penance helm... All superior to alternatives and FREE to use infinitely.


    It makes the low risk fights significantly lower risk which in turn makes PVP much less profitable as the prices of supplies doesn't change.


    To give you an example of just how drastic it is:


    >50K risk

    Whip (Protection prayer)


    Fire cape

    Rune Defender

    Strength amulet

    Climbing boots



    >100k risk

    as above but with rune plate legs, rune gloves, fighter torso, penance helm.


    The first build is much more damaging with some defense sacrificed than using a much more expensive no untradable zerk build, and the 2nd one is objectively better than the much more expensive no untradable zerk build.



    Seriously. It's fun to fight using your untradables, sure, but that is what things like dual arena and castle wars are for. This is seriously ruining the potential for profitable pking for anything other than dharokers.


    I think the best solution would be to make all of the untradables tradable, yet unequippable without completing the requirements to obtain them in the first place. Similar to dragon weaponry. I imagine fighter torsos, void, and fire capes would be worth a healthy amount of money.


    But yeah, that's the main reason why I quit PK'ing back in the day. Wasn't worth the risk.


    Fun fact: the reason you can't open/close the doors in Lumb castle is because people used to go to world 18 and spam close the doors there to prevent people from getting their untradables back

    Yes.. yes.. so much yes.

    • Like 2
  3. If i made a blog, would you allow me to use that list in it if i gave you credit beneath? :)

    I think most combat related accounts are doing barrows for gp.(even pures)


    You should do a lot of the attack\strength easy quests such as waterfall\fight arena and such and then work on training + getting mith gloves, that's pretty much the end all be all for pure questing, after that maybe work on 55 slayer for barrows.


    Here is a list I made of good "starter" quests, just delete any that give defence\pray, most are worthwhile to do and are fairly easy for someone on low income(90% of early bosses can be safe spotted with fire strike) and some are requirements for mith gloves anyways.

    Yeah, use it freely i don't mind, it's just a small starter list I made in 5 mins so I would keep myself busy(aka not sit around thinking "what should I do next..."), not like it's the comprehensive YOU HAVE TO DO THESE IN THIS ORDER OR YOU ARE INEFFICIENT list. :P

  4. I think most combat related accounts are doing barrows for gp.(even pures)


    You should do a lot of the attack\strength easy quests such as waterfall\fight arena and such and then work on training + getting mith gloves, that's pretty much the end all be all for pure questing, after that maybe work on 55 slayer for barrows.


    Here is a list I made of good "starter" quests, just delete any that give defence\pray, most are worthwhile to do and are fairly easy for someone on low income(90% of early bosses can be safe spotted with fire strike) and some are requirements for mith gloves anyways.

  5. Next Few Days:


    Varrock Museum - http://runescape.wik...al_history_quiz

    Merlin's Crystal - http://runescape.wik...n's_Crystal

    Holy Grail - http://runescape.wik...wiki/Holy_Grail

    The Restless Ghost - http://runescape.wik..._Restless_Ghost

    Priest in Peril - http://runescape.wik...Priest_in_Peril

    The Feud - http://runescape.wik...m/wiki/The_Feud


    -- Draynor --


    Vampire Slayer - http://runescape.sal...ire-slayer.html


    Ernest the Chicken - http://runescape.wik...est_the_Chicken


    -- Varrock --


    Demon Slayer - http://runescape.wik...yer_(historical)

    Romeo & Juliet - http://runescape.wik.../Romeo_&_Juliet

    Gertrude's Cat - http://runescape.wik...trude's_Cat


    -- Falador/Taverly --


    Doric's Quest - http://runescape.wik...ric's_Quest

    Black Knights' Fortress - http://runescape.wik...s'_Fortress

    Goblin Diplomacy - http://runescape.wik...oblin_Diplomacy

    Druidic Ritual - http://runescape.wik...ual_(historical)

    Witch's House - http://runescape.wik...tch's_House


    -- Lumbridge\Al-Kharid --


    The Lost Tribe - http://runescape.wik.../The_Lost_Tribe

    Pirate's Treasure - http://runescape.wik...'s_Treasure

    Prince Ali Rescue - http://runescape.wik...ince_Ali_Rescue

    The Golem - http://runescape.wik.../wiki/The_Golem


    -- Camelot\Seers --


    Waterfall Quest - http://runescape.wik...Waterfall_Quest

    Murder Mystery - http://runescape.wik.../Murder_Mystery

    Elemental Workshop I - http://runescape.wik...ntal_Workshop_I

    Elemental Workshop II - http://runescape.wik...tal_Workshop_II

    Fishing Contest - http://runescape.wik...Fishing_Contest


    -- Ardougne --


    Sheep Herder - http://runescape.wik...ki/Sheep_Herder

    Biohazard - http://runescape.sal.../biohazard.html

    Plague City - http://runescape.sal...lague-city.html

    Monk's Friend - http://runescape.wik...nk's_Friend

    Hazeel Cult - http://runescape.wik...iki/Hazeel_Cult

    Observatory Quest - http://runescape.wik...servatory_Quest

    Clock Tower - http://runescape.wik...iki/Clock_Tower

    Fight Arena - http://runescape.wik...iki/Fight_Arena



    -- Random\Down The Line --


    Tribal Totem - http://runescape.wik...ki/Tribal_Totem

    Nature Spirit - http://runescape.wik...i/Nature_Spirit

    The Digsite - http://runescape.wik...ki/The_Dig_Site

    Recipe For Disaster - http://runescape.wik...pe_for_Disaster



    This was the quest list I made up when I started questing after Runecrafting, basically just a list of all the easy quests to do in each area.(I can't remember 100% but I also think with the stats I had at the time(http://puu.sh/2EGlY.png) allowed me to complete MOST of them in the order listed without training stats.


    EDIT: For low level income make sure you don't cut trees\pick flax\fish pretty much, seems a lot of people(myself included) are being wrongfully banned just after doing random activities like that, it's scary times out there. :P


    EDIT2: Also, make sure you pretty much don't drop items required for quests, as most are used again down the line.(Things like iron chainbody, bronze helm, etc)

  6. http://en.wikipedia....wiki/IP_address


    Jagex used to use IPs in order to sort actions in the queue. Now they just use a random number generated at log in.


    Used to, meaning in 2007 and now meaning in 2013/EOC?


    Or used to meaning in 2013 on the 07 servers last month and now meaning in 2013 on the 07 servers, well, now?


    This oldscape lark is confusing sometimes.

    Ips in 2007 and 2007scape(2013), randomly generated in EoC("now")

    • Like 1
  7. Wat.


    They still use IPs instead of PID in 07? That's ridiculous.

    Yeah, I've heard many of the top stakers are getting VPN's to grab better IP's for staking lol


    EDIT: As for the banning situation, an F-Mod made a thread saying to post there if you were wrongfully banned recently.


    Quick find code: 317-318-21-64916178

  8. Just got unfairly banned on JenniferChen. Was doing a quest too... how do you bot quests.

    Well, gg front page overall.

    Yeah, this is getting very annoying now.. they need to sort out their bans. :\ I appealed and e-mailed their customer support, you should try the same.(Although I'm still waiting)

  9. Don't see suckitlosers on the cooking highscores anymore... looks like he got banned

    guess he's not that relevant to 99 all skills anyway but it seemed like he was gonna get 07scapes first 200m which is neat

    He shows up just fine for me..

    • Like 1
  10. edge is miles from an altar =/ But yes it's very good for everything else!


    Note to self, get construction for a mounted glory (and altar, there solves that problem. :P)

    I tele to house for all my glory needs, pray at altar then use mounted glory and go to fairy ring for chaeldar tasks.

  11. Hello, I have something you all may be interested in.




    I made this around a week ago, but I never released it because it's probably very inaccurate. The current code only makes very rough estimates of xp/h in skills and doesn't account for the skill's level to calculate time from maxed total. This sounds like a lot of work to me, which is why I don't want to do it. Another problem is that the RuneCrafting xp rates varies greatly depending on if runners are used.


    I just made a large modification to the code that calculates time to maxed total. These numbers for each user will be inaccurate until every player's tracker gets updated WITH an xp change.


    These modifications account for level differences causing different XP rates. These XP gains may be tweaked later when I can gather more data for XP rates.


    You can see the new algorithm by looking at the JavaScript code on this page:



    var Rates=new Array(0,0,0,0,0,0,
    new Array(0,350000), //Prayer
    new Array(0,250000), //Magic
    new Array(0,40000, 7842,130000, 37224,175000, 1986068,230000, 5346332,330000), //Cooking
    new Array(0,7000, 2411,16000, 13363,35000, 41171,45000, 302288,84000), //Woodcutting
    new Array(0,30000, 7842,45000, 22406,72000, 166636,102600, 737627,135000, 3258594,192150), //Fletching
    new Array(0,14000, 4470,30000, 13363,40000, 273742,44000, 737627,55000), //Fishing
    new Array(0,45000, 13363,130500, 61512,195750, 273742,293625, 1210421,445000), //Firemaking
    new Array(0,57000, 368599,170000), //Crafting
    new Array(0,40000, 37224,150000), //Smithing
    new Array(0,8000, 14833,20000, 41171,30000, 547953,52000, 1986068,60000), //Mining
    new Array(0,60000, 27473,200100, 2192818,380000), //Herblore
    new Array(0,6000, 13363,15000, 41171,43000, 449428,50000, 2192818,59000), //Agility
    new Array(0,15000, 61512,80000, 166636,120000, 449428,220000, 5902831,250000), //Thieving
    new Array(0,5000, 37224,10000, 273742,15000, 1986068,20000, 5346332,25000), //Slayer
    new Array(0,10000, 2411,50000, 13363,80000, 61512,150000, 273742,200000, 1210421,550000), //Farming
    new Array(0,8000, 2107,20000, 1210421,25000, 2421087,29000, 5902831,50000), //Runecrafting
    new Array(0,5000, 12031,40000, 247886,80000, 1986068,100000), //Hunter
    new Array(0,20000, 18247,100000, 101333,250000, 1096278,360000) //Construction

    new Array(0,8000, 2107,20000, 1210421,25000, 2421087,29000, 5902831,50000) //Runecrafting

    This means you get 8000 xp/h starting at 0 xp, and 20000 xp/h starting at 2107 xp with fire runes ect. I'm not sure about these xp rates which is why I'm taking the time to explain the code.

    Awesome, I was going to ask if you could make a page similar to that or give out the xp\hours you were using.


    Havent looked into the accuracy of the rates, but did you only list FM\Pray\Con\RC's GP's because of how large they are comparitive to something like crafting/fletching/cooking where you basically break even atm?


    EDIT: Just looked, magic xp seems high, is that because you should be low\high alching while doing other activities?

  12. Arctic pines give 30xp (or was it 20?) per cut, so no, they're not the best method.

    Oh, was it buffed since 2007? My bad. Teaks should be almost as good, maybe 80k-ish.


    I believe arctic pines, as well as those splitting stumps, were updated at the same time Ivy and the Sawmill training area was added, some time in 2008.

    Yeah the splitting stumps are there just they're not near the trees iirc.

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