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Posts posted by mass4nex

  1. Welcome to Nex 4 Me


    Friends Chat for CS Mass: Nex 4 ME


    This thread shows all rules and requirements ALL PLAYERS choosing to Nex in this friendschat MUST follow...


    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Requirements xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



    -95+ Ranged

    -85+ Dungeoneering (CCB+Rigour)

    -92+ Herblore (Ovls)

    -88+ Summoning (Tort+Uni OR Yak+Uni)



    Head – Armadyl/Pernix/void

    Necklace - Fury

    Chest – Armadyl/Pernix/void

    Leg – Armadyl/Pernix/void

    Weapon - CLAWS + CCB, Zaryte bow switch is permitted (minions/zaros)

    Shield - Spectral/EEK/Elysian/Divine

    Cape - Ava's device/Comp cape/Max Cape W/Spirit/Fire/Tok'Haar Kal permitted as claw/healing switch

    Bolts - Ruby(e) AND Diamonds(e)

    Boots - Glaiven/Snakeskin/Rangers

    Ring - Archer's/Onyx (i)

    Gloves - Barrows/Goliath/Swift/void


    =-=Royal crossbow is NOT PERMITTED=-=


    =-=Cumtomization Gear from SOLOMAN’S GENERAL STORE ARE NOT PERMITTED=-=



    Any other Gear/Wepons is NOT ALLOWED unless stated by a Star Rank, any delinquent will be asked to leave or kicked/banned for any in-fractures to the requirements.


    Rules are as follows:

    -MD on all phases except shadow

    -Players are not allowed in the nex room after umbra is called in the chat

    -Players MUST claw spec nex on smoke phase

    -players MUST loose cough be for umbra is called

    -players MUST NOT attack Nex on siphon

    -Players MUST free other players from ice prisons during ice phase

    -Players MUST obey the higher ranks in the mass while Nexing

    -Players MUST use ruby(e) and diamond(e) bolts for the kills

    -If you die during a kill do NOT ask for a split in the drop regardless of what it is, if a player wishes to share his/her drop/split with you privately that is fine

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