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Posts posted by bethy144

  1. Yes, I know about different profiles, thats why I was confused by this problem.


    I have used the quest CALCULATOR on my account and hit the "get stats" button but this is also just another tool within swiftkit, just go to the calc from the quest list.


    He will be here a little later and like I said, im going to have him redo it all on his and then log back into mine to see what happens, will post another reply and let ya'll know what happens





    btw, major kudos and admiration for the SWIFT responses!

    on everything, not just mine (:





    My brother has reset and checked off the quests he has finished through HIS profile.

    I am now on MY profile and it is showing everything that he has done on his..... and Im sure if i redo it all on mine, it will show up on his.


    neither of us has been on each other's profile, we haven't messed with the user folders on the computer.



    can this be fixed?

  2. Thats what I thought, 'tis why I was really confused.


    no he was on his when I showed him, thats a for sure. we had to click the "show completed" to find the one we were looking for and all of them that were left unchecked were ones i still need to do 0_o


    Tomorrow im going to have him uncheck the ones he hasn't done and see if they get unchecked on my profile


    you guys sure there's no way the data could have been duplicated for his profile or something?

  3. My brother and I both have our own profile,


    I have been using the quest list from tip.it through the application and have checked off all of my completed quests.



    Today when I showed my brother that function ON HIS PROFILE, all of MY quest information (ones ive checked off) was showing/not showing.





    SO.... is this a problem or is there something we can do to correct this?

    I want my bro to be able to use swiftkit as much as I do and see for himself how useful it is



    many thanks,


  4. Could urns please be added to the skill calc??


    we have they are factored in via the custom bonus





    Oh im sorry, i should have been more specific. I meant to the crafting calc to show how many of them needed to reach ____ level since they give great xp


    I use tip.it's crafting skill guide to get urn crafting xp but i would love to have them incorporated into the application





    ALSO; is there a way to change the default rs name that gets searched once logged in? its not a big deal nor hassle but i've been wondering if that would be possible so i can stop having to type in my new name

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