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Posts posted by AHappySeeker

  1. I'm [bleep]ing ashamed of you people.


    Use Virtus and Pernix. Don't bring a melee switch. Gano is NOT better than Virtus. You never need to tank ranged or melee for more than 1/2 hits in the entire kiln.


    EDIT: Two-styling kiln is one of the dumbest things ever. Just rapier things in Virtus.

    • Like 2
  2. The thing that worries me though is that it seems to require a bit of trust, kind of like how there used to be dice clans, I'd have to join a leech clan.

    The difference between leech clans and dice clans is that people are only paying 2M for a service, not 100M+ on a bet. :P. I do freak some people out when I sell though... They give me their payment of 2-3M and I plant a flower as I say good luck. They just sit there like, "Um... WTF?"


    You are a terrible person and I think I love you.

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  3. The only way you'll fail at Sunfreet after reading a guide is if you have 45 def. Don't waste your darts.


    Proper Sunfreet is quite hard given all the restrictions and such like unless you happen to be maxed in every combat stat and have all the top-end gear at you disposal. Even then it can prove tricky.


    I've done it using 1/2 inventory of brews with ovls, turm, melee stats around 90 and barrows armour.

  4. The only thing a spectral shield is good for is mage defence, and there are actually a few places where you might want to max that out, at the expense of attack bonuses.


    It's good for defending against nomad and sunfreet's mage attack, since those attacks are based on magic defence but mage pray doesn't work against them. With a spectral shield and ganodermic armour, the only damage I receive from nomad is his lp-1 attack.


    Also useful for soul wars, to get to the enemy avatar without being frozen by mages. And yes, I am aware that soul wars in inefficient if your goal is the get max/comp cape or make money.


    This guy's correct. Magic def does nothing for money bosses. Magic def at Nex is only used because it coincides with high ranged bonus, which prevents excessive damage during shadow phases and provides easier lures. I'd argue the usefulness of a spectral at Sunfreet too, due to it having fairly high def and goliaths being required to fight it. The magic attack isn't threatening, as you'll only take 1 hit per landing if you play correctly.

  5. And yes, I've done kiln at so many different levels at this point, I've lost track of all the different kilns I've done. The lowest stats I've done it on are 70 def, 70 atk, 85 str and mage/ranged stats around 80-85 or something. I did that using around 10 sharks. I pretty much know what I'm talking about.


  6. You realise that the LP boost affects brews, uni, rest crystal and cons crystal restoration, right? Do you also realise that magic def suffers hugely from diminishing returns? Do you also realise that absorb only functions on damage over 200, with octopus boss hitting a max of ~260? This makes a 4% absorption advantage absorb, on average, less than 1 damage per hit.


    As I said, you're not qualified to argue about this. Please stop. This is annoying to me.


    EDIT: Yak isn't even relevant. I have no idea why you mentioned that.

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