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Posts posted by Serfal

  1. Lol at all of you expecting people working for Jagex to be maxed or top players.

    Experience with the game doesn't mean he have to have every 99, what if he's into the lore and doesn't rush the game, people can play the game without treating it like the end of hte world, or a job for that matter, like most top pagers do. He got a job, he develops the game, when he goes home, he probably spends time with family/friends/doing other stuff, and then he considers going on rs to play around with his account. It's his account, don't judge his knowledge by looking at his exp, because there are more things to this game than just getting exp.

    • Like 1
  2. I thought it was all about remembering them for HAVING rank 1 in skills, as in, not losing it, who cares if someone held rank 1 in a few skills for ages, like at the end of the day they're not holding the rank 1 because someone else got it before them, but they had the "honours" of having rank 1 for a while.

  3. I hope that it is either S U O M I or a noname


    We've all seen the nonamer Player155*other letters* speak so highly of himself, so we'll put our eyes on his back and watch him get it first, and if not, see his excuse as to why, inb4 it's "playing 22 hrs a day made me get too tired to focus fulltime" L

    • Like 6
  4. Talking with some friends, apparently you get much more XP from the Battle of Lumbridge and fishing is somewhat comparable to barb, anyone tried it yet?


    Week 4 of BoL, it hit tier 2 for lamps and such, the lamps are equal to squeal lamps in terms of rewards, and yes, the spots give over 100 xp per time you collect the 5 tears or however many you get.

  5. Whose excited for the new skill? 99% sure its the 3rd week. Do you guys think Suomi is going to train it and who will be first to 99?


    First to 99 is usually some random guy, same with 200m. Of course first to 99 Slay was Zezima, but since then it's been random people. Well, at the time they were random. :razz: Obviously people know who guys like Skiller 703 are after he got 99 dung.


    Anyway to answer your question, I'll be the first one to 99 Divination. 8-)

    jebrim said in a video that skiller 703 told him that he is going to get 99 divination as first.

    i think he can do it because he showed us when he did 99 dung that he can keep a max pace of hrs per day (up to 20+)


    he's also on the top 5 nolifers list created by jebrim lol



    Pretty sure Skiller 703 has confirmed on multiple occasions that he is not going to do DIvination, if it turns out to be afk in any way.


    Skiller 703 wasn't a random person, he was already a known and respected player since 08 within the general high level community. Anyways, he told me he's not gonna be competing because it's afk.

    Skiller 703 turned into one of those people who call an update bad before it comes out or can predict what its going to be? lel


    The reason Skiller 703 predicts it to be shit, is that in the BTS video they said it would be a crossover of Hunter, Fishing and Runespan. The Runespan aspect might mean it's afk, since you siphon from something for x amount of time, lol.

  6. Whose excited for the new skill? 99% sure its the 3rd week. Do you guys think Suomi is going to train it and who will be first to 99?


    First to 99 is usually some random guy, same with 200m. Of course first to 99 Slay was Zezima, but since then it's been random people. Well, at the time they were random. :razz: Obviously people know who guys like Skiller 703 are after he got 99 dung.


    Anyway to answer your question, I'll be the first one to 99 Divination. 8-)

    jebrim said in a video that skiller 703 told him that he is going to get 99 divination as first.

    i think he can do it because he showed us when he did 99 dung that he can keep a max pace of hrs per day (up to 20+)


    he's also on the top 5 nolifers list created by jebrim lol



    Pretty sure Skiller 703 has confirmed on multiple occasions that he is not going to do DIvination, if it turns out to be afk in any way.

  7. im not going to compete for 200m, but depending on my schedule definitly 99. my goal is to be ranked in the top 100 and hopefully higher.


    this may be on or off topic, but any no lifing tips. the best i have ever done was 18 hours a day for like 4 days and then i had to go back to school


    make sure you got energy drinks and start the "nolifing" days a bit earlier than 4 days before school start, so you can nolife for longer. ;p


    Really, have no idea, I'm pretty bad at nolifing myself but I'm trying to get into it haha.


    im not going to compete for 200m, but depending on my schedule definitly 99. my goal is to be ranked in the top 100 and hopefully higher.


    this may be on or off topic, but any no lifing tips. the best i have ever done was 18 hours a day for like 4 days and then i had to go back to school


    Win the lottery -> quit school -> Runescape


    If you win the lottery, all you have to do is get a solid house/stuff you need, buy spins to get a headstart and then live off the interest.


    I'm excited to see how this race to 99 divination go, it would be cool to see people make youtube series about it, but I guess making vids would cause the computer to lagg unless you got a beast machine, and then you'd get slower xp/hr, maybe in the future. :c

  8. Is there going to be a BXP weekend?


    I would be v. surprised if there was


    They said there would be no more, but we all know what Jagex is like with their change of mind :P


    I hope they do one, it just makes that one weekend of the year or whatever extra entertaining and fun because you see way more friends online to grind out skills and the game seems so more alive.

  9. Anyone keeping their eyes on Magnus and Redtunnel?


    2 efficient level 4 skillers with over 1B total xp, I believe Magnus is bossing out Hunter like crazy atm and I believe he will be 2B total in very short time, depending on what skill he does after hunter, he is extremely good at exp gaining and has been keeping it up for years so I have no doubt he'll be the first one to max all the skiller only skills, besides maybe slayer because it would take 400 years in soul wars unless he spent a million dollars on spins lol.


    Grats King on 200m dg and pre-grats to Fors on 200m slay, been fun looking at runetrack and seeing his name on the #1 for the past month+ haha

  10. I'm a level 4 so I do BoL for the lamp to trade in for Slayer, but I recently switched over to Zammy because I saw someone at Dwarf Traders with a redish colour on their ibis, where mine was blue, so I figured it was cause of the zammy icon over her head and it didn't switch the colour for me D:


    Oh well, I'm not too fuzzed about the contribution, I only lost 69 renown when I switched lol :P

  11. Is there a screenie or a post someone can link me confirming the new skill will be slow?


    It's just rumours by people that it will be as slow as zmi was, or atleast I guess it's the general wishes and hopes from the community, to get a new challenge into the game. We'll see how Jagex manages it to be honest.

  12. You can now close banks in Rs3 by clicking escape when it's open, do you guys believe this will speed up bankskills or will it be just as efficient as it was before rs3 due to the silly setup where the interface shows next to the bank when you open itae3bb6ccf763b6523ca43b18a6e19d49.png

  13. I'm just gonna start off with saying, Jebrim, you are a very dedicated player and I respect you and any people that have any type of patience to stay efficient for so long to get good gains. I envy any person that takes efficiency serious, although I dislike how in the game, everyone now expects people to be efficient and you get hated on if you just play for fun, atleast from the people I've seen. You keep going with your goals, you seem to have your life sorted out and fully planned, which is probably way more than what most of your haters can say they have achieved so far.


    I just have a question, why are you doing 1B agility exp, I mean, isn't that extremely unefficient with the exp rates right now, because of how slow it sort of is. I mean, doing agility with whatever new method will be coming out, would save you so much time. Nonetheless whatever you do good luck with your goals you're doing great, and so is everyone else here.



    Anyone know how I can raise efficiency/enjoy plunder more?

    I dream of getting 200m thiev one day, I don't mind pp but it gets tiring at times. I used to have a drive to hunt for full ibis but I got it so now pp seems sort of pointless at times lol, so anyone know how I can make it seem more enjoyable? besides duoing, I plan to duo a bit with a friend when he goes for 200m thiev after agility.


    Because I don't worship efficiency. :P I'm not interested in necessarily saving time doing Agility, which is why I did Brimhaven in the past and didn't do the pit at barb. It's also why I moved 200m Xp of my 1b Agility goal over to 07. Slower/harder is much more impressive than faster/easier and in the end the work put in matters much more than the final Xp. That's why 200m Cooking is less impressive than 200m Slayer. In the end it doesn't matter if I save time or not because using slower methods just makes my achievement worth more. This is why I distinguish macro-efficiency from micro-efficiency. With micro-efficiency, it's all about going as fast as possible in whatever method you use, regardless of if it is the most efficienct on a macro level. I don't go as fast as possible at a course or arena to necessarily save time. I do it because it requires, to one degree or another, some level of skill and it helps me practice and I find it rather fun.


    Even if I were interested in focusing purely on saving time to meet my goals, if my only goal is 1b Agility and nothing else (which is was until I decided to max overall in 07) it'd actually still be efficient to get it now instead of later. If I want to finish my goal within a certain real life timeframe, it's best to make as much progress towards that as possible, at whatever course is available. Stopping all training whatsoever for a year or two to wait for some mediocre Xp rate increase won't actually make me finish any sooner in real life time. I could be making progress along the way and still be able to take advantage of that increase after the update. Stopping would be silly.


    Hmm, I see your point now.


    I wish you the best of luck with your goal of maxing and 1b exp, keep your head up, having haters means you're doing something right, and I'll continue to appreciate your videos because they in one way or another somehow inspires me to try doing something about my exp gains and such, even just for a little bit, it makes it more fun I guess. Will you be training divination in rs3? Since it's said to be slow like Zmi training was for rc or something.

    A picture about haters I just saw it on Facebook hehe https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1000207_650150418329949_1167286242_n.jpg


    Also, just a bit curious if anyone know why G0d vs D3vil got banned, since there's been rumours of a lot of fake bans lately and he was doing well with his exp gains I just wonder what made Jagex do this, it's always interesting to watch people go for massive goals and sucks to see them get unwanted stops like these.

  14. I'm just gonna start off with saying, Jebrim, you are a very dedicated player and I respect you and any people that have any type of patience to stay efficient for so long to get good gains. I envy any person that takes efficiency serious, although I dislike how in the game, everyone now expects people to be efficient and you get hated on if you just play for fun, atleast from the people I've seen. You keep going with your goals, you seem to have your life sorted out and fully planned, which is probably way more than what most of your haters can say they have achieved so far.


    I just have a question, why are you doing 1B agility exp, I mean, isn't that extremely unefficient with the exp rates right now, because of how slow it sort of is. I mean, doing agility with whatever new method will be coming out, would save you so much time. Nonetheless whatever you do good luck with your goals you're doing great, and so is everyone else here.



    Anyone know how I can raise efficiency/enjoy plunder more?

    I dream of getting 200m thiev one day, I don't mind pp but it gets tiring at times. I used to have a drive to hunt for full ibis but I got it so now pp seems sort of pointless at times lol, so anyone know how I can make it seem more enjoyable? besides duoing, I plan to duo a bit with a friend when he goes for 200m thiev after agility.

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