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Posts posted by Serfal

  1. Gained 750k atk exp in 30mins today with th dummies planted it 1step south of lvl 1 wildy so it lands in wildy, ran out of dummies to and can't use friends due to bad xp

    Fish brawls are like 200k fish a day if u cap on 4 by having friends place/use vis wax to extend.


    Tips pls araxxi murders mi in p4 melee


    Pretty much what leik said, my gear was full tetsu / dual dryg / brawlers neck / max cape / bandos boots+gloves / levi ring / vamp aura. Kept mage pray on permanently for p4, never even had to panic eat+brew.

    e: I didn't actually zerk because I was scared of getting hit for like a 5k or something, but thresholds cleaned it up pretty quick, only got hit by the acid wave once.




    ye I almost got shanked by core after zerking rofl, but I [bleep] knocked it out so fast I didn't even realize. Viva la meleescape

  3. do it! will be nice to have people to afk div/runespan and whatnot with!!


    I'm excited for it mainly because rs3 is like a whole new game for me as it is.


    also was goign to ask how chaos elemental was until i saw your empty inv after your first kill :< i want that d pick pretty bad :X

    Ay bruh can I have that 3a cape u got if u gon play official diy mode


    Was worried for the longest time you'd snipe "runar" (my irl name) but keep it up you're 1 of like 4 diys I enjoy watching

  4. Jeez this thread died even though two more people passed up SUOMI (dseance and some guy named yoo). I guess the social commentary to take away from this is that most people don't really care about the top ranks anymore, perhaps because of how devalued XP has become and how jaded treasure hunter has caused everyone to be in regards to respectable achievements in RS. 


    Or not. Idk, not trying to be uber deep, just weird that this thread got super slow. Anyone know who'll win between Jdela and Alkan to 5b/5.2bil? Jdela has some of the slowest skills left.


    As for range XP from 200m slay, that's highly variable. It is definitely meleescape right now since the melee basics and thresholds are stronger all around than range/mage. People are even starting to prefer melee @ araxxor because of that, even though tactics-wise he's probably easier to handle with ranged/magic.


    lol suomi got 420 xp

    On't care if it is devalued I don't play rs for xp, and I just don't give a [bleep] about top page as I try to focus more on irl than forever spending my days cheering for people that put their entire lives on hold for rs achievements.

    Also yoo is geel

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    What would be the most efficient way of maxing on a DIY account? I assume dungeoneering would be first but I'm not sure


    I'll be making a hypothetical list when I get home from vacation (on my blog probably since it's a goal of mine to attempt) but it's roughly the same as my previous list, div first as it just helps with all skills

    How does div help skills for an ironman beyond the porters that bank fish/drops for you? 


    And @Licert, I think dg would be incredibly useful as a first 99, or at least 80+ skill, yup. Easy t80 weps for all 3 styles. Quests would all be easy with chaotics. 


    What should an ironman acc use their XP lamps/BXP rewards on, considering that one wouldn't really think of skills in terms of gp/xp anymore? Maybe prayer?

    I imagine divination for the daily locations, but I'm not sure.
    Ill be lame if diys can use other peoples divine locs.


    Also can we all pls call it diy and not iron man? Iron man is such a dull oldschool private server expression

  6. is it confirmed iron man accounts can buy spins? Because unless I missed it I did not read that in the news post.There is no way they should be able to, it makes the entire thing pointless.

    Iron man in itself is pointless. Sorry diy the rdal term for it, people overhyping it on hlf it will not be worth the effort and diy in rs3 is beyond tragic cus of th/span/easier things thank god wbs are frozen makes it a bit tougher atleast

  7. Tell a non video gamer who has worked their whole life and is actually sucessfull that you play runescape for 12-18 hours a day and feel its ok to do. After they finish laughing at you for 20-30 seconds they will call you an idiot.

    Is that from personal experiences? You told someone you knew and they laughed? cause I'm sure if someone has been working a lot and got a successful work career they aren't going to bother dissing other people's choices or laugh in their face, they know that they worked on what they wanted and others did what they wanted

    • Like 2
  8. Some times playing RS is a job, even if you dont do good at it (QA)


    And before anyone tries to defend them by saying 'its only their mess-ups people notice' thats why they get paid to not mess up

    Nobody can disagree that qa does a horrid job.

    Look at mod wolf and the th/sgs qa testers, failed to notice the strongarm burial animation and that caused people to get 20m xp/hr pray


    Ya people act like some people who play a lot of rs are no lifers, but in the professional world there are people who also no life, maybe even harder. I doubt there are people on the scale of drumgun, but there are definetly people pulling 12-15 hour days, plus commuting, etc, working off of 4-6 hours of sleep.


    I heard a quote somewhere saying "if you want to achieve be prepared to stay up for 3 days straight sometimes, if you arent doing that your doing something wrong" That wasnt the exact quote but you get the idea.


    People no life everything lol, its just what some people chose to do



    Lol this discussion makes me sick...


    People who play a lot of rs are no lifers because they are not directly effecting or increasing their means in 'real life'. Something with which I agree. People in the professional world are in the real world and therefore their 'no lifing' as you called it, directly affects their means of life.


    You cannot compare someone who is working 12 hours at a real life job and then going home and making dinner and then sleeping 4-6 hours to someone who sits in front of a computer for 12 hours+ gaining virtual exp/gp. Reading half the posts about this topic on this thread make me cringe inside because of the fact that people actually think RS is a way of life and that it is respectable because you are doing what you like. Everyone who no lifes RS is sacrificing IRL no matter what the situation. You tell me someone who gains 300m exp a month is respected or actually achieves something outside of RS? I'd probably not believe that.


    You cannot defend or deem runescape no lifing as either a way of life, or a respected decision regardless of what personal opinions are on the matter. But don't worry, I respect drumgun for playing rs for 16 hour/day 10 years and to jebroom on his 20 hour/day month!

    Did you expect people to not think rs is a way of life when you came to this thread devoted to discussing methods of playing/praising one top pager for their nolife capability and bringing another down because of spins..


    Agreed with everything swarlly said. Rs is a temporary thing and it's not really admirable to see people giving up/putting their health/life on hold to harvest praise and admiration from teens/adults on a forum.

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