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Posts posted by Serfal

  1. what 100m record month? i wc crystals trees all day how would i get 100m wc


    also no one should take anything i say seriously when i say im going for records. im never serious. im still doing yoga for first to 99 invention though.

    oh shit it's you l0l hey player155546969191i long time no speak disappointed you didn't get 99 div first :(

    • Like 6


    For 9 days at that.


    How many 200ms will be bought this week hmm. I can see some new top 15 forming!

    You mean the current top 15 will have an even bigger lead/fors will catch up even more to drum


    also guy0ne they nerfed sh boots cus they were too op for what they intended them to be, they didn't intend them to be so damn good for just afking mage on a dummy or w/e, why you posting so many retarded posts on here that makes no sense bruh


    Here you are probably not in support for this upcoming promo. but you own sh boots and therfore must defend them. lol your cute. must not have 10b to spend so ofc your gonna complain.


    I have the Sh boots, but I choose not to use them cus I'm not planning to go for 5b xp anytime soon, therefore I don't need any agility exp, lol...


    How about you post some real shit instead of spamming crap on here that just causes people to debate for days and end up with no positive results m8

    • Like 2
  3. For 9 days at that.


    How many 200ms will be bought this week hmm. I can see some new top 15 forming!

    You mean the current top 15 will have an even bigger lead/fors will catch up even more to drum


    also guy0ne they nerfed sh boots cus they were too op for what they intended them to be, they didn't intend them to be so damn good for just afking mage on a dummy or w/e, why you posting so many retarded posts on here that makes no sense bruh

    • Like 2
  4. new jmod runeshark hope no drama >.>

    Pretty sure RuneShark knows how to handle the community and whatnot, so there won't be any drama with him like it was when infinity and balance came in. What department will he be in? community, or Sof/Solomons?

    • Like 1
  5. Yes, let's discuss how these current "efficiency" ppl getting 200m's go out of their way to avoid any fun, like the sc boosters did. The game has become soooooo serious since the #noxpwaste movement began. These are also the players who look down upon anyone who actually plays the game & enjoys themselves, rather than trying to think of ways of getting out of playing the game while still reaping it's rewards.


    The irony is, these are the same people who looked up to Zarfot as their Almighty Efficiency King. OMG ZARFOT *the waters part as angels with Saradomin halos float down from the sky & sing "Ode to Joy" or rather some Lady Gaga song*


    The difference between Zarfot & these new-wave efficiencers is Zarfot was having fun, wasn't a dick to players who weren't efficient (he was a dick to certain other agiles tho el oh el), and didn't try to weasel around specific rules of gameplay. People often complain why didn't I take advice from him and learn to play efficiently. Well, for one, I have my own play style which I enjoy. And anyway, Zarfot was too busy pm'ing me Jek Nexus's pickup lines & talking shit about the agiles, that he rarely even brought up efficiency. Zarfot was into RC & agility drama more than ANYONE has ever been in this game. He wrote a full Shakespearian-style play about the agiles & rc'ers ffs. Then effigies happened. Effigies = less RC drama. And then he was gone...


    So basically, what I am asking is, wtf is up with these current efficiency nerds?


    And btw, for those who don't know who Zarfot is, Zarfot plus Jdelacrotch together form the band, Daft Punk. Obviously.

    For all you know people enjoy grinding exp, I mean there's not much to do in the game post-comp/trim, besides grinding exp. Unless you do like you, and find fun in doing agility laps for like 600m agi xp post-200m agi. Everyone finds their joy in the game through different things, just cause it's not the way you don't want it to be, doesn't mean that the game has gone downhill and whatnot because people enjoy stuff like xp grinding over "enjoying a nice 20 min sc game with some friends"


    That might've been fun back in 2008 when you was new, but not anymore, now doing 20min sc games would just be a pain and boring and a waste of time when there's faster alternatives to save lots of time and have more fun.



    HaHa, Dragonseance and his 25m smith day.

    Gvd now hqs permission tobsay the top smith day was obtained with abused sc bxp, yay




    sorry wrote it on my phone.


    On the previous page, someone posted a pic of runetracker smith day, and he pointed out that it was not just the new guy on top that abused it, but also Drumgun, when Drumgun's 21m smith day was obtained with fast sc bxp, so now that Dseance has done a 25m smith day he has all the rights in the world to point out how the record was obtained with abused bxp

  7. Can we not talk about this anymore, lets talk about things that get less people upset.  


    It is a highly interesting topic involving a LOT of the top pagers whom this thread is about, I don't think you have the right to say we shouldn't discuss it, considering you're in the clan of the guy that probably abused it the most lol.





    Just 1 of the many alts/abusers.



    yea including drumgun.


    Idn't drum do fast sc to get bxp for the 21m day? If so, it's irrelevant to say he is an abuser for that daily.


    he abused 4min games on 2x pts idk how much bonus, but the fact is he abused it. 



    Well yeah he abused it, but the fact is he abused it AFTER that record, so there's no point calling him an abuser when the picture has his legit record in it, mong


    Guys, lets stop the hate posts.


    Yes, we all know Drumgun plays how he wants.  It's confusing, but it makes sense to him.


    The EE guys bug abused.  Fact.  Multi-accounting to fast quit games is 'not in the spirit' of Runescape.  Hope roolbacks happen.  Multi accounts are not supposed to interact, using 5 of them to quick quit is bug abuse.


    If they used one account in order for another account to gain an advantage, then roll backs.  That's clearly stated in rules.

    Woah, calm down there rookie. Nobody is abusing bugs, Jagex obviously designed it like this on purpose.


    If it was bug abuse, Jagex would've stopped it YEARS ago because SC has been in the game for years.

    It was just something people happened to discover due to multilogging now potentially being given the go ahead, and they tried it out cus they wanted to get the most ouf ot the weekend.

    Calling it bug abuse just makes you sound jealous cause you didn't get the chance to save up as much as them.



    Either way, I do not envy Drumgun in the slightest, he can have fun doing livid farm for farm exp, that place is torture [bleep] doing it straight up for farm xp lol

    (wonder if he will get comp/trim after 5.2b since livid is one of the reqs, eh)





    I would like to see less drama/complaining/anger for a little bit.  Seems like all the posts are "wow rs2k14" or some jagex hating or player hating.  This is not a welcoming environment or a pleasant thing to read.

    if no one complains nothing gets fixed. but nothing will get fixed anyway so it doesn't matter. jagex loves top ranked people and would never ban them or penalize them.


    ban for?


    i watched 5 minutes of dragonseance's live stream to see what the glitch was in sc. and he even said it will probably be patched by the next update. i dont think jagex intended to make 580k bxp/h possible and everyone knows that. yet people are still abusing it until the day jagex removes it knowing that jagex is going to nerf it meaning its a bug. and i said penalize like take all the bxp away. banning them would deter other people from abusing glitches rather than thinking people can abuse everything because jagex doesn't care.


    are u stupid or wut? its not glitch its ment to be like this if other team rq game ends.... how stupid u are?


    It's not a glitch nor probably meant to be like this, it's just a newly discovered method that gives an obscure amount of bonus exp per hour, thus they will nerf it drastically to avoid it being unfair for people who are against multilogging accounts etc. 


    I don't really see why it's a massive issue anyways, mod balance confirms multilogging is ok so you can technically have 2 accounts in the same world without getting in trouble, but if you multilog like 8 accs to boost it I guess that's kinda silly, oh well

    • Like 1


    You know how RS3 has next to no bots now? And anyone who even attempts to use a bot gets banned within a day?

    I wouldn't say the person who caused this "isn't a real mod". He's done a lot for the game since he joined Jagex, and just doesn't talk about it much.

    True, it's a good thing he cleared out the problems he helped create in the first place, and I guess it gives him the liberty to chase fame by fanboying like there was no tomorrow :)



    How on earth did he create the botting problem in the first place...?


    Him and his buddies ran RSbuddy when it was a bot site, and they were the biggest issue for jagex.

    In 2011 I believe, he went to Runefest to prove them that he managed to make a working bot after their massive "bot nuke" thingy, and they hired him to counter bots after that.

    Then he made the Rsbuddy site into a "fansite" sort of with Rogie and now they created Orion on the side and it is going all good

    • Like 2
  11. You know how RS3 has next to no bots now? And anyone who even attempts to use a bot gets banned within a day?

    I wouldn't say the person who caused this "isn't a real mod". He's done a lot for the game since he joined Jagex, and just doesn't talk about it much.

    True, it's a good thing he cleared out the problems he helped create in the first place, and I guess it gives him the liberty to chase fame by fanboying like there was no tomorrow :)





    well the top page of runescape is starting to get filled with people willing to cheat at everything. people using slaves to do things for them including kk tasks or even killing monsters after being tagged. warband slaves. then you have a few dicers on the top page who are also the ones who buy all the spins such as forsberg and geel. Then you have the most recent glitch which you can get 580k bxp per hour and im sure all the top pagers who abused the other things i said are using this. welcome to runescape 2014 where its possible to get 580k bxp/h in fish and wc. 5-6m slayer days. buy 95m bxp in multiple skills in 1 weekend. use silverhawk boots to get 200m agil xp in 0 hours. gain 700k magic xp/h killing glacors. 400k bxp/h in thief and hunt. 1.5m+ herblore xp/h making overloads. AND much more. plus an elf city coming out soon which will probably boost xp/h even more in some skills. it wouldn't be so bad if these people didnt abuse some of the things on this list, they wouldnt even be on the front page without their dice bags or sof anyway. these people dont even care about their dignity.

    oops i almost forgot warbands for 200m mining with little time.


    WELCOME TO RUNESCAPE 2014!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Saying people were mass dicers because they had host in their name is just silly m8, sure fors hosted but I don't think he hosted as much as the average dice host did, and do you have proof that he "buys all the bonus xp" because he can afford it?

    If the sc stuff was that big of a glitch I'm sure Jmods would've sorted it the second it got leaked, but instead I bet you they took part on their side accounts. 


    jmods already knows whats going on since saturday http://puu.sh/8PNPi



    Lol, Jacmob isn't a real mod, he just likes to hang around the top players to feel special. He teleports and follows AlmostLost during warbands etc. He don't care if top players bug abuse, as long as they don't bot pretty much.


    if hes not real mod so what is he? :>


    He's a mod that hangs around top players, and turns a blind eye when they do something, because he gets to befriend them, isn't that why you got him added? cus he helped you out with your massbans and whatnot and he clearly bends the boundaries for people who are somewhat known lol. 


    Tbh not heard anything about Jacmob since he got hired besides seeing him pm Alkan in vids and hanging around the top players lol, top jmod.


    Still a better jmod than Mod Balance & Infinity though

  13. well the top page of runescape is starting to get filled with people willing to cheat at everything. people using slaves to do things for them including kk tasks or even killing monsters after being tagged. warband slaves. then you have a few dicers on the top page who are also the ones who buy all the spins such as forsberg and geel. Then you have the most recent glitch which you can get 580k bxp per hour and im sure all the top pagers who abused the other things i said are using this. welcome to runescape 2014 where its possible to get 580k bxp/h in fish and wc. 5-6m slayer days. buy 95m bxp in multiple skills in 1 weekend. use silverhawk boots to get 200m agil xp in 0 hours. gain 700k magic xp/h killing glacors. 400k bxp/h in thief and hunt. 1.5m+ herblore xp/h making overloads. AND much more. plus an elf city coming out soon which will probably boost xp/h even more in some skills. it wouldn't be so bad if these people didnt abuse some of the things on this list, they wouldnt even be on the front page without their dice bags or sof anyway. these people dont even care about their dignity.

    oops i almost forgot warbands for 200m mining with little time.


    WELCOME TO RUNESCAPE 2014!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Saying people were mass dicers because they had host in their name is just silly m8, sure fors hosted but I don't think he hosted as much as the average dice host did, and do you have proof that he "buys all the bonus xp" because he can afford it?

    If the sc stuff was that big of a glitch I'm sure Jmods would've sorted it the second it got leaked, but instead I bet you they took part on their side accounts. 

  14. those 2 guys good for comunity stuff but they should keep away from other things since they make huge drama and confusions about mk and multilogs.

    they should keep away in general, they're toxic for the community, I haven't seen them do anything good for the community yet, but then again I don't really care much about being involved on reddit and twitter and all those "community" sites lol, they cause drama and give pmod ranks to their friends from the fansite they own, that's their job

  15. little bit risky to trust mod balance though. I've heard he even said mkeys were bannable ones   :blink:

    Mod Balance & Mod Infinity joined Jagex a couple months ago, the first thing they did was barge into an argument with people over the mousekeys, saying they were banable and people WOULD be banned for it, while other Jmods confirmed that they were not banable, it caused a lot of confusion, and Mod Balance & Infinity tried to show off their knowledge of the game by saying they have a combined playtime of like 16 years on the game, but their accounts are horrible so it just made them look like they were full of it. Ever since I've disliked Balance and Infinity, they're just jokes and shouldn't be jmods, but can't do anything about it.

    I'd take anything he say with a grain of salt aswell, and atleast wait for another jmod whom is not a complete joke to confirm that it will not be banable to multilog/xfer or w/e.

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