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Aegis V

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Posts posted by Aegis V

  1. Well, for those who don't know. Ping/Latency is how fast or slow the connection from your network/PC take to connect to the server you are connecting to. Also, having high download and upload speeds does not improve your ping.

    For example, I have Satellite Internet with 15Mbps Down and 5Mbps Up. These are decent and allow me to watch/stream in 1080p. So with 15Mbps Down and 5Mbps up with a 700+ Ping I am not capable of playing FPS games, due to how long it takes my connection to communicate with the server I am playing on/connecting to. Some of you might be asking..but my ping is only 700ms, why can't I play a FPS game? Well, even though 700ms sounds very small because it's calculated in Milliseconds, doesn't mean it's that small. This is quite large for communicating with servers. This is why lower is better and higher makes it impossible to play FPS games.



    Now, for me personally I live in the mountains and am currently running on Satellite Internet (Which is horrible).


    My ping while playing RS is anywhere from 750ms - 980ms (ms = Milliseconds). Now for those who play FPS games as well as mmorpgs, you would want your ping to be anywhere from 15ms - 90ms, ESPECIALLY for FPS games.


    Again, for me I don't notice my high ping in RuneScape at all. When I click to loot an item, it is looted immediately for me. Now, when I try to play Counter-Strike, I can't even move..or so it seems. This is because FPS games require a much lower ping (communication time) to bring up positions of bullets, players, objects etc..in real time. So I can't play FPS games with my connection. However, I am moving to Florida Sunday and will have broadband Internet.




    Good ping: 15 - 90

    High "bad" ping: 150 or higher.

  2. With the wiki around, I don't think the main website is relevant at all anymore honestly.

    A few dedicated editors cannot hope to compete against hundreds and thousands of people who immediately add and update any new information to the wiki pages. The people claiming that the wiki is shit and full of wrong information are grossly over-exaggerating (sure, "anyone can edit it", but aside from drop rates and xp rates everything is easily verifiable in-game and for every invalid piece of information, there will be someone fixing it.)


    What the wiki doesn't have, is a decent forum. As far as I'm aware they have some kind of semblance of forum which is needlessly hard to find and access (willing to bet most people aren't even aware of it), and even then they're basically wiki talk pages... the format is horrible.


    People like Reddit because everyone knows about Reddit, and its format makes it easy to just find the newest thing that's popular at the time, but... Reddit really does not work well at all as an actual forum.


    I'm sorry to say, but I don't think the main Tip.It website is really worth the effort anymore. At least not the database part of it; the calculators are awesome and really easy to use, those are definitely worth focusing on.


    Perhaps we need to advertise the forum a bit more. Not by spamming the url everywhere and telling everyone to visit it, but word of mouth can go a long way; telling friends and clan mates, there might be people who just aren't aware of most fansite forums because they never really bothered looking past Reddit.


    I agree with this. Although, I feel like the tip.it community should focus on the forum aspects of Tip.it.


    I don't think Tip.it can compete with RSWiki

  3. Hello Tip.it community! I'm Aegis V! I've been playing Runescape on and off since 2008 and just recently got my Original Account back that I created in 2008.


    Runescape has always been the game I go to when I'm bored of everything else. When this happens I get hooked on it again and play it for a few months non-stop.


    When did you start playing Runescape and how did you find it?

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