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Blaze The Movie Fan

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Status Replies posted by Blaze The Movie Fan

  1. Alright I have a quick question, I doubt anyone would answer, but here goes nothing. Is my concept of quest review original? I really think it is because most RuneScape YouTuebrs I'm subscribed to do guides, and don't really offer their personal opinion on them.

    1. Blaze The Movie Fan

      Blaze The Movie Fan

      Yeah I should have stuck to "not making status updates here" because clearly nobody reads them. This is a terrible place for status updates anyway so I can't say I blame them.

  2. You know what? I'm done posting updates here at my profile. What's the point? No one's reading them anyway, which is not surprising. I have a very few people added here on Tip.It forums. Most of them are either no longer active or don't care about me much, which I'm fine with.

    1. Blaze The Movie Fan

      Blaze The Movie Fan

      I appreciate what you're saying, but it's true.


      The fact is it's so rare that people comment here it's not worth it.


      I'm a lot better off making statuses on facebook at least there I know there are people who read them.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Wait, so have you left or have you not?

    1. Blaze The Movie Fan

      Blaze The Movie Fan

      Sorry for the late reply, but yeah, I really have left the forum games.


      I haven't left this message board altogether though, I still post occasionally in the help and advice forum when I have a question, and I do post in my blog every time I need to update it.


      But yeah, I no longer post in the forum games, I barely even read the threads there anymore. At least not the new posts, I still read the posts I made in the past, but since it's getting boring I will stop...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. You know what I'd love to see in RuneScape? Guns. And who says it'd never work out. I'm sure powerful monsters can handle bullets.

    1. Blaze The Movie Fan

      Blaze The Movie Fan

      That's not a gun, that's a crossbow, big difference.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. I really want to make a rant on why I think summoning is a ripoff of Pokémon. But I won't because I promised people not to make any more threads that waste people's times.

    1. Blaze The Movie Fan

      Blaze The Movie Fan

      Well, the thing is I wanna gain respect in the community. And I know I'm not gonna get respect by making bad rants.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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