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Posts posted by primadog

  1. My employer, GamePress is sending me to TwitchCon this weekend to cover the mobile game developers there.... JaGeX is a mobile dev now?




    I'll be sitting in on the panel Mod Archie and Mod Stone are hosting there Saturday 6pm PDT.  If you have any questions for them, post them and I might able to get some answers.


    Keep in mind they probably only want to talk about the in-development mobile client though, so frame your MTX questions that way :).


    None of the Perfect Juju potions can be decanted by NPC.  


    Has that always been the case or just recently?


    I noticed that websites that link to GE's prices have suddenly been 'disconnected' during the last update.



    Been as long as perfect jujus exist in game, I believe.


    Mousekey makes decanting a bit more bearable.


    It act as Voice of Seren is active for every clan.  So you get the combat xp for defeating Cadarn ranger, Iowerth warriors, reduced chance of harps going off tune, etc.  Everything on this page http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Voice_of_Seren minus the 20% xp bonus.

    I tried making a pouch to scrolls while having this potion in effect but it didn't give me 12 scrolls instead of 10.



    Ops, got served because I didn't check ingame before hand.  Sorry for being misleading!


    I did the quick math on Prayer training and if my math is right it would be close to 50mil to get 92 Prayer. So that is only half of your total and the other half can go towards getting you started on the road to a nice high herblore level.


    Does it involve using dragon bones on gilded altar both burners it?



    Yes.  Remember that 2x xp via Enlightenment aura stacks; first age equipment, corruption/harmony/salvation also.

  5. Well as it stands the lore on their end-game is they want to save their dying species and theres an elder halls stuffed full of eggs.


    So its safe to assume there's a Jas Ful Wen and Bik egg and if their 'saving species' plans and the 'full' part pan out its plausible they'd be a manufactured Mah-esque egg as well as several others.


    But in terms of actually rejuvenating the existing Mah? I doubt it - they thought she was dead and abandoned her many thousands of years ago now. I mean Gielinor history amounts to ~10k years and that only counts since Guthix arrived and it is the youngest of all the worlds. So we are talking like 100k years+ probably since they abandoned her.


    Dying species seems to be a recurring theme in RuneScape quest lore of the past few years - Mahjarrat, dragon riders, white dragon.  I wonder whether that's intentional or just lazy writing by JaGeX.

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